shoot 11

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Masaomi POV

'They're quick on their feet and they haven't reached the 2nd quarter and they looked tired already.' I was watching the game at Seirin side since I would probably just glare at Kise.

"Kasamatsu Masaomi why didn't you tell me she was going to play in a game?!" I turn around to find Ayame in her school uniform. She was panting like a dog but still manage to get where I was at.

"Oh I just found out recently but it was Kuroko idea. Amazingly, she agreed to it." She came towards me as I watch the game.

"I got word from her fan club that someone saw her here preparing for a practice match." She said as she tries to gain her breath.

"Wow, the word goes out fast, and did you actually run all the way here?" I asked as she glared at me.

"Of course I ran here I'm her coach I have to make sure to evaluate how much work we need to do. If she lacking I want to help her out in any way I can. We all made that promise before we choose our schools remember." She said as she collected herself.

"Even so this is her choice if chooses to come back to her throne we have to let her," I told her as she got sad.

"What if she doesn't want to go back?" She asked.

"We'll help her find her way again." She nodded and we continue watching the game.

'Come on Seirin bring her back. We want to see her true potential.'

Your POV

As I kept watching I could tell Kuroko was getting slower meaning he almost reaching his limit faster than normal. There's also the fact Kagami is too hot-headed as well. If he plays hard Kise will play harder than him.

"Seirin time out" I got up and handed towels and energy drinks ready for them. As they took a seat from all that running.

'With that rate the guys are going, they will surely win especially.' I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard the fatty yell.

"How many points are you gonna let them score?! Is the defense asleep?! Huh?!"  He yelled like a madman.

"Sorry," the captain said as I shook my head. The feeling of playing is finally gone I don't have to play now. I can focus on other things that don't involve my past and I'll be happy with that. As we plan our next move I began to think if we mention our weakness. I for sure am not telling my weakness.

"Everyone there is a way to beat him. Because they have a weakness." I told them as they seem surprised I knew about this.


"What? You should've told us sooner." Hyuga said as kuroko stop him.

"No to be honest I'm not sure you could call it a weakness," Kuroko said as they seem to understand better.

"There's another problem because of the unexpected high-pace play Kuroko effectiveness is already wearing off," I told them as they got shocked.


"Am I right Kuroko?" He nodded as the coach seem to get mad at us.

"Why didn't you tell us something so important sooner?!" She yelled at the same time had Tetsu in triangle choked. While me and the other try to calm her down and make her release him.

"I'm sorry you didn't ask." He tries to apologize but was stopped by her.

"Do you not say anything unless you're asked?" She yelled as she released him.

"Time out is over" they announce.

"All I got to do was hit Kuroko!" She yelled as I smiled and patted her back. Kagami stopped in front of us before going back on the court.

"Let me stay on him please." He asked.

"Why are you acting so polite?" I ask since I was wondering about this the whole time he broke the hoop.

"I have the feeling I'm about to get something." He said as he ran to catch up with the others.

"Hey wait! Switch from man to man to zone defense. Keep it right inside and move in to help stop Kise quickly. Stopping Kise is your priority." She said to them as they got it.

"Also slow down your pace Kuroko. Just don't let the gap get too big. Can you do that?" She asked as he finishes tieing his shoes.

"I'll try." Before he went on the court I almost forgot to tell him something.

"Tetsu the time is almost here I can feel it. So until then don't give up." He smiled and nodded and went back to the court with the others.

'I hope I'm doing the right thing if not this could ruin not only my judgment but their hopes for being the best.'

Masaomi POV

"Do you think she's there yet?" Ayame asked as I observe the game. They're trying to stop Kise but even if they do it won't make a difference. My brother isn't the type to leave it all on one person. So of course he'll find other ways to score and if I'm not mistaking he's good at three-pointers.

"Masaomi?" I looked at her and her eyes were full of worry as I smiled.

"Don't worry it's almost time for her to go on. I know she'll be able to help them win this game with the help of those two. Listen I don't want you to tell her this so this is only between us." She seems confused but nodded.

'She needs to know this may be the only way to encourage (F/n). I'm sorry but it has to be done even if it cost me a season out.'

Your POV

'They seem to be getting used to Kuroko misdirection.' As I notice how much time we have before the 2nd quart starts.

'If this keeps going the gap may be too big for them to cover alone. Even with Kagami and Kuroko, they need to find a way to stop Kise.'

"Out of bounds white ball!" I looked to see Kise and Kagami. At that moment my heart seem to pound faster. Like the adrenaline seem to pump in my vines. With every word that Kise is saying it almost makes me want to show him who's team, he's messing with.

"Are you alright?" Coach asked as I nodded.

"Yeah I'm fine just a little pumped up that's all." She seemed to know what I meant. That's when I heard laughter from Kagami and he's the last person who would laugh like this. It almost scares me to hear him laugh so carefree.

"Sorry sorry, I'm just so happy." He said almost regaining himself from his excitement.


"It's been a long time since anyone's said that to me. I heard it all the time over there." He explains to Kise which confused him a bit.

"Over there?"

"In America"

"You lived in America? That's amazing." He said excitedly to hear about his story.

"I thought I jumped the gun coming back here to play. Hearing you say that is encouraging really. Life is all about challenges. There's no point in living if there's no one strong to play. It's better if I can't win." Kagami said as I was taken back to what he said.

'It's better if he can't win? But why is that?'

"We're just getting started don't you think it's a little soon to be saying you won? Besides, thanks to you, now I know your weakness." He said as I forgot I didn't tell them what their weakness was. So how could he figure it out?

"What weakness?"

"I'm sure it wasn't easy for you to say it yourself. With one look? What you don't see it? What if you don't know how to move like it? Against a guy who's already invisible and a girl who can copy it to the source, it's impossible. No matter how athletic you are, you'll never achieve an invisible basketball style and perfect copy style. In other words... this guy and that girl is your weakness." Kagami said as he grabs kuroko head and pointed at me.

"What are you doing?" Kuroko asked as I was about ready to give him a good lesson of manners.

"Bakagami you're so going to get it later," I mumbled as I could feel a fire bring inside of me now.

'I think it's almost time for me to go on. These boys need a lesson on how to take things seriously.'

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