~𝙷𝚎 𝚂𝚊𝚒𝚍 𝚈𝚎𝚜..~

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Nobody's POV:
Logan and Virgil have been in a happy relationship for about a year, which is quite strange since to them it feels like just yesterday they got together. Logan had something on his mind for a long time, he had just pushed it aside for a while because he wasn't sure if it was the right time or not and for many other reasons too. Eventually the logical trait finally made a very big decision, with reasoning of course. Even though this was a huge thing, and a risky one too, Logan had decided that it was worth a try. He decided that he was going to propose to Virgil. Logan repeated that sentence in his head and though he wouldn't admit it, he was a little nervous. This was basically risking their entire relationship, and Logan couldn't bare to think of losing the one person he has ever felt feelings for. All throughout one particular day Logan was acting strange towards Virgil.. but what Virgil didn't know was the reason he was acting so unusual was because that was the day Logan planned on proposing to him.

Virgil's POV:
Alright. I'm getting really fucking scared. Logan has been acting so weird to me today! Is it because he hates me? Does he not love me anymore? Was it something I did? What if he wants to leave me? Did I somehow offend him? WHY IS HE TALKING TO ROMAN??? He looks nervous.. It looks as if Roman is giving him some sort of pep talk or lecture.. too far to hear though.. I guess I'll go talk to Pat and Remy.
"Hey there, Kiddo!!!" "Greetings, Emo!"
I sighed and boosted myself up sitting on the counter in the kitchen. "Hey guys... So.. Do you know what's going on with Lo..? He's been acting weird and being distant.." I said with a pain in my chest glancing up at the two and seeing Patton's sympathetic smile.
"Aww! Virgil! Logan reeaallyy loves ya! Whatever's going on I'm sure you two will figure it out! Maybe try talking to him." Patton gave me his signature grin and looked over at Remus.
"....What?- Oh! Uhm! Well, I guess the only relationship advice I can give you is to have more—"
Patton slapped his hand over Remus's mouth to cut him off. "You know what! I'm just gonna stop you right there! Maybe let me handle the love stuff, mmk?" Somehow in scolding Remy he still managed to be his overly happy self.
I sighed and nodded, "Yeah you could be right.. but I just can't help but think of the worst.. I mean, that's basically my job." I replied with another sigh while fidgeting with the sleeve of my jacket,
"Look at it this way... You can obsess over the past or the future as much as you want to, but it isn't going to change your current situation. But what will change your current situation is taking action! So go out there and get your boyfriend Kiddo!!!" Patton said encouragingly and I took a breath before nodding, "Thanks, Patt. I'm gonna find Logan."
"WOO!! Yeah!!! Go get em, champ!!" Tch. Classic Patton. Now.. time to go talk to Lo.

Logan's POV:
I didn't know exactly how to approach such an important topic and proposition.. and I didn't know how to physically approach Virgil without fainting.. So I turned to the one person I know who could possibly have any idea about romance, the princely pain himself, Roman.
"This is spectacular news!!! What an enchanting love story!! The geeky nerd wins the cold heart of the gloomy emo!—"
"Ahem. Roman, get to the point."
"Oh! Right!- How to pop the big ol' question! First of all, your going to need a romantic setting. Do not threat, for I can always help with that! Second of all, the key to any heart warming proposal is a lovely speech stating your reasons of wanting to marry your beloved spouse! Third—" I cut him off..
"Roman..!!" I gave him a look of what I could only imagine was slightly overwhelmed
Roman's expression faded and she sat me down,
"Ah. Yes well, this is a very big commitment. I now see how much this means to you. How about we take it one step at a time, shall we?" I nodded and felt slight relief.
"Wonderful. Now first... let's see the ring you plan to engage him with!"
I reached into my pocket and pulled out a navy blue velvety box and opened it to reveal the right I had bought for Virgil...

 let's see the ring you plan to engage him with!"  I reached into my pocket and pulled out a navy blue velvety box and opened it to reveal the right I had bought for Virgil

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Roman let out a small gasp, 
"Logan..! How in the world did you get your hands on such a fine piece of jewelry.... Virgil is going to love it."   This was rather reassuring to hear...
"...For the setting, I was thinking about going stargazing.. Me and Virgil have always took interest in astronomy and our first date was watching the stars.. is that an appropriate enough place?"  I questioned with a small sigh,
"Logan you practically don't even need me! That's a wonderful idea! Look at you go with your ideas!"
I was about to reply with a snarky comment before I saw the face I've been dying to see all day, though also terrified of seeing all day.  It was Virgil.
Virgil looked upset.. a little drained, his messy black eyeshadow had stains of dripping down his cheeks looking as if he's been crying... to be honest it figuratively shattered my heart to see. Roman quickly got the hint and fled the room. I quickly stood up from my seat and walked over to him putting my hand on his shoulder.  "..Virgil dear, what's the matter..??"  
"L-Logan.. why??.. Why have you been avoiding me? Why are you being so distant? Why are you acting so different around me? Why do you hide from me??? Was it something I said or did? Do you not love me anymore?? Do you plan to break up with me?? Am I too clingy? Am I not your type anymore?—"
"Virgil!!! Falsehood..!! You are completely incorrect! I... I know I've been different a-and I know it seems like I don't want to be around you but that is the farthest thing from true... that isn't what this is all about at all—"   I was cut off again,
"So then what is it about??? I don't understand- What am I doing wrong???"  Virgil's shaky voice filled me with sorrow...
"Nothing!- You're doing nothing but everything right!! This day is very important to me! I could be risking it all with just one simple sentence!! But I'm willing to risk it all for you, Virgil!!!"  I guess I didn't realize how much I said at first.
"..W-What do you mean..?"  Virgil questioned in genuine confusion and despair...
"I....Virgil, come with me.."  I held my hand out and he hesitantly placed his hand in mine.
I carefully led him to a grassy hill whereI had already set down a blanket and Roman may have convinced me to collect Virgil's favorite black thorny roses to gift him.  But the key to this remarkable place was the sight. I checked with the weather and times it so that the grey clouds in the sky would roll away to reveal a truly gorgeous sight.  A dark sky filled with tiny glowing stars, some bigger than others, and some glowing in such a way to make the sky a deep purple or blue in some places.  And just as I predicted, the clouds moved away and my plan was ready to commence.
"...L-Logan.. What is all of this?.... Did you do all of this.. for m-me?.."  Virgil looked around in astonishment before looking at me with a sorrowful smile...
"Of course I did.  I only want the best for my Starshine..."  I replied with a genuine smile,
Virgil gazed down at the grown looking pitiful upon himself..
"Aw..L-Lo... I was such a jerk to you..... I feel like such an idiot..  I'm a horrible boyfriend.." 
I walked towards him and placed my hand on his cheek to lead his gaze up to mine.  
"If you were a horrible boyfriend, then I wouldn't have done any of this in the first place.  My deepest apologies for being so distant... however I did bring you here to ask an extremely important question.."
I glanced away wondering if this was the right time. It's now or never. 
I took a deep breath and moved my hands down to hold Virgil's...
"We've been in this relationship for about a year now, and this year has been the most enjoyable and wonderful year that I've ever experienced.  I wasn't supposed to feel anything at all, but when I'm with you I can't do anything but feel so many emotions....
I can't help but love you..  and after a lot of thinking and debating.. I finally am ready to ask this question....   So with that being said,"
I got down on one knee and pulled the blue box out of my pocket before opening it for him, I looked up at his wide and teary eyes with his hands covering his mouth in what looked like shock,
"Virgil... Will you do me the honor of becoming my husband?.."   I asked with a small gulp to myself,
Virgil removed his shaky hands from his mouth to reveal a big sincere grin, he nodded his head vigorously and dropped to his knees down to my level were he quickly hugged me, of course I hugged back feeling as if a figurative heavyweight lifted off my shoulders.
"I love you too.. I'm sorry,"  Virgil held me tightly and I returned the tight hug
"You have nothing to be sorry about, my dear..I'm anticipating this new chapter in our lives."

Logan/Logic X Virgil/Anxiety| ONESHOTS | (read for bio more info)Where stories live. Discover now