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(In this one shot Virgil has superpowers!
It's like purple fire)

Logan's POV:
Approximately two days ago I'm sure I saw some sort of mark on Virgil's forearm.. It was quite strange. It looked like a burn scar, I couldn't tell what it could have been caused by... and I only got a glimpse of it too, I of course didn't ask about it because it's none of my business.
Even though it had been sort of a normal day so far, things escalated extremely briskly when Deceit decided to cause trouble along with Remus...
Virgil looked as if he was about to metaphorically explode. For some reason Janus chose to target me this time...

Nobody's POV:
Janus sauntered over to Logan and Virgil balled his fists.. "Ah.. yes, how could I ever forget about the one and only... Logan Logic Sanders. You know Logic, me and you are mostly the same...
Ignored... used... enraged... lost.... Such a shame. You know.... if you joined me.. you would never have to feel those anymore-" Deceit's maniacal monologue was interrupted by Virgil who was being restrained by Remus, "NO!!! LOGAN DON'T LISTEN TO HIS LIES!!!!" Virgil shouted out and tried to resist the restraint, Logan tried not to show emotion... Deceit let out a evil chuckle, "Aww.. how adorable! Looks like our old friend Anxiety wants to play hero... Oh~..now wait just one second... I see what's happening here, I think our precious Anxiety has a little crush! My, My... who would have thought that the one person that could somehow melt this emo's heart.. was Logic! Ha!!.. How ridiculous is that.. If I didn't know any better I would say you've gone soft, Virgil.." Deceit monologued with an evil grin and sneer... Virgil stopped struggling and looked down at the ground in shame, it was true that he had feelings for Logan for a very long time... Logan gazed at him in disbelief, "..V-Virgil I-"
"Ugh! Fine then. Why do you always have to make things harder for me.." Janus huffed then snapped his fingers and suddenly a sharp blade with a yellow aura around it appeared, the blade was aimed straight at Virgil's throat so it could kill him at a moments notice, Logan's eyes widened and her tried to reach out for Virgil however Deceit grabbed his rust and glared down at him, "Oh I wouldn't do that if I were you... I'm going to make a deal with you... If you agree to join me right now.. your precious Virgil will be left unharmed..... however if you refuse.. Virgil will be dead in the matter of three seconds...
The choice is yours Logan..." Deceit snarled..
Logan was at loss of words.. so many things were unloading onto him all at once.. Logan loved Virgil more than anything... he took a deep breath and opened his mouth to speak however was quickly cut off by Virgil.. "NO!!!" He cried out before dark purple smoke risen from his hands that were gripped onto Remus's arms, Remus winced in pain and quickly let go out him, Virgil swiftly ducked under the floating blade and had both fists full of vibrant purple flames.. "It's one thing to go after me.... But if you touch my friends... YOU BETTER SAY YOUR DAMN PRAYERS." Virgil shouted at Janus and shot a big ball of flames toward him, he disappeared along with Remus just before the flames hit him and everything went silent. Virgil swiftly ran over to Logan who was now on the ground catching his breath, he rushed over and knelt down in front of Logan with an extremely worried and scared expression, "Logan!!!! Are you hurt??? Did he hurt you?? Did I accidentally hurt you???" Virgil rambled off in distress and Logan placed both of his hands on Virgil's cheeks to calm him down which actually succeeded, "Virgil.. It's ok, I'm ok.." he reassured him with a soft smile in which Virgil returned the smile and placed his hands on top of Logan's hands.
"..What he said... w-was that the truth?" Logan made direct eye contact with the other trait which was something Virgil could only do with Logan specifically, Virgil gulped and nodded. Logan simply smiled warmly with a slight dusting of blush forming on his cheeks, "..Hm.  Well uh.. I guess that very coincidental..." Logan mumbled with a sigh and Virgil tilted his head in confusion, "...W-what..?" Virgil asked cluelessly and Logan took in a big breath,   "It's coincidental because I happen to return those feelings for you. Even though I'm supposedly not supposed to feel, I don't do anything but feel when I'm around you.  I can't help it.
When I say this it seems like I'm taking after Roman too much but in the realist form I truly mean it....
I love you. More than any word in the entire English dictionary could ever describe. And believe me there is a lot of words in there." He confessed with a long sigh... the Anxious trait pressed his finger to Logan's lips

"Please just shut up and kiss me, Logan."

Logan/Logic X Virgil/Anxiety| ONESHOTS | (read for bio more info)Where stories live. Discover now