Shoot 83

846 17 4

Teppei POV

As I sat alone trying to get the pain on my left knee to go away or to a least let me walk normally. Everyone else went to go find number 2 since he ran off somewhere. So this gave me the privacy of letting the pain show.

"You're full of bravado," I looked to see Hyuga standing at the doorway.

"It was unnatural for you to miss that shot," he said as he came in.

"So you knew?" I asked as he sat on the bench next to me.

"I thought something was up and someone else saw how you were acting too." He said making me wonder if it was Riko or Kurosaki.

"Listen, don't play in our game against Kirisaki Dai Ichi," he said without hesitation.

"Don't be ridiculous! This year is probably my last chance, even if it destroys my knees, I'm playing!" I said not thinking twice about my decision.

Your POV

After everyone gathers their things we all went home, since Hyuga senpai and Kagami's house were in the same direction as our home we decided to walk home together until we parted ways. The walk isn't the problem but how quiet made me wonder if something happen.

"What's wrong, Kagami-kun?" Tetsu asked as I carry Nigō in my bag.

"Captain?" Kagami said as we turn to look at him a few feet away.

"Can I as you something?"

"What?" Kagami had a concerned look making me wonder what was going on in his mind.

"What was that about? Why did Kiyoshi senpai say this year was his last chance?" He asked surprising Hyuga senpai.

"You heard that?" Hyuga senpai asked as we all looked at him. Kagami nodded making me wonder what this is all about.

"Fine then, considering his condition, you would have found out eventually," Hyuga said as he walked up the rail and rested his arms there.

"I might as well tell you everything, it all happened last summer..." he said as we all listened.

Ranmaru POV

I sigh as I came inside our home, but I was expecting no one to be home.

"You got to be kidding me, don't tell me they're not home yet?" I mumbled to myself as I took off my shoes and place them in the shoe rack before going inside. I looked at the couch and see no one asleep there, which made me glad that they were not sleeping on the couch.

"Arf!" I heard Nigō bark as he came out of Tetsu's room.

'So they're home, I guess they're tired from the game they had today and probably went to bed early.

"Hey there Nigō I guess both Tetsu and my sister are asleep then," I said as I petted his head. I walked to Tetsu's room and see him asleep with his things ready for tomorrow's game. I smiled closed the door quietly and made my way to my sister's room. I quietly walked over and pull her blanket up to cover her more making sure she wouldn't get sick. Sadly she started to wake up making me feel guilty that I woke her up.


"Hey sorry I didn't mean to wake you up," she shook her head and smiled but something must be worrying her. That smile is the same one mom made whenever she said she was getting better.

"It's fine, did you just get home?"

"Yeah but I'm just spending the night here and I have another full day of work tomorrow. The real question is what's gotten you worried?" She seemed a bit surprised but looked down at her hands.

"Kiyoshi senpai, I think he's pushing himself too much to the point that his injury will cost him the chance to play the sport he loves. I'm worried that he'll get hurt during our game against Kirisaki Dai Ichi," she said as I sigh and sat on her bed.

"Let me guess you think he shouldn't play in this game, and I guess your not the only one who thinks that." She nodded as I scratch my head for some advice.

"He's determined to play even after what Kirisaki Dai Ichi did to him last year. From what I've seen after every game with Kirisaki Dai Ichi their opponents would have bruises, and since the referí don't see it when they do that they get away with it," she confessed as I felt a bit angry that a team would use cheap shots to win.

"But I decided to take Kyoshi senpai place when things are getting worse, and I don't mean that we're behind on points. I talked to the coach and the captain about it, they both agree that it would be best when I decide to take his place even if he disagrees about it." When she said that I looked at her concern probably showing on my face.

"Are serious what if they do the same thing they did to your teammate to you?"

"The possibility is high but I won't stand by letting my teammates get hurt while I'm safely sitting on the bench." I groan but knew she won't change her mind.

"Just try not to get hurt to be sent to the hospital, alright?" I said as she hugged me.

"I won't, I don't like hospitals remember," I patted her head as I decided to set a trap for tomorrow's game.

'If what she said about this school is true, then I won't let them get away with this.'

Hey guys so sorry for not updating recently I've been busy and I finally got to play the game Twisted wonderland and I'm obsessed with it. If you guys have played which dorm is your favorite? I can't decide between Heartslabyul and Diasomnia. I'll update as soon as possible hopefully I won't get distracted by the game.

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