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Logan's POV:
It's the last week of college until we all get our degrees.  Unlike my high school days, I actually have a small group of friends that include Patton Pleasant, Roman Royal,  and Remus Royal.  Because of our near graduation, Ro and Remy are planning some sort of party.. I'm not surprised since they both are still the insane partiers just like in high school.  I was somehow convinced to attend by Patton who I'm surprised that he is going to one of the Royal brothers's chaotic parties.  So I did show up at the crowded party....  and immediately remembered why I don't attend any sort of parties.  I was in the corner and looked up to see.... Oh lord.   My ex, Janus..  and he's walking straight towards me... Obviously he's the last person I'd want to speak to, and I'm definitely not in any mood to put up with him. Normally I'd try to find a logical way out of this.. But there was no time for rationalizing. 
I just did the first thing that I thought of... Which extremely awkwardly grabbing the nearest person to me and pretended as if we were in some sort of relationship when in reality I have no clue who the heck I even grabbed... So the most intimate thing I could think of was kissing them. I basically grabbed them by the clerks and forced them into an embarrassing kiss...... I had no clue who I was making out with or what they even looked like! It's the most ignorant thing I've done in my entire life.  Busy as I was kissing this random stranger I noticed that whoever they were... They didn't try to stop it. Instead they kissed back..  They had soft warm lips that clearly hadn't been touched in a long time, they were slightly taller than me but not by a whole lot, I could feel a slight grin on their lips as we kissed.  As soon as I established that Janus had walked away I quickly and sort of forcefully pulled apart from the stranger to be met with
deep enchanting purple eyes with black eyeshadow smudged along the under-eyes, purple tinted short hair, a smile that included small fangs plastered onto soft gentle lips covered in black lipstick, a purple and black tutu, fishnet tights, combat boots, and a black mesh shirt with a purple top under it.
I'm speechless.
My mind goes blank.
I can't stop staring.
My heart is pounding.
I feel a genuine rush.
I freeze in place.
My face feels hot and I sweat.
I feel my body become limp.
My cheeks begin to burn up.

I feel nervous.
I feel warm.
I feel hypnotized.
I feel restless.
I feel numb.
I feel trapped.
I feel confused.
I feel....

"Hey..? U-Um.. are you okay??"   I was snapped back into reality by the sound of a confused voice.  I realize that he is waving his hand in front of my face and I quickly jolt out of my strange trance-like state.  "I-.. Yes. Ahem. I'm deeply sorry for acting on impulse there... I saw my ex walking toward and I sort of just did the first thing that came to mind—"  I was suddenly interrupted when the stranger turned to the side noticing Janus now a lot closer and he slinked his arm around my waist getting close to me.. I feel myself become extremely flustered but I try to keep it together while the stranger surprisingly goes along with pretending to be my boyfriend..
"Excuse me??.. Can we help you or something??? We're kinda busy so if you don't mind could you let a couple bond in peace for once??"  He acted out with a snarl and I tried to fight a chuckle and a smirk.  Janus raises an eyebrow,   "Logan when the hell did you get a new boyfriend? And how?? I mean, just look at yourself. You're pathetic!—"  Janus began to say and I felt a small pain in my chest as he spoke, but he was cut off by my apparent fake boyfriend who gave him a shove.   "Hey! Who the fuck do you think you are??? You're over here sulking around and randomly targeting innocent people and you call him the pathetic one??? Look in a goddamn mirror!! I don't want to see your dumbass anywhere near me or my boyfriend ever again!! Got it???"   Janus froze for a second before huffing and walking away.  I stared at the kind stranger in admiration and appreciation.   "...I..I must admit that was quite entertaining to watch.."  I mumbled honestly with a faint smile.   "Eh, what can I say. I'm not a fan of reptiles."  He said with a shrug and I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle.   "Oh.. Uh, I- I'm Logan by the way."  I said turning to him and holding my hand out to shake his,  "Virgil. Nice to properly meet you. Well, Logan, if there's one thing I've figured out about you so far it's that your a fantastic kisser so that'll earn you some major brownie points."  I blushed harder than I already was at his remark.  "I-..U-Uh.. thank you..?"  I stammered out and he glanced away with a laugh.  "You're welcome.   It's kinda funny.."  he mumbled the last part and I tilted my head.   "What is?"  I asked curiously and he turned to me.  "You're actually pretty cute. I've seen you around campus for a while.  I hear you're quite the smart-ass. I think it fits you pretty well. Plus... I tend to love smart-asses like you. Not only does it makes things fun but it also makes you ten times hotter. I've seen you going back and forth from the library balancing an entire stack of books countless times before and it never fails to get any less cuter to me. I definitely don't exactly look like it, but I'm a huge sucker for nerds. And I've been a massive sucker for you for a long time. I just never really had the guts to talk to you."   He trailed off realizing how much he said and turning a bit red looking embarrassed.  I paused in shock but eventually cleared my throat to speak.   "If you want the complete truth, I was always terrified of you. But also.. slightly infatuated with you. I actually remember you from middle school.. You were a very quiet kid who hid in the shadows most of the time. And all throughout high school I remember silently observing your transformation from a shy nervous child to an attractive witty person.  You obliviously contributed to me coming at as gay in the first place. I saw you on campus for the first time and I didn't recognize that is was you.. but I figured it out soon after just talking with you."  I confessed very honestly and he turned to me looking me up and down for a moment before he suddenly pushed me against the wall and slamming his leg up onto the wall along with his arms which were planted on the wall on both sides of my head and lowering his voice with a huge blush and a seductive grin.
"..Took me a minute to recognize you. But now that I do... Know that I had an overwhelming crush on you all throughout middle school and high school.  I..I just want one night. We don't have to do anything tomorrow or ever but I need one night to call you mine.. P-Please...??"
He asked desperately and I smirked,  "I'm yours. Not just for tonight. I'm yours forever."

Logan/Logic X Virgil/Anxiety| ONESHOTS | (read for bio more info)Where stories live. Discover now