•? 𝐶 𝑜 𝑛 𝑓 𝑖 𝑑 𝑒 𝑛 𝑡 𝑖 𝑎 𝑙 ?•

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Continuation of my 9th
post, Abused.

Contains extreme
sensitive topics
such as abuse.
Please read at your
own risk.
Also, if you feel that
you are in a abusive
relationship, please
get help.
National Abuse hotline:

Virgil's POV:
Ughhhhhhhh...!!! This is driving me insane..!! Lately, Logan has been... distant. It's scaring me, considering the fact that I'm his boyfriend. I love Lo, I really really do! But I-I'm terrified that he possibly doesn't return the feelings... Or worse..!! I feel like I'm going to explode with fear and nervousness.... I gotta do something..

I found Logan alone sitting at his desk that was littered with papers and books. "..U-Um...
L-Logan..? I-Is now a bad time?.." I stammered out extremely nervously and he didn't look away from his work but instead mumbled, "..No. What can I do for you?"
I gulped and stepped closer to him hoping to grab his attention more. "..I...I need to talk with you.. I-It's about something important.."  I answered very skittishly,  Logan seemed to let out a sigh and he finally looked up at me folding his hands over his lap and leaning back in his chair,  I took a deep breath,  "...L-Lo.. I guess I just can't help but notice that....
W-Well..  You seem to be more.. distant I gusss.... I.. I'm just wondering if you're okay...And I... I'm sorry if it's something I did...." I was staring at the ground shamefully and as I spoke I started to cry and sniffled a little bit between pauses. I'm well aware how pathetic I look... But I guess that wasn't the first thing on my mind at that time. I heard Logan's chair squeak and he seemed to stand from his seat coming a bit closer to me.. I guess just out of instinct I flinched and genuinely scurried back a little with my arms raised up to block anything that might hurt me.... I heard a small faint gasp come from Logan and I shakily and slowly moved my arms away to see Logan with a look of guilt, devastation, and extreme concern. I felt my lip quiver in nervousness..
"...V-Vee..? I... Y-Y-You.... My god.." he breathily whispered with a cracking and clearly scared voice. I saw tears well up in his eyes and I couldn't help but tense up in fear.
Before I could comprehend it, Logan started sobbing and he pulled me into a very tight embrace.... He held me as if his life depended on it... It was tight and firm yet comforting and warm. I was a little shocked at first but slowly warmed up to the embrace and gently hugged him back as he sobbed into my shoulder. I felt a pain in my heart as I heard his dreadful sobs..
I was confused... I had never ever seen him this upset throughout all I've known him. I was desperate to find out what was causing Logan to act this way..
I comforted him silently until he had calmed down a bit and his sobs turned into small sniffles and heaves now and then.
"...L-Logan..... T-Talk to me.. W-What is going on??.." I asked quite pleadingly. He seemed to tense up when I asked that and I led him over to his bed where I sat down on the edge of it with him. He avoided eye contact with me.
"....I-It's.. I-It's Roman..." I flinched at the name. I used to date Roman a very long time ago. He abused me for quite some time until Logan figured out what he was doing to me and he immediately helped me out of the harmful relationship... that's when we fell in love.
"...W-What's Roman doing??" I asked becoming more scared by the second.
".....H-He-... I-I can't tell you..." Once I heard him say this I clenched my jaw and squeezed my eyes shut. That isn't the answer I needed...
"..L-Logan....P-Please..!" I begged and he let out another sob and shook his head. Dammit..
I could tell he wanted to tell me.. Whatever was happening wasn't good. Not at all.
Whatever Roman is doing it quite clearly can't be anything good... The one thing I fear most is actually happening....  What am the hell am I gonna do??...

Logan/Logic X Virgil/Anxiety| ONESHOTS | (read for bio more info)Where stories live. Discover now