Shoot 6

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Your POV

As I let the music take over of my body I couldn't help but smile. Something inside of me gives me the urge to smile. Maybe because someone else other than Ayame is here and that makes me smile.

"Masaomi your one beat slow and try to slow down (F/n)," Ayame said as my body adjusts to the new beat. When the music stops I twirled towards everyone and bow.

"We might need to work on balancing the speed but everything else seems fine. Even if it is cha cha cha you guys should be able to stick in rhythm. Don't forget the Hyoudou pair and Akagi pair will be in this competition and I don't want my best dancers to lose against them. Hyoudou pair always comes first every year but not this time. I made sure you guys had the perfect routine that no one has dance before." Ayame said as she began to laugh like a crazy woman.

"She seriously doesn't like to lose," Masaomi said as I sigh and looked at the guys all open mouth all except Tetsu.

"If you keep your mouth open even longer you'll eat a fly," I said as many snap out and closed their mouths.

"How did you do that?!" They all said.

"Long story short I can copy moves that can help me with basketball. So copying dance moves wasn't hard for me to learn. How I do it is still a mystery to me as well. Anything else you need me to answer?" They all still seem in shock as Tetsu was looking at the pictures.

"I thought you were an amateur but you looked like a professional," Bakagami said as everyone seem to be coming back.

"I was for two months it was around the third month I began to dance with Masaomi after what happen to Ayame." I went to grab a water bottle and got one for Masaomi.

"Huh wait she was in an accident?" Coach Riko asked as Ayame laugh nervously.

"Well, something like that around two weeks before qualifying for the first competition for the season. I sorta broke my ankle that I couldn't even walk. So when Masaomi needed a partner she happens to already have some knowledge for dance." She said.

"Though she must have seen you dance our routine a lot to memorize each step," Masaomi said as he took a drink of his water.

"Even so she's able to adjust quickly. Now let's try samba next." Ayame said as I sigh.

'Man I really hate Latin style.'

Kagami POV

As they began to practice again I looked to see pictures and awards on a wall. I walked over and see many dancing pairs and then I see a group all together. On the bottom row were three girls and the top three boys. I could tell three of them was Ayame, Masaomi, and (F/n).

"They were amazing dancers." I looked and see that Kuroko standing there.

"Really but what happened to the rest?"

"They all followed their own path," Ayame said as she looked at the picture.

"Ayame can I request something." (F/n) asked as she nodded.

"Can we practice standard?" She asked as I wonder what that was.

"You really like standard style don't you?"

"Well I may like rock music but I still like the classic." She said as Ayame smiled and looked at me.

"Do you wanna try dancing with her I'm sure it will improve your basketball." She said as I looked taken back.

"I guess but I don't have dancing shoes." She smiled and went into an office.

"Try these I'm sure they'll fit you." I changed shoes and she was right they fit perfectly.

"So do you have any experience with dance?" Ayame asked as shook my head.

"First you have open up to let your partner know your ready. Then hold her firm but at the same time gently. Almost like carrying a baby." She said as I walked on the dance floor.

"Ready when you are." She said as she lifted her hand up.


Riko POV

As Kagami looked really nervous everyone was curious about how they will dance.

"Did Ayame explain how to hold the partner right?" She asked as he nodded as she looked at him almost looking into his soul.

'This is the first time I see her this serious.' As Kagami took his stance she took her place her stomach was the only part touching his stomach.

"That's strange she behaving?" Masaomi said as Ayame nodded.

"I think she'll give up in 30 seconds and she'll probably take control. She is a wild beast unable to be control even if you try. I still can't believe that she behaved for this long." Ayame said.

"Any moment your ready you can move." She said as we waited for him to move but he didn't. She seems to get impatient and suddenly they moved.

"They're dancing guess Kagami finally got his nerves together," Hyuga said as I looked closely. As the boy began to hold his laugh.

"Not quite she hates it when she has a weak partner. Unlike us, no one else can keep a hold of her. The only person who has been able to keep a hold on her was her ex." Ayame seems a bit sad as I look back she seems to be putting more effort into helping Kagami. The guy walked behind Kagami seeing what's wrong.

"Come on Kagami put some more effort will you," Masaomi said as he patted his back hard. I guess it was a little too hard because he started to lose balance and began to fall forward.

"Oh no, he's going to crush her!'

Kagami POV

As I falling forward in slow motion. All I could do is hope I don't crush her because of me. Then all of a sudden we step at the same time and I took the chance to turn so she could fall on top of me. As I felt the floor I looked towards her and see her surprise.

"Are you guys alright?" Ayame asked as we both nodded but by the state, she's in it almost looks like she got scared.

"Hey, are you really alright?" She got up as began to walk to I guess the dressing rooms.

"I'm fine... Ayame I'm done for today I'll see you tomorrow." She said as she left to change. I got up and looked I my hands a bit surprised a what did.

'Did I just do that or was that her?'

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