F͜͡ a͜͡ v͜͡ o͜͡ r͜͡ i͜͡ t͜͡ e͜͡ C͜͡ r͜͡ i͜͡ m͜͡ e͜͡

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This chapter contains sensitive topics.
Reader discretion is advised

Virgil's POV:

"GET HIM!!!!"


Hey, I'm Virgil. You're probably wondering how I got into this conundrum, well, I'll give you some background...

Currently, I'm being chased by the guards that work for billionaire scientist, Logan Logical. Now, this isn't exactly the most ideal situation considering the fact that I'm surrounded by armed security guards and the only way out.. is off the balcony on the highest floor of the entire four story estate. The reason why I'm in this place in the very first place is rather simple. Logan has something that rightfully belongs to me, and I infiltrated the estate hoping I could find this one of a kind item.. to then find out that Logan keeps it in his possession at all times. Turns out, I'm not the most discreet or sneaky vigilante ever. So I made a bit of a scene in the process...

Alright Virge, time for your game face..
All you have to do is grab Logan, and get away safely...
I underestimated how hard that was going to be.

Next thing I know,
I leap over the guards, grab Logan who struggles but is helpless in my grasp, kick off the guard dogs that are attempting to rip off my legs, I run for it with Logan in my tight grip,
And I leap...
Off the balcony. Might as well give em' a show.
I smirk and give a wave to the guards that are looking down off the balcony where me and Logan are falling to what would seem to be our deaths.. but I'm smarter than that.
I give the signal and my good pal and partner in crime, Deceit, speeds up giving us a safe landing into our getaway car. Logan thankfully is tok in shock to process his current situation.
I grin showing my fangs and let out a snicker that some would call maniacal.

"..I-....WHAT THE HELL— WHO ARE YOU!? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND-" The frantic panicked Logan screeches
"Tch. Yeah, I'm out of my goddamn mind. And I'm your worst nightmare, sweetheart. Now.. this may hurt a bit."
I say before sticking an injection of special serum into his neck that causes him to pass out.

We get back to our hideout in an abandoned warehouse and Deceit ties up Logan while I inspect my chipped fang in the mirror.
Deceit sighs heavily irritated,
"I thought you promised that you were going to stick to the plan, Vee!"
I laughed at his remark.
"Aw, come on. Lighten up, Dee! You're such a buzzkill!"
Deceit was furious which is hilarious.
"I'M THE BUZZKILL—... Ugh. Alright. Whatever. What matters is we have our guy."
I rolled my eyes.
"You do know that 'our guy' has a name."
Deceit snarled,
"Oh please, you act like it actually matters."
For the sake of our goal, Deceit is right. But for the sake of decency, I know that I'm right.
I know J literally just kidnapped a dude, but I still have some sympathy. Especially for this guy...
I was tasked with doing research on Logan Logical before our mission and I must say, the guy's actually kinda cool. He's a total nerd of course. The whole reason why he is a millionaire in the first place is because he mixed up a concoction that could heal anyone at any time. He's helped billions of people all across the nation. But one ingredient that is needed for the concoction is a very special type of crystal.. Lepidolite. And they got that Lepidolite from me. It was in an amulet that belongs to me. That's all I want to disclose for now...

While Deceit went of and did whatever the hell it is he does, I was stuck with Logan. While he was unconscious I got a chance to really get a good look at his features...
He was a cleanly and organized man for sure. He always wore his signature dark blue and black necktie that suited him quite well. He had thick black rimmed glasses that made him look like a huge nerd, but a really hot nerd. His dark brown hair dropped down across one of his eyes but it framed his strong facial structure perfectly. He was the biggest geek ever. But quite frankly, the sexiest geek I've ever seen...
What? I'm not ashamed to say that I think he is a really attractive guy. Everyone knows I'm extremely gay. And although he doesn't quite see it himself, Logan is the entire definition of gay panic. Although, he's supposed to be my rival or whatever. But whoever said I can't keep my enemies close?

Logan/Logic X Virgil/Anxiety| ONESHOTS | (read for bio more info)Where stories live. Discover now