♥︎♫♪L̶o̶v̶e̶ S̶o̶n̶g̶s̶♪♫♥︎

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(I have a big connection with music, so I came up with this fun little idea! I hope you like it as much as I do!🎤✨)

[AU/AU's: Virgil plays guitar|Logan plays piano|Patton does percussion|Roman can do a lot, lol]

Virgil's POV:
Ok so... Me, Roman, Patton, and Logan have been in a small band for a while now.... I always found myself getting distracted by Logan. You wouldn't think he would be the type to like music but when you watch him up on the piano, it was like a completely different person. Ugh.. I gotta stop daydreaming about him... For some reason, that Royal Pain signed us all up for solos... I continuously write songs about my feelings toward Logan. The one I decided to sing was probably my favorite out of all of them.. but it was sort of obvious..

(Virgil's love song for Logan///Colors - Stripped by Halsey)

Logan's POV:
Wow.. Ahem.... Virgil is.. impeccable. I suppose I already knew that fact for a long time.. I can not determine if he sang it for somebody specific. On the other side of the spectrum, I personally was... Effected.. by Virgil's passion and talent.... I guess as Roman would say... I am.. well... in love I think?..

(Logan's love song for Virgil///I Think I'm In Love by Demi Lovato)

Virgil's POV:
I sat in the front row of the audience, gazing at Logan as he performed... For once I felt something other than gloominess.. I don't know what it is, I've never felt it before, the only time I feel it is when I look at Logan... ugh. Of course my dumbass brain has to go and screw everything up. And they wonder why I don't necessarily like to show up... Mainly it's Logan that motivates me to show up with the rest of the sides and Thomas... I'm worried that I was too obvious with my song.. I really hope he doesn't find out...... When Logan finished his song I felt Roman and Patton nudge me with knowing looks, "What??.." I whined to them and Roman frowned, "I seriously don't know how your head fits into that hood....Don't you see??!?!-"    "YOU'RE IN LOVE WITH LOGAN!!!!" Patton cut Logan off with a ginormous grin, "Pat!!! Shush!!" I obviously tried to shush him.. Of course he had to just scream that out...  "AHA!!! Your not denying it!! You totally love Logan!!"  Damn it Ro..  "Princey!! Shut up or I will-"
"Ahem. If I may interject.. Virgil you performed tremendously. And I must say, you have a perfect balance of passion and courage."   FUCK. Omg omg omg. Logan literally frickin' appeared out of nowhere!!! Did he hear all of that?? AHH..  "I-..u-uh... thanks..."  wow.. omg I'm an idiot. I can't even speak full sentences....  "Also.. on a side note. I must ask... Did you happen to sing that song for someone in particular?" Logan asked pushing his glasses up with his index finger and showing a very faint smile... And just like that I've been caught red handed.  "U-Uh... yea..sort of..." I stammered out quietly,  "If you do not mind me asking, Who?" SHIT. NOW I'M REALLY SCREWED.   Logan took a small step forward when he said that so that he was towering over me slightly...  What am I supposed to do??? I'm not gonna lie to him!!    "....t-tall...wears glasses....blue tie......s-smart.."   What the fuck was that?? UGH....   "Ah. I see. Well obviously it couldn't be Roman or Remus for obvious reasons, Janus is tall, however doesn't fit the rest of the description, Patton does wear glasses however he's rather short and does not wear a tie. So I believe that leaves one option, Virgil..."   Logan glanced away for only a moment before turning back and secretly giving me a small knowing smirk.....       .. I'm sorry my heart just freaking exploded—       "Even though this idea was remarkably horrible,  I quite enjoyed some of the performances. However I now wish to head back to my room... Oh and Virgil,  Your coming too."

Nobody's POV:
Roman's eyes grew wide while Patton tilted his head watching the Logan drag Virgil out of sight, "What do you think they're doing?—" Patton was interrupted by Roman,   "Uh- Don't you worry your pretty little head about it, Pat! I'm sure they're.. uh.. heh. T-They'll be A-Okay! Let's just try not to think too much into it!! Um—  here!!" Roman quickly summoned a cute little golden retriever,  Patton gasped and he suddenly went obvious to everything else,  "PUPPY!!!!!! THANK YOU, ROMAN!!!!"    "Of course, Padre."

T H E     N E X T    M O R N I N G

"Good Morning Kiddo!!!" Patton shouted in enthusiasm when a extremely tired, and worn out Virgil stumbled into the kitchen,  Virgil gave a weak but amused smile,  ".... Morning Pat.." he mumbled tiredly, Roman narrowed his eyes at him with a very knowing smirk,   "Ah yes, the emo returns. Your eyes are even baggier than normal... seems to me that you didn't get too much sleep last night." Roman teased at the anxious trait who blushed and scoffed, "..Whatever. Not like it's any of your business Princey." He said with a small yawn, Virgil reached up and ran his hands over a large area on his neck and shoulder that revealed many dark bruises... he slightly winced in pain and as if on cue Logan walked out adjusting his tie, he must not have realized that the others were there so he saw Virgil and immediately smiled which isn't something he does often, then he kissed Virgil's cheek, "Good morning my starshine.." he commented very softly with a small grin and slight blush, Virgil stood there turning redder by the second,   "AHA!!!! I CALLED IT!!!! I KNEW IT ALL ALONG!! YOU THINK YOUR SLIK! HA!!!!"  Roman aggressively shot up from his chair and slammed his hands on the table, Patton let out a gasp and then a very excited squeal, And of course Logan and Virgil groaned

Logan/Logic X Virgil/Anxiety| ONESHOTS | (read for bio more info)Where stories live. Discover now