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Your POV

I couldn't take it anymore, Kyoshi senpai looked like he was about to collapse. All we could do is sit back and watch him get hurt.

"Give me the ball!" Hyuga yelled as everyone looked at him surprised by his sudden out.

'Hyuga senpai is rushing it but he's only doing it to help Kyoshi senpai. If this keeps up we'll end up losing this game and  the sacrifice of Kyoshi senpai will be wasted.' As everyone went in to try to help Kyoshi senpai things seem to be getting worse on our side. Tetsu manga to steal the ball and pass it to Kagami and when he barely tap no.10 he fell.

"Charging! White, no.10!"

"Bakagami you fell into their trap," I mumbled, disappointed that Kagami let his temper take a hold of him. Though I had a terrible feeling that hasn't left since the second quarter started and for some reason, I looked over to where that guy at and he looked annoyed when Kyoshi senpai didn't pay attention to him. He seemed annoyed that he let his true face show and snapped his fingers, it was like it was a sign to do something. That something turns out to be knocking Kyoshi senpai off his weaker leg and for the guy to fall and make sure to hit his face with his elbow.

"Kyoshi senpai!" I wanted to run out there to help him but I glared at the one person who initiated that move. He was trying to play innocent acting like he didn't know anything but we all know that's a lie.

Riko POV

I thought back to when he was in the hospital and I mention our new recruiting members. How happy he was to know we had an amazing duo and how hard-working they were. He even asked about everyone else and how strong they've would get. When I saw that Teppei was getting back up. He seem to recite the same thing he said to me back when he was still in the hospital.

"If they're ever about to break, I'll be their splint. If they're ever in danger, I'll be their shield... I'll always put myself on the line... to protect the members of Seirin! That's what I came back for!" Teppei said as spread his arms out like he was keeping them away from the others.

 to protect the members of Seirin! That's what I came back for!" Teppei said as spread his arms out like he was keeping them away from the others

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Haruto POV

After what Kiyoshi said as much as he wants to protect his teammates there's always a limit. Especially to those who always want to protect those that are precious to them.

'They made it with five points ahead, but it feels like they barely made it.'

"Hey! Where are you going, Aomine?" Wakamatsu asked as he got up to look at Aomine leave.

"The bathroom," he answered like he usually does.

"Sure and I'm a dentist," I said sarcastically but Imayoshi-san seem to hear me.

"Looks like he's in a foul mood," he stated as I looked where he was and saw what he meant.

"Hanamiya Makoto, he has great talent but he wastes his talent I'm such dirty moves. Though I wonder how he can handle someone who can be overprotective of their teammates." I said as I get up to go to the bathroom.

"And where are you going?" Wakamatsu said a bit annoyed that Aomine left.

"The bathroom, you can come if you don't believe me," I said as he mumble something.

"Why does everyone have to go to the bathroom at the same time?"

"Momo-chan watch over the guys, don't worry I'll watch over our perverted idiot," I said as I went up the stairs.

'Hanamiya Makoto must hate when things don't go the way he wants it. Just like Sora but the only difference between them is that Sora knows when to stop and this guy doesn't.'

Masaomi POV

"Yukio I'll be back I'm going to the bathroom, let me know when the game is about to start," I said as I left my brother with his teammates. At least to give me a break away from them.

As I made my way to the bathroom I pull out my phone to see if Ayame sent me a message. After she announced that she had been transferred I haven't been able to get a hold of her. I know her dad is a dumbass but he doesn't see the pain he causes to Ayame. I just want to hear her voice, that alone will give me the strength o need to handle Kise and the others.

"Oh is that you Masaomi?" I looked up to see Haruto in his school uniform.

"Hey, Haruto you came with your team?"

"Yep and I suppose you came with Kise too," I groan as we went to the bathroom.

"How's Ayame? Have you heard anything?" He ask as I shook my head.

"Seems like we're all being followed by a black cloud today," he said as I sigh.

"Tell me about, first my injury, then Rika running into Sora, Ayame being transferred to Shutoku, now (F/n) teammate getting beat up Hanamiya and his team. What's next Sora starting a fight?" I asked as he chuckled.

"I hope not or I'll be dragged into his fight like he usually does," he said making me chuckle at the good old days.

'If only we can go back to those times.'

Your POV

"Damn it! Those bastards!" Kagami yelled as he kicked the bench across the room. Only to get hit by the coach with a clipboard.

"Jeez! Don't take your anger out on stuff," she said as I was treating Kyoshi senpai injuries.

"Kyoshi, are you okay?" Izuki senpai asked as everyone was making sure he was alright.

"Yeah, I'm fine," he said with a smile.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Kogenai senpai asked as he had a towel at hand. I looked at all the bruises he had and they were a bit darker than before.

"Damn it, I'm so angry!" Kagami said as he sat down next to Tetsu, who is angry at what Hanamiya said to him.

"You shouldn't break things," Tetsu said trying to be calm.

"Shut up! I know that! Anyway. I'm amazed you're so cal-"

"He's not," I cut him as he looked at me and then looked at Tetsu and was surprised at how mad he was.

'I've known Tetsu for so long that I can tell when he's trying to be calm and when he is calm. This is one of the reasons you shouldn't anger Tetsu cause even I don't know what he'll do.' I looked at the coach and she seem unsure what to do if she pulls Kiyoshi senpai out of the game she'll lose a good friend. If she lets him play then he'll end up getting hurt and that will affect everyone here.

"Kiyoshi senpai," I call him out as he looked up at me. I was about to say something but in the end, I decided it was best not to say it.



"Don't use my last name," I said while leaving the room.

'I have to keep calm and act like I normally do... at least until it's over.' I went to a sitting room and close my eyes with the lights off but that horrible feeling is still there.

"(F/n)?" I looked over and see Shin-chan with his lucky item in hand.

"Hey Shin-chan, taking a break from your team?" I asked as he nodded and came to sit next to me.

"About that date, were you serious?" He asked as I smile.

"Have I ever lied to you?" I asked as I sigh.

"No, you're pretty awful when you try to lie," he said as I gasp at him.

"I'm hurt that you would say that I'll have you know I'm an excellent lier if I wanted to be." I teased him but he knows that I like to tease him.

"If by excellent you mean terrible then yeah you are," he said making me laugh.

"But I'm serious to go on a date with you, I think it could be fun," I said as he took a deep breath and looked at me.

"Then let's go this weekend."

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