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This is heavily inspired by
The Greatest Showman. If you
Don't know what that is then
First of all, your missing out.
I encourage you to watch it!
It's a good musical film.

RO: |Ringmaster|Aerialist|lion tamer|
LO: |Stage works|Acrobat|producer|
VI: |Acrobat|fire manipulator|dancer|
PA: |Costume design|physical comedy|dog trainer|
RE: |Aerialist|tiger tamer|clown|
JA: |Ringmaster|snake tamer|magician|

Nobody's POV:
Sanders Sides Circus is a show that you wouldn't want to miss. It's not that popular but boy, does it have potential. All of the spectacular tricks and stunts are incredible to watch. One of the main attractions is the amazing acrobat, Virgil. He is a brilliant and talented artist. Trapeze and acrobatic artist that is. Virgil is a master at the flying trapeze. He wows the normally small audience with millions of cool stunts on the trapeze, tightrope, and a bunch more. It's been a bit obvious that the stage manager seems to take a liking to Virgil. Normally he never makes a mistake. But when he does, it's most likely caused by him getting distracted by the elegant acrobat. Our stage manager is a very professional specimen, named Logan.  These two are going to be our main focus. You'll see why...

"Virgil! You're on in ten!"  He was reminded by one of the ringmasters, Roman.  Virgil nodded and took a deep breath. He had done this so many times, and yet each time he becomes extremely anxious and nervous.  He looked in his standing mirror and made sure his costume looked perfect. Virgil always had a costume that was relatively similar to the last. Today his costume was a dark purple leotard with long sleeves that had small rime stones on it with a smaller short black mesh cape that draped down from his waist. He always looked fabulous in his costumes that Patton would hand make for him with Roman's fashion design advice. Virgil quickly adjusted his purple and black glittery makeup before hearing the audience cheering at the end of the last act. He quickly made his way to long black velvet curtains and he glanced over to were the tech station was making eye contact with the sharp stage manager.  Logan smiled with the tiniest nod as a 'good luck' and Virgil smiled back before getting in position to go onstage. The lights changed from Remus's green to Virgil's purple in which the audience knew what the change of color meant and they cheered.  He began his act by elegantly swinging on his trapeze and flipping onto another. The act went on and the finally came closer. Virgil hadn't yet mastered this trick exactly yet.. so his heart was pounding. Logan who was watching from the camera in the tech room knew that this wasn't an easy trick for Virgil.. He actually started studying trapeze a while ago because of Virgil. As Virgil approached the beginning of the trick Logan held his breath slightly and bit his lip with anticipation.  Virgil squeezed his eyes shut.. And finally..  He leapt.  In trapeze terminology.... Virgil just landed a triple-flip roll with a double leap perfectly.  Sounds like a complicated name huh? That's because it's a fairly complicated trick. But somehow Virgil landed on the bar of the trapeze standing perfectly.  Logan let out a big breath of air in relief and he pumped his fist in the air in celebration. The crowd went wild with cheers and Virgil was astonished by what he just did.  Virgil ended his act with a bow before he slipped off stage with a huge adorable grin.  Most of the cast members praised him and they all complimented him on his incredible performance.  But Virgil knew who he really wanted to see at this moment.. his best friend, and life long crush, Logan. Virgil was finished with all his performances for the evening right after that last act, so he rushed to the tech room still in costume and all.  Logan was still nonchalantly celebrating in the tech room as Virgil flew in and Logan let out a quick small gasp before he was met with Virgil's embrace.
"Vee..!! You were immaculate out there!!! I knew you would end up landing that last trick brilliantly!!!"  Logan cheered and Virgil chuckled hugging him tightly, still slightly out of breath,  "..Thanks...!! I can't believe I just did that..!! Oh my gosh..!"  He said while panting to catch his breath.  Logan quickly handed Virgil a fresh water bottle that he had a bunch of in a cooler for the cast when they all finished.  Virgil gladly took it and chugged a bit of it.  "Virgil, I've been doing this for about seven years with you and I can truly say that in my own opinion, you are the most talented acrobat I've ever seen."  Logan confessed with a genuine soft grin.  "Well.. If it wasn't for you always believing in me, I wouldn't even be in this position right now.."  Virgil said with a laugh and Logan blushed at the sight of it. Virgil was sat up on the prop table still in his beautifully crafted costume and complimenting makeup, Logan felt his heart skip and he wished that he could do what he really wanted to do right now. Logan knew better than to actually go through with it though. But damn, was it tempting.  Virgil hopped off of the plastic table and put his water bottle aside still softly smiling.  "Well.. I have to go to curtain call. I'll catch up with you later."  He began to head out but he stopped in the walk way halfway,  "Oh! And Logan,"  he quickly said turning around and walking back up to him. Logan quickly twirled around and was met with Virgil's shimmery purple eyes.  Virgil suddenly grabbed Logan's tie and pulled him down slightly to his level before quickly giving him a kiss on the cheek.  "...Thank you for being here."  He said sincerely before turning around again and skipping out.. Logan's eyes grew wide and his mouth slightly agape like he wanted to say something but couldn't. He slowly moved his fingertips up onto his cheek where Virgil planted a kiss and residue from his dark purple lipstick remained on Logan's cheek. A smile slowly grew on his face and he felt his heart warm. Logan quickly went back to working on the stage as they did curtain call with a skip in his step.
They did curtain call and the audience made their way out of the building. Virgil stayed longer after shows to practice. Logan walked into the main show ring to quickly see what he automatically presumed was Virgil swinging up in the air on the trapeze rope. As soon as Logan saw the purple shimmering hair and that proved his theory. When Virgil noticed Logan he was in mid swing so he flipped off onto the high platform and released a rope to which he leaped onto and elegantly glided down to Logan's level. Virgil let the rest of the rope fall before he greeted his good friend who was still slightly astonished by Virgil's quick and simple stunt.
"I still don't quite know how you're able to have such skill, Vee. You amaze me each and everyday." Logan said in all honestly with a small blush and smile. Virgil snickered and rolled his eyes. "It's not THAT incredible you know.." Virgil began to protest before he was corrected. "But it is, actually. You have a talent that not everyone can do. You're quite brilliant." Logan said with a smile of pride as he adjusted his glasses with his index finger. Virgil suddenly pressed his finger to Logan's mouth to shush him. "Shut up, Nerd." He muttered with a chuckle before going over and beginning to wind up the fallen rope. Logan smirked a bit going over and snatching the rope from Virgil's hands. "Well, it just so happens that this 'Nerd', got kissed on the cheek earlier, and this 'Nerd' wants answers." He mocked teasingly before Virgil rolled his eyes and slinked behind him secretly stealing to wound up rope. "Well... I hate to be the bearer of bad news but that 'Nerd' won't be getting any explanations from me, thanks." Virgil replied nastily and Logan turned around and grabbed onto the small bit of rope trailing behind Virgil which he used to tug him back over and accidentally very very close to Logan. "Well this nerd would like you to know that he really enjoyed your kiss.. and wouldn't mind more." Logan teased with a smirk.. He knew exactly what he was doing. Virgil blushed and avoided eye contact before quickly swinging the ring of wound up rope over and around Logan's neck carefully and he tugged on it bringing Logan's face inches from his. "..You tell him that I don't listen to orders. I make them."
Virgil declared before turning away and beginning to walk. Logan let out a small frustrated sigh after Virgil's last comment. "Vee.... What's stopping you from taking what you want?" Logan asked in desperation and Virgil froze. "....Everything. Everything is stopping me, Lo.." he muttered softly before continuing to move along with tying up rope. "Falsehood. Nothing is stopping you—" Logan began to protest before Virgil swiftly turned around with a sad but angry expression. "Logan, think about it. You're smart, witty, brilliant, inspiring, and just overall incredible. But when it comes to me.. I fall on the other side of the spectrum. I'm nothing compared to you. I might as well be the walking freak show of the event.." Virgil snapped back at him while angrily cleaning equipment. Logan finally had enough of arguing. He took the trapeze bar straight out of Virgil's hands and he untangled a rope which held down a weighted bag so once it was released the trapeze raised. "..Virgil. I may work in tech... but that doesn't mean I can't have a side hobby." Logan said with a smirk before grasping the two ropes hoisting himself up so he was standing on the trapeze bar and swinging. Once he got enough momentum he leapt onto the other trapeze. Virgil watched with his jaw dropped to the floor before he jumped up and swung onto the second trapeze. The two swung past each other in unison and ended up doing a bunch of duet tricks together for the next fifteen minutes. It was rather magical...
Eventually they both landed and they were filled with laughter from their joyous activity that just happened. Virgil eventually got back to thinking about their fight before hand.. "...Logan. While your little presentation was enjoyable.. It won't change the fact that if people saw us as a couple we'd be rejected. I'm already rejected by most, but I can't ruin you're reputation.." Virgil stated with a fading expression before Logan frown and gently held both of his hands in his own, "Virgil, I don't care about my reputation.... I only care about you. I haven't cared about anything ever until I met you. When a person feels this kind of way about someone else there is no changing it.. Especially when it is as strong as what my feelings for you are. My point is, no matter what happens I believe that my feelings will never change for you. So why don't we just take a chance..? We don't have to hide.. We don't have to give a care in the world about what anyone else thinks about us.. We can just be... us." Logan looked desperately into Virgil's eyes. Virgil swallowed hard and he slowly smiled weakly before quickly throwing his arms around Logan and pulling him into a sweet loving embrace. Logan was a bit surprised at first but quickly realized and hugged him back just as tightly.
"...I love you, Lo." "..I love you too, Vee."

Logan/Logic X Virgil/Anxiety| ONESHOTS | (read for bio more info)Where stories live. Discover now