shoot tip off 67.5

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Your POV

"Nice shot Kurosaki-san!" One of the guys said as I smile at my teammates. It's been almost a year and a half since I join the boy's basketball club. Most of the guys from last year accepted me as a teammate after seeing my skills on the court. Though some of them still see me as a distraction but they learn to keep their mouths shut.

"(F/n)-chan!" I looked over to see Kise next to her. I know Kise from all the excitement from the girls in my class. I will admit he is kinda cute but other than that I don't see why he's such a big deal.

"Momo-chan why are you with Kise?" I asked as she as Aomine hanged onto the hoop.

"Kise-kun's going to join the first string from now on." She said as I looked at him a bit surprised that he here seeing that he recently joined.

"Hehh, even though you just joined, that's amazing," Aomine-kun said as came down.

"(F/n)-chan do you know where Tetsu-kun is?" Momo-chan asked as I looked where he's at.

"Come on your always with him and it's troubling to understand when you stay quiet when you know. Plus Tetsu-kun is Kise-kun's instructor after all." She said as I looked at Tetsu but she seems to not know I was looking at him.

"My instructor?" Kise said while not knowing about Tetsu had been standing behind him the whole time.

"Yes, he's your senpai, Kise-kun is a second-year but you recently joined. So he said to let you do the same duties as the first years," she explained seeing that she gave up trying to get the answers from me and looked for Tetsu in the gym. I observed Kise more seeing that I might have play with him in a game soon.

"Is that why you're looking for Tetsu?" She nodded as I sigh and walked to grab my water bottle.

"He's nearby you," I said as I kept walking as she sighs seeing I'm not one to give out hints often.


'Looks like Tetsu finally been seen.' I took a sip of water not being affected by Kise screams.

"(F/n)?" I looked at Akashi as he seems a bit worry. Though we often play shogi after school with Midorima I sorta started developing a small crush on him ever since he asks me to join a party with his dad.

"Do you need something Akashi?" I asked as he looked at me curiously.

"I want you to go against Aomine for today, can you do that?" He said as I nodded but he grabs my arm.

"Try not to go overboard," he said as he let's go of my arm.

'It said than done you don't have to deal with a heart that's beating so fast that it might explode out my chest.'

Midorima POV

I received the ball from (F/n) as she retrieves the ball from being blocked from Murosakibara. We often play together on the same side since Aomine would always want to go one-on-one with her. Yet those two never seem to hold back against each other.

"Midorima!" She passed the ball to me as I caught it and made another 3 pointer shot.

"Nice shot shin-chan!" She said as she patted my arm.

"Nice pass," I mumbled softly but I knew she heard me as she began to jog. I felt my heartbeat but I ignored it seeing that I'm still playing.

'I got to keep my head in the game and not in my feelings.'

Kuroko POV

After telling Kise to clean up with the first years I caught up to (F/n) as she came out in her normal school uniform.

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