☽☠︎︎✌︎︎ꫝ𝓲ᧁꫝ 𝘴ᥴꫝꪮꪮꪶ✌︎︎☠︎︎☾ Pt. 2

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Nobody's POV:
Logan and Virgil had decided to start dating, but they wanted to take things slow. And they decided it's probably be best if they kept quiet about it.
Virgil's grades went up tremendously from all of their one of one tutoring sessions that mainly ended in Virgil falling asleep with his head in Logan's lap and he would also fall asleep too.
Today was one of those days. They were in Virgil's room studying together and taking notes together. Logan was sat up on Virgil's bed and Virgil was just about falling asleep with his head rested in Logan's lap as Logan read their history book aloud. Virgil found Logan's voice to be soothing and comforting, on restless nights Virgil would text Logan and normally Logan made sure to quickly answer when he hear Virgil's specific notification sounds.
Normally Logan would quietly come over to his room with a pillow and Virgil would always be incredibly thankful for him. Virgil tried to keep his eyes open as Logan read to him. Logan fell silent when he heard Virgil snore softly, he smiled to himself at the sight before carefully shutting the book and placing their notes and supplies aside.
Logan took off his jacket that of course was themed with knowledge of some sort and carefully laid it over Virgil as a blanket. Soon enough Logan was asleep and the area was perfect for a scene like this. Virgil kept his lights off and kept his black blinds closed, so the dim lighting came from the fairy lights strung around the room and a purple led lamp in the corner. Virgil had a pride flag hanging up above his desk that had a laptop covered in stickers that were emo gothic themed. He had a bunch of different rock band posters hung all around his room. He also have a large wall tapestry that showed the moon phase cycle. Virgil's room was a little messy but not as bad as you would've thought. Logan found his interest in such things to be unique. Logan was woken up by a notification on his phone, Virgil was still dead asleep so he picked it up to check it, and it was.... Oh no..
Every year Janus, Remus, and a group of unknown others post something called the list. It has almost everyone on it with all the different categories.... Some being sick and perverted..
He scrolled down and came across a name that normally wasn't on there.. it made Logan feel sick to his stomach...
"Most likely to be a target: Virgil Anxiety"
Logan swallowed hard and felt his lip quiver..
A target meant that they'd be the next person to get bullied the most, or assaulted in more ways than one...
It filled him with rage and disgust... he looked down at the innocent sleeping Virgil and he was devastated. He silently made a vow to himself in his mind as he gazed down at Virgil...
"...I promise... I'll protect you however I can.. I will not let them hurt you.... Never."
He promised to himself and to the adorable sleeping boy in his lap and carefully and gently ran his fingers through Virgil's dark fluffy hair.  Virgil was actually awake to hear that and he felt his heart flutter... Virgil hadn't been told something so sincere and caring.... Virgil felt a wave of affection course through his body, it got to the point where he couldn't control himself... he quickly opened his eyes and sat up gazing at him.  Logan smiled with a chuckle,  "...Are you going to continue staring at me or can I ask for your consent to kiss you?"
Virgil snapped out of it and he turned red looking down,  "I-..Um... S-Sorry.. Uh—"
Logan cut him off by gently placing his hand under Virgil's chin and lifting his gaze back onto his.. however now Logan's gaze looked more flirtatious and welcoming.
"So then.. May I please kiss you, Virgil?"
Logan resided an eyebrow with a subtle smirk and Virgil quickly nodded and slinked himself into Logan's arms and smiled brightly before they both
leaned in for a sweet kiss.. but right as their lips touched a very loud bang came from outside interrupting their sweet moment.
They both reacted quickly and jumped at the sound, Virgil let out a large gasp and then quickly jumped into Logan's arms while Logan was startled by the noise though quickly activated protective boyfriend mode and held Virgil tightly with a death grip on him keeping him close to his chest and shielding him from any possible threat...
After the loud noise came a familiar muffled voice... It was Roman.
"HEY!!—  Jan! Calm down please!!!!"   Roman shouted at what sounded like Janus...
"Calm???... CALM!!??!  OH I'M PERFECTLY CALM ROMAN!!!!"  Janus clearly wasn't calm but then again he is known or his lying.
"IT ISN'T LIKE I SET IT UP!!! I WOULD NEVER! EVEN IF I DON'T LIKE IT, I'M A MAN OF MY WORD!!—"   Roman protested before another loud bang happened followed by Roman's grunt.. it sounded like he was pushed against a wall...
And that's when it hit.  They were talking about Logan and Virgil. 
Virgil let out a whimper when he realized this. Logan responded with comforting eyes and he kissed his head,  although Logan was also terrified.. but not for himself.  Logan made a promise. One that he intended to keep. 
They waited until they heard both of them fully walk away before Virgil started panicking,
"..L-Logan.. they're going to try to get rid of us! O-Or separate us! O-Or—" 
"Virgil, look at me.  I promise you that I will do whatever I physically can within my ability to make sure that does not happen.  I made you a promise and I don't plan on diverting from it.  If I somehow did deviate from it then.... Then I would never have the ability to forgive myself."   Logan reassured him and he sounded more genuine than he ever has.. which is saying a lot.
Virgil gave a sad smile and nodded,  "..R-Roman might be searching our rooms any minute now.... W-What should we do...?"   Virgil asked him with a sigh,
"..I'm well acquainted with Roman.  I'm sure I can convince him to let us go..."  Logan said looking off into the distance before returning his gaze back to Virgil with a softer expression.
"Don't worry, I'll do whatever I can to keep you safe."  Logan assured him.
"But what about you?? I get that your protecting me but what about yourself??? I need you Logan! If you go down then I'm going with you..! I'll be even more mentally hurt if you somehow got hurt.."  Virgil confessed with watery eyes...
Logan paused for a moment..
"...Virgil, I must admit that I have never cared about a person as much as I care about you in my life.  So if prioritizing myself makes you any less fearful than I will try my hardest to do it. However I need to keep you safe as well. Like what you said, I do need you Virge.."  Logan explained with a serious expression but not intimidating.
Virgil nodded with a small smile and leaned up planted a soft gentle kiss on his cheek.  Logan returned it by doing the same for him.

Surprisingly the night went by seemingly peacefully. Roman never showed at either of their doors, though Logan stayed in Virgil's room that night to calm his boyfriend's nerves in which Virgil ended up being super skittish at first and sort of curled up into a ball facing away from Logan, though of course Logan rolled his eyes slightly with a smirk when he saw that, he then turned over and pulled him close so he was spooning his lover happily. Though because of Logan's hidden soft side it ended up being Virgil who was spooning Logan by the time they awoke. Logan would never admit it but he preferred to be the little spoon. It was also a Sunday so obviously school was not an issue. On weekends with his boyfriend, Logan actually ends up sleeping in longer than Virgil. That day Virgil woke up and ever so carefully slipped out of bed trying not to wake the adorable sleeping nerd who he loved dearly. Logan was asleep but when he felt his source of warmth suddenly disappear he grumbled in his sleep slightly and turned over grabbing the pillow Virgil slept on and then hugging it and burying his face into the pillow which had the scent of his distinct cologne that would drive Logan crazy. Virgil watched as his partner as he did so and it made him smile sweetly to himself. Virgil already concluded that whenever he put on a specific cologne that he had, Logan became a lot more attentive. Out of curiosity Virgil decided to put a little bit on his jacket to see how his boyfriend would react. He decided to take off his average purple and black jacket and he hung it on his bed post before going over and quietly getting ready for the day. Virgil went off to the shower rooms and he quickly got a brief shower, he came back to be greeted by an adorable sight. Logan was now awake but clearly still tired with Virgil's jacket draped over his shoulders as he fumbled with his glasses to get them on. Virgil grinned and chuckled at the sight, "I see you've found my jacket. It looks very handsome on you.. Cutie." Virgil said with a warm chuckle and he tosses his dirty clothes into a hamper.
Logan blushed and curled up into the jacket even more, you could tell he was still tired. Virgil walked over and put on his glasses for him, once he did so he smiled sweetly at him in admiration of his beauty before then pushing a small strand of his hair out of the way and planting a very soft gently and loving kiss right in the center of his forehead. Logan couldn't help but smile as he did that. "...Virgil?"
Logan piped up in question,
"Yeah? Whats up?"
"....Well, since every time I attempt to actually kiss you something happens that stops the moment from commencing, it has been a long time since I've properly kissed you. So I was thinking..uh...now that things are quiet and calm.. that um.... I was thinking that it could be a fairly good time for me to—"  Logan began explaining nervously before he was interrupted.
Virgil grabbed the sweatshirt that was draped around his shoulders with two fists and he tugged him even closer to him, Virgil smirked,
"Uh-  Y-You know what, let's just stop talking."
Virgil then tugged him into a sweet kiss that Logan had been dying for. Logan wrapped his arms around Virgil's waist and held him close. Virgil moved his hands up and around his neck and they both let out a happy hum into the kiss. It had been far too long since the two of them had a actual kiss and not just one little one on the cheek. To be honest it was sort of magical, the atmosphere fit the scene very well with the dim lighting and rising sun and it was almost perfect.  Virgil adored the amazing feeling of his soft hands grasping into his waist and Logan had lips that were softer than anything. Logan couldn't get enough of his partner and didn't have a care in the world for anyone else but him in that moment, he loved how affectionate he was and he knew exactly how make Logan crave him more. Based on their experience that morning they spent the rest of their day spending time with each other and because of how amazing it was this morning they couldn't stop kissing each other. Whenever there was a clear opportunity to sneak in a little kiss they took that opportunity with no hesitation. It was the happiest that either of them had ever felt. The entire day they spent locked in Virgil's room flirting or just somehow being very loving with each other. They cuddled, and they kissed, and they even constructed a small blanket fort and they held each other close while watching movies on Virgil's laptop. It was perfect.

(Ah! I'm sorry lol I've been stumped about this chapter for soooo long and I know I left a lot of things hanging but tbh I just need to get passed this chapter. Sorry!😅)

Logan/Logic X Virgil/Anxiety| ONESHOTS | (read for bio more info)Where stories live. Discover now