♡︎ . 𝑁 𝐸 𝑅 𝐷 . ♡︎

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Virgil's POV:
You know what I find unbelievable?? LOGAN. FRICKIN'. LOGIC. He is a damn smartass! But holy shit is he a absolute GOD. He gets on my nerves all the time!! But he's also the only one that can make me feel wanted... Yesterday, Lo just straight up left. He said he had some sort of important thing he had to do or some shit and he walked right out the door without looking back. I gotta admit.... This.. Hurt. It hurt like hell. I... I miss him alright!!!
I guess it's true that you don't know what you've got until it's gone... I love Logan. I can't pretend like I don't anymore. But it's too late.. I was too much of a little bitch to actually tell him when I had the chance! And now he's fucking gone!! Why the hell does it always have to be me.. Whatever. I give up. Fuck this. I'm just gonna try and get through this day and pray to every single god out there that I die before I can wake up in the morning.

I sulked around all day... Well, that is until the evening came around.. and so did a familiar face.

I heard muffled voices in the entree way.  I was able to make out a few sentences..

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be—"

"I know, I know... I-It's just.. Well, I made an odd discovery about ___"

I couldn't make out the last part..

"What about him??.."

"..Well... I think I love him."

"What!?? Oh my gosh! Aren't you going to tell him??"

That's when I stopped trying to listen.. If there's anything I could tell, it's that one of those voices was Logan's...  All hope completely drained from me.. Great. That's just fucking fantastic.  Logan has feelings for somebody and I know it can't be me.  I was so frustrated that I just stormed out there to see Patton talking to Logan. 
"Logan, what the fuck?!!? You pack your bags and leave without a word except for a fricking note, and then you just waltz back in here like nothing happened, and you expect us to have sympathy for you??!! You never had sympathy for any of us!! Not to mention me! When I gave you such obvious hints that I loved you!! But you completely disregarded all of it!!!" 
Dammit. Now I'm just venting..

"...Virgil, I—"

"NO!! Don't you fucking 'Virgil' me!!! Now spill it, asshole!!! Who the hell is the lucky little guy that gets to have the honor of the most heartless person ever loving them?! Because from what you showed me, I didn't think that was possible!!!" 
Shit. I seriously just said all that. Well.. More like screamed all that.

Logan stared at me with wide tearful eyes,

"...It's you, Vee. It was always you..  I was afraid. Afraid that what I was feeling wasn't normal..."

I was too in shock to comprehend everything at first....  But when I finally did connect the dots,
I stormed over to Logan and he tried to stammer something out without letting his tears fall.

"..V-Virgil, I-.. P-Please don't be upset—"

I cut him off by grabbing the collar of his shirt in my fist and tugging him into a kiss.  Of course I was angry, but I was also incredibly relieved and in love..  So when I tugged away from the kiss I was able stutter something out,

"..D-Don't you ever f-fucking scare me like that again y-you nerd!!!"   I shouted in a bundle of emotion,

Logan gulped and he nodded, 
"I-I won't..! B-But... D-Downs this mean-"

"YES!! Of course it means that I would love to be your boyfriend!!"  I shouted in an angry tone which confused him,

"..I-....Yoh know what, whatever.."  He said before this time pulling me into another kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2021 ⏰

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Logan/Logic X Virgil/Anxiety| ONESHOTS | (read for bio more info)Where stories live. Discover now