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A bit of angst.

Nobody's POV:
Logan Logic is known to be the most literal and knowledgeable side out of all the Sanders Sides.  No one thought that he'd fall deeply in love with the dark and broody Virgil Anxiety.  And no one would've guessed that Virgil fell for him too. But miracles can happen, and in this case a real big miracle took place that changed both the Teacher Side and the Emo Side's lives.
The two finally announced to the others that they were an official couple and they had their own unique reactions.
Patton of course freaked out bouncing up and down squealing in happiness.
Roman gawked about how he guessed it and he was amazing at match making.
Remus smirked and giggled evilly shouting out grotesque and dirty references.
Janus shrugged and lied about how he was apparently ecstatic for them.
Regardless of their reactions, good or bad, the two of them were a very happy couple.

Logan was always working. There was barely any time for Virgil and him, it made Virgil feel self conscious.  This went on for about a week or two before the day came that Virgil had to do something. 
Logan was working extra hard that day. He was busy correcting the grammar and technical aspects of a script that Roman gave him. 
Virgil knocked on his door before slowly letting himself in, 
"..Hey, Lo....I-Is it okay if I come in.."  he asked sheepishly to which Logan didn't even spare him a glance and continued to do his work, 
"I suppose so but I must focus on my work."
He said scribbling things down on a paper. 
Virgil sighed and sat on the edge of his bed staring over at Logan at his desk.
Virgil awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck as he slowly went over to his desk and kneeling down next to his chair,
"..May I read some of the script..??"  He asked softly and Logan once again didn't look up from his work. 
"Virgil, please, you know that If I let you do that you'll get incredibly anxious and worry Thomas about such foolish things."  Logan replied strictly.
Virgil was a little hurt by his rejection.  He stood up and sat on the corner of his desk,
"Um..Do you think it's possible that you could maybe take a break.. I-I mean, it's just that we haven't really got the chance to—"  Logan suddenly interrupted him strictly,
"Virge, Please just let me do my job and quit your endless pestering!"  Logan scolded resting his head in his hand as he tried to focus on writing.
Virgil swallowed down his sob and kept himself from bursting into tears as he shakily left the room. As soon as he shut the door behind him he ran to his room and flipped down onto his bed sobbing into his pillow.
Logan snapped back into reality after he left and suddenly dropped his pen immediately face palming in regret and guilt.  He loved Virgil but he got caught up in his work and couldn't let it go.
"..Fuck...Shit, shit, shit! God Dammit Lo..!! What the hell were you thinking..!"  He scolded himself and shot up from his chair racing to Virgil's room.  He knocked on the door feeling horrible when he heard the muffled sobs from inside,   "...V-Vee..?? M-May I please enter? I know you're upset with me but please hear me out..!"
There was a moment of silence before Virgil finally opened the door to him with black eyeshadow stained tears marks running down his cheeks.  Logan's heart sank at the poor sight of him.   Virgil simply stared down at the floor sniffling now and then with his hood up and his hands stuffed in his pockets. 
"..Oh, Virgil... I-I'm so sorry. I'm sure that you don't believe that, but it's true.. I am deeply sorry..."
Logan stammered out in hopes for a response, which he surprisingly received.
"..Logan... This past week you've been pushing me away because of how busy you've been.. The only time I'd really get to spend time with you was on the days that you didn't fall asleep at your desk and you actually came to bed with me....  I-I.. I know I'm probably really selfish for feeling like this but I-I just feel so.. Useless.."
Logan was stunned at this confession and his heart throbbed,
"..'Useless'..? V-Virge... I-I.. I don't even know what to say.....  You are anything but useless. You're the thing that motivates me to work hard everyday so that I can get things done and finally return to you. I suppose I simply never fully realized how much I was actually ignoring you." 
Logan replied before very slowly and hesitantly going in to take his hand, however Virgil flinched at Logan's touch.  This made Logan feel worse.
"...Vee.. You take such a huge part in my day to day life..  I wouldn't be able to do things I do if it weren't for your constant support.  In fact, I thought I couldn't feel any sort of emotions at all. However, you proved that theory wrong. Because every single time I look at you It feels like figurative metaphorical fireworks explode inside of my chest.  And you don't do it often, but whenever you laugh or smile I become limp and it feels as if I could faint at any moment.  I have an unusual urge to constantly be physically close to you..  these things keep me moving and striving for the best.  And it's all for you, my starshine."  
Logan said in all truth.
Virgil slowly lifted his gaze from the floor up to his boyfriend with a gulp.
"...Y-You mean that?.. Like.. You really really mean it..??"  He asked softly and Logan couldn't help but smile a little.
"Of course I mean it. I physically cannot say anything untrue. That's Janus's job. However right now, the only person I would like to think about is you.." 
Virgil smiled cutely and sniffled as Logan wiped away his tears with his thumbs.
"..Virgil, don't cry, my love. How about I take a long break..? Would you like that?"
Logan asked tucking a long strand of hair behind Virgil's ear as Virgil nodded.
"Hm. My, my.. Starshine, I never knew you could still look so figuratively radiant even when you're in such a state of sadness."
Virgil rolled his eyes,
"I bet you got that from Roman, huh?"
"..Yes. I did. But like I said, I would like to focus on nobody but you."

Logan lead Virgil over to Virgil's messy chaotic bed and Logan sat up on it.
Virgil crawled over and straddled Logan in a cuddly way.
"..I must say, I missed you a lot, My dear."  Logan admitted with a large blush.
Virgil slinked his arms around Logan's neck with a small smile.
"...I'm sure I missed you a ton more."  He stated and Logan immediately shook his head
"Falsehood. I'm almost positive that I missed you the most."  Logan protested with a smirk.
"Fine, fine. You win."  Virgil said in surrender.
Logan caressed Virgil's soft cheeks and they both gazed deeply into each other's gorgeous eyes.
"..Even if it's just doing nothing, like this... I still love spending my time with you."  Virgil stated with a low cute chuckle.
Logan grinned and kissed him softly but it also lasted a good while for it was loving.
"..I couldn't agree more on that statement.  I'm not exactly the best at showing a lot of affection or appreciation in many ways..  but I can try my best."   Logan said with a chuckle.
Virgil put his hands on the headboard above Logan and sort of looming over him.
"..Oh, Logan... My sweet, kissable, stardust... If that was how you show your affection then I'm more than okay with that. It's perfect."  Virgil teased putting one of his finger under Logan's chin to lift his gaze up a bit and onto his.
Logan blushed profusely and chuckled nervously,
"..Interesting. Good to know. But just how 'kissable' am I really?? Usually when a person has such question, they conduct an experiment to get the answer to that question.. It'd be the logical thing to do."
Logan suggested and Virgil immediately went down on his neck trailing lustful kisses up and down all over Logan's neck, shoulder, and jawline.  Logan closes his eyes letting out a tiny hum of enjoyment as he got lost in the moment. 
"...I-..V-Vee.."  Logan said trying to not get too lost in the moment.   Virgil chuckled and parted his lips from Logan's skin,
"..You can't act like that wasn't an excuse to get me to kiss on you."  Virgil said knowingly.
Logan smiled and his cheeks turned a darker shade of red.
"..Well, it is true that it's the logical thing to do.. But I may have also wanted to get something out of it for myself."  Logan replied.
Virgil smirked and shook his head.
"You're such a nerd,"  Virgil said smugly.
Logan grinned and shrugged.
"..Well I'm pretty sure that's one of the major factors that contributes to you having such fond feelings of me."  Logan said with his classic sly smirk.
"..Well I can't argue with that....  By the way..  Thanks for doing this Logan.. I know you have a lot of work you need to get done and—" Virgil began to say but was cut off by Logan shaking his head,
"Nonsense. I was the one in the wrong in this situation.. I treated you horribly, and there isn't an amount that could possibly describe how sorry I am for doing that. I may be Logic, but unfortunately I don't always get things right the very first time. Virgil I-... I love you."
Logan said with a frown.  He had never really told Virgil the exact words of  'I love you' so this surprised him.
"Y-You... You do..?"  Virgil asked in a meek voice of disbelief.
"..Yes, Virgil. I don't say it nearly enough.. But I do. And I hypothesize I always will."  Logan said as his grip on Virgil's waist tightened.
"..I love you too, Logan.  More than you can imagine."  Virgil said leaning in so their noses and foreheads touched. He simply wanted to feel himself close to Logan.  After a moment of that position, Logan finally closed the gap between their lips kissing Virgil sweetly.

Logan/Logic X Virgil/Anxiety| ONESHOTS | (read for bio more info)Where stories live. Discover now