~𝙷𝚎 𝚜𝚊𝚒𝚍 𝚢𝚎𝚜..~ (Pt. 2)

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Nobody's POV:
Janus, Remus, and Patton were all lightly chatting in the living room and it was quite peaceful.  That is, until Roman bursted into the room almost tripping with a wide grin,
"GUYS!!!!  LOGAN PROPOSED TO VIRGIL LAST NIGHT!!!  AND HE SAID YES!!!!"  Roman shouted as he tried to catch his breath from running all the way there after Logan told him about what happened the night before.  Patton practically jumped up from his seat on the couch knocking off the hood to his cat onesie and squealed, Remus had pretty much the same reaction as Patton and he started jumping up and down with Patton, Janus cracked a tiny smile for a moment before quickly looking away to avoid any teasing, though of course Roman noticed it.
"Aww!! Come on Jan!! What's the matter? Snake got your tongue???" Roman teased at Janus before the snake hybrid got up from his seat.
"Ha Ha. Roman you are just HISSSterical." Janus muttered with a smirk and Patton and Roman gasped,
"DID YOU JUST MAKE A SNAKE PUN!??!!?!"  The two shouted in unison..
Janus paused with a blank stare before shrugging with a smirk.
"Of course not.  Oh, and Patton.... You must stop drinking that hot chocolate....  It's making you VIPERactive..."   Janus grinned slyly and Patton clapped out of happiness and pride.
Suddenly a familiar groggy and tired voice piped in.
"Ugh.. great.  Deceit's joined the pun squad.... I might as well just call him William  SNAKESpeare,"
"Virgil!!!!" The group shouted in unison in
(Sorry I had to 😂)

~A few weeks later~
      (Wedding day)

Logan's POV:
I woke up to my alarm I had set and rolled over to kiss Virgil good morning but I then quickly remembered that he currently wasn't there. Roman insisted that it supposedly was bad luck to see the groom before the wedding, I chose Roman as my
'Best Man' because Virgil had already chose Patton,
and technically Roman did sort of help me propose to Virgil in the first place so that's fairly credible.
Patton and Remus were in another room with Virgil because of Roman's strange idea. And that means I got trapped with Roman and Janus. Speaking of, Roman came prancing out with a grin and Janus followed after him.
"Oh Logan!!!~~~ Today is the day!! You finally get to marry your beloved groom to be!!!~" Roman spoke in his annoying, royal, singing voice.
"..I'm aware. I didn't need to set an alarm if I knew I was going to be awoken by a figurative singing telegram.." I murmured in response before quickly putting my glasses on and getting out of bed.
"Aw come on!! Cheer up Specs! You have a wedding to get ready for!" I hate it when he states the obvious.
"Roman Creativity Sanders, If you do not stop acting so impeccably ignorant than you won't be attending said wedding." I scolded him.. I didn't mean to come of so harsh but I suppose I'm just a bit overloaded.
"Mind him. My taste in guys must be fantastic." Janus lied with a grin and Roman huffed.
I stepped into the bathroom and looked into the large mirror over the sink.. Even though it was sort of a minor thing especially for a day such as today, I still missed Virgil... we normally had a small routine in the mornings together, I'd wake up and give him a kiss, normally he'd refuse and grumpily stuff his face into my chest which never fails to become any less adorable, we'd both eventually get up and normally Virgil would watch me get around and get ready in a short amount of time and I'd kiss him again and eventually he'd get ready.... It's pretty rare that me and Virgil are apart, I just miss my starshine... However I predict we'll have plenty of time to make up for the loss of time together at a later date considering that we'll be husbands.
I checked the time on my watch and took a breath to clear my head. I then got ready for this special occasion and couldn't get my mind off of my fiancé.
I was eager to see him... I got changed into my dark blue suit and wore my own normal tie, I fixed my dark brown hair and then pinned a small black rose that was one of Virgil's favorite things down to my left side on my chest above my eager beating heart..
I had Janus and Roman help me with adding the smaller details, Roman had the surprisingly clever idea to take a darker soft blue color eyeshadow and lightly put it along my under eye to match what Virgil normally did. I couldn't stop thinking about seeing my groom to be walking down the aisle.. It made me smile to myself.
Eventually Roman got ready in his fancy silk ruby red colored suit and Janus got into an all black suit except for his bow tie which was gold, plus his average yellow gloves.
Roman was looking at his phone and suddenly gasped with a small squeal. "Jan!!! Come here!! Patton just sent me a picture of Virgil!!! Aww~"
I perked up slightly and Janus peeked over Roman's shoulder with a smirk, "He looks absolutely hideous," Janus lied, I tried to look but Roman quickly snatched it away,
"No!! Logan! You'll get to see him when he walks down the aisle! So avert your specs, Specs!"
I just rolled my eyes and sat down with a sigh,
I decided to text Virgil myself....
L: "Good Morning, my Starshine."
V: "Morning, Stardust. Are you ready?"
L: "Yes. Very ready."
V: "Good. I'm ready as I'll ever be."
L: "I miss your beautiful smile."
V: "I miss yours more."
L: "Falsehood."
V: "Preposterous."
L: "You know that I physically can only speak the truth."
V: "That's why I love you so much."
L: "Why's that?"
V: "because I know your always one hundred percent honest with me and that when you tell me these things I actually believe them."
L: "I wish I could kiss you right now."
V: "Me too. Mwah, I'm sending kisses your way."
L: "Ah yes, I can almost feel all the love."
V: "Pat & Remy refuse to let me leave my room."
L: "Ro & Jan refuse to let me leave mine, nor are they letting me see your beauty."
V: *sent a selfie with him smiling sweetly*
L: "There's my Starshine, You're stunning."
V: "Oh please. Come on now, your turn."
L: *sent a mirror selfie of him with a smirk.*
V: "Talk about stunning... If your not careful I might not be able to keep my hands to myself."
L: "I don't think I would mind that."
V: "I love you Stardust."
L: "I love you more Starshine."
V: "To the moon and back?"
L: "To the moon and back. Figuratively, but most definitely."

It was nearing the time we were going to arrive to the venue which was of course themed to a galactic type of occasion because of mine and Virgil's shared interest in astronomy. I could feel how fast my heart was beating.. I can't tell if it's from nervousness or excitement, either way It's a pleasant feeling.
Finally after what felt like an eternity.. I stood on a higher platform inside of a planetarium.
Patton was crying happy tears in the audience aside of Roman who was sitting up looking very proud of himself for helping plan the ceremony next to Remus and Janus who had fairly blank faces.
...My eyes immediately landed on....him.
Virgil.... My soon to be husband... I saw how insecure he looked with everyone staring at him.. but I couldn't help but stare.. His purple eyes shimmered in the dim lighting.... His attire included a long black cloak that did have slight sequins in different places that made him glow... a spider shaped bow tie with a bright purple gemstone in the center of it held the cloak together draping off his shoulders and he wore a plain black button up dress shirt with a small plaid purple skirt and striped leggings, black high top sneakers... Ironically he had a metallic purple color eyeshadow on his under eye like I had but mine was blue.... I... For once I-I'm speechless... He looked gorgeous.... My beautiful Starshine...
He approached the platform to me and I snapped out of the small trance I was in.. For some reason I couldn't stop smiling.. No matter how hard I tried I ended up finding myself figuratively lost in his eyes...
So for most of the ceremony I found myself getting distracted.. therefor it seemed as if it went by faster then it was. We were already halfway through the ritual.
"Logan, or Logic... Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, through sickness and through health, through bitter and through worse, do you promise to love and cherish him until death do you part?"
I smiled and turned my gaze back onto Virgil with a wide blush before saying,
"Indeed, I do."
"Virgil, or Anxiety... Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, through sickness and through health, through bitter and through worse, do you promise to love and cherish him until death do you part?"
Virgil took a deep breath and made direct eye contact with me with a blush and a small grin,
"..I do."
I felt a big feeling of relief and overall happiness when Virgil declared this.
"Then by the power invested in the universe, I know pronounce you, married. You may now kiss."
Of course neither of us hesitated and we both quickly leaned in for a loving kiss. I felt an overwhelming feeling of happiness and it caused me to celebrate by taking Virgil by the waist and lifting him off the ground slightly and twirling around with him,
Virgil chuckled through the kiss and held on tight to me when I did this..
I heard our friends amongst the cheers,
"THEY GROW UP SO FAST!!!" Patton sobbed,
"I just love a happy ending!!" Roman cheered,
"Roman, I would tooottaaallllyy despise it if you proposed to me.." Janus lied,
"Welp! Now they're married. That means next is children!!!" Remus cackled.

The rest of the day was a tremendous celebration.
I admired Virgil's beauty throughout the night and couldn't wait to go home with him and finally get to show my love for him without people staring.
In the middle of the night when we were sitting alone at our table Virgil turned his attention towards me,
"Logan... I love you so much. This is probably the best day I've ever had. And you are the best thing that's ever happened to me." Virgil's voice was sweet and sincere.
"..Virgil, I love you more than anything. Today was amazing. I'm so very lucky to have such a wonderful husband. You'll never stop being my number one priority.... My incredible Starshine.."

Logan/Logic X Virgil/Anxiety| ONESHOTS | (read for bio more info)Where stories live. Discover now