~♡ ︎𝔹 𝕒 𝕓 𝕪♡︎ ~

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(Pretty fluffy, but
slightly matured

Logan's POV:
Today was a very tiring day.  Tackling all of the challenges of attempting to put up with Ro, Pat, and Rem is exhausting.  By the time the day came to a close and I had finished all of my work and completed my daily tasks while also managing the other sides, I was completely out of it.  The only thing I wanted to do in that moment was spend some quality time with my beautiful boyfriend.  I came back to my room to see Virgil sitting crisscross on my bed while staring at his phone.  He looked up from his phone and smiled softly,  "Hi, Lo.  I left my jacket on the dresser for you.."  he said returning his gaze to whatever he was doing on his device.  Normally when I came back home I would end up finding most comfort in wearing Virgil's jacket, so it became a bit of a routine.
I sighed and quickly tugged off my necktie and unbuttoned my polo shirt before pulling Virgil's warm jacket on and smiling very faintly to myself for only a moment.  I wasn't hesitant to crawl onto my bed next to him and sat on my knees staring at him, yet he didn't seem to look away from his phone. I frowned and cleared my throat a bit to try and grab his attention, but he didn't spare me a glance.  I crossed my arms and huffed grumpily to hopefully signal that I wished to receive some acknowledgment and some attention.  But as I suspected he hadn't looked away.  I grumbled and tried to squeeze myself into his arms,  "..H-Hey.. Logan, come on, I can't see what I'm doing."  He whined semi strictly and I sighed feeling a little discouraged and figuratively hurt.  I eventually tried to grab his wrist,  "..Vee....! Why won't you pay attention to me??.. Ughhhh..."  I complained and he seemed to ignore me.  After a few more attempts I finally snatched his phone away and quickly straddled him,  "..Please just give me your love..!! That's all I ask..!"   I whined and he looked up at me with sorrow in his eyes. 
"....Oh, baby.. I'm sorry I was so distracted... Let me make it up to you, My love..."  he said lovingly and kissed his way down my cheek and to my neck which I couldn't help but comply with and I felt myself become limp in his arms. Truthfully, my pride didn't want to let this happen, but I cannot bring myself to possibly say no to this.  "...Sorry for being demanding.  I suppose I've just had a long day, that's all."  I whispered to him softly and he chuckled against my neck..  "..Don't apologize, Love. I can only imagine what you have to deal with on a day to day basis.  You deserve a nice distraction from all of the stressful things you're tasked with handling. I appreciate you, Lolo. You work so hard all the time... You don't get enough credit for all you do for everyone.. And especially all you do for me. You're so incredible to me... You continue to inspire me each and every day... I still don't know how I got so lucky to have you as mine...."   Virgil relaid softly and sweetly..  U-Ugh... Dammit.. he knows I have a terrible weakness for praise.
"..Mmm~... V-Vee~.."  Is all that slipped out of my mouth before he gave my neck soft sweet kitten licks..  "...Aw.. You just can't get any more precious, can you baby~??"   Ohhfuck....
I hate it when he teases me.. but I also love it so much....   "..V-Virgil~..."  I groaned and he seemed to smirk.  "....Yes, My love?~"  oh lord... he expects me to verbally respond without tripping up???....  "..I- I... P-Please..
Y-You're teasing me too much... I..I c-can't take it..~!"   Oh no.. I didn't intend to allow that much to slip out.  He softened up and pulled away to look at me,   "..Okay, Okay... Fine I'll stop.."  he said chuckling and smothering me with a few loving kisses and just snuggling into me, I couldn't help but let out some giggles.
"..So, talk to me... What's going on?.. I'm happy to give you attention anytime but is there a reason to your sudden need for me..?"  He asked becoming sincere and sounding a bit concerned, I sighed.  "..I suppose it's just been frustrating. It is hard for me to remain calm while trying to keep the others under control and also achieving my own tasks. After days like this, I begin to notice myself go into a state of touch deprivation and a certain need for you..  You always seem to succeed in calming me down and you definitely help me reach a sense of peace and contentment."  I poured out to him and his expression shifted into a softer smile,  "..Logan....I wish you would've told me this earlier.  I love you.. so so so much... You're so important to me.  How about you just let me spoil you tonight..? I want to make you feel just as special as you actually are to me.  I know that's the least I could do for you..."  he said very honestly and gave me a sad smile of sympathy.   I couldn't help but crack a tiny grin and nodded allowing myself to figuratively melt into his arms fitting perfectly in his embrace.  I felt him kiss my head softly  numerous times and he held me place to his chest.  We eventually put on a movie that included both of our interests which was a documentary about ghosts,  Virgil held me, kissed me, and cuddled me throughout the production.  He would stop and look at me every now and then just to tell me that he loves me which is something I couldn't get enough of.  He lingered kisses from my forehead to the top of my nose to my cheek and to my jawline... I could tell that each of his kisses were in the intention of assuring me that he would make sure that everything would be okay..  he even whispered soft comforting reassurance in my ear a few times.  The hours went by and I soon found myself fast asleep in the warmth of Virgil's grip onto me.  His eyes fluttered open when mine did,   "...Go back to sleep.. I'm not ready for our night to be over yet..."  he grumbled as he buried his face into my chest.  Nothing gets better than this. Nothing.

Logan/Logic X Virgil/Anxiety| ONESHOTS | (read for bio more info)Where stories live. Discover now