shoot 37

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Your pov

The second quarter is almost halfway up but I can't seem to find anything to push them back or block from shooting.

"(F/n)-chan is there anything you can do against that guy?" Koganei senpai asked as I bit my nail. Looking at every strategy I think if I block one the other would take that opportunity. If I block the other he'll take that opportunity as well. Either way, it will be a win-win for Shutoku.

"I'm not sure if I can block him but I think I can at least keep him at bay. With Shin-chan that's a different story since he'll try to shoot from across the court leading us into a never-ending battle." I said as they seem a bit worry.

'Plus if I use my coping skills for that long my health will not be the best for a few days. If that happens I won't be able to join the next game.' I looked over at the scoreboard and we're running out of time.

'Damn it we don't have much time to figure out what to do to stop him and Shin-chan.' I looked at everyone and see their condition and I know they're exhausted from Seiho. Yet they're still going even when they're exhausted.

"Coach I think we should switch Tetsu out in the second half of the game. I'll take his place until he figures out how to handle that guy." I suggested as she nodded.

"Will you be able to handle him?" She asked as I smile.

"I have a few tricks of my sleeve that Shin-chan has yet to see. Though I won't know if it'll help much with two-pointers but I'll do my, best to make sure they don't pass the ball to Shin-chan." As the buzzer went off announcing the first half is over.

"Everyone to the locker," coach said as we got up and followed her to the lockers.

"Hey!" I looked up and see Ayame with a camera.

"Here I'm sure Kuroko wants to see this!" She said as she let it fall towards me.

"Thanks, Ayame I'm sure he'll be grateful to see this," I said as she nodded and climb up the stairs. I ran to catch up with the others in the locker room. I see everyone so quiet which made me a bit worried but shook it and walk towards Tetsu.

"Tetsu Ayame gave me this for you," I said as I gave him the camera.

"Thanks maybe I can find a way to beat Takao with this." He said as I nodded.

'I just hope he can find something.'

Riko POV

"Everyone before we go out there Kuroko will be switch out with (F/n)-chan," I said as she see nodded as well did Kuroko.

"So who do you want me to mark on 10?" She asked as I nodded.

"Take number 10 I don't think he'll be able to block you very easily. Do whatever you can to find an opening for us." She nodded and began to remove her shirt.

"Understood I won't let you and our senpais down coach." She said as I nodded with her comment.

'Let's hope we can still make a comeback.'

Ranmaru POV

As the second half started I see Tetsu is sitting on the bench with the others and (F/n) was on the court.

"Looks like she's going to play in this half of the game," Reiji said all happy and all of a sudden their cheering squad began to scream making us look and see them waving at them.

"Wow didn't know she was that popular." He said as Ai seem curious about it too.

"If my data is right there from a fan club that started when she was 1st year in Teiko. Since then those who still follow her like she's an idol." Ai said as I begin to wonder what may have happened when she was at Teiko.

"Well she is cute and talented I'm sure that the reason right?" Reiji said as I began to worry if some of those guys might be here to ask my sister out.

'No way am I letting any of those beasts near her!'

Ayame POV

"Do you think Kuroko will be able to find a way to stop that guy from blocking him?" Masaomi asked as I smiled.

"Have some faith in Seirin would you just take a look at (F/n)-chan and how focus she is at the moment." The moment we looked at the game Takao seems a bit taken back that his block was an advantage to grab the ball and take a shoot from the midcourt.

"She's in to help get more points but I've been noticing something that Seirin didn't know they have," I mention as Midorima was about to make the shot Kagami manage to touch the ball making it a bit unbalanced.

"Kagami maybe like our queen down there. One of the very few people who can be considered a miracle in the making."

Your POV

There's no way all the shots Shin-chan makes always go in but the is the first I've ever seen it like this. Wait that our opening we've been looking for to win this game?

"Everyone this isn't over yet let's show them what Seirin is made of!" I yelled as my senpais smiled and agreed.

'Kagami to think you could be considered a miracle like the rest of us.' I couldn't help but smile and have a feeling that there's more to Kagami than I could ever thought.

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