shoot 85

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Your POV

As the game started up good for us I could see something wasn't right with number 10 of Kirisaki. Right as Kagami was going in for the rebound number 10 had his foot on the ground. The referí couldn't see it cause it's in the referí blind spot.

'So that's what they're doing, they use the blind spot of the referí and make sure to hurt their opponents at the same time.' I grip my hands seeing how number 10 almost hit Kagami with his elbow if it weren't for Kagami moving out of the way quickly. It's only been thirty seconds and they're already trying to hurt our teammates.

"They're playing dirty," I mumbled as I felt the coach's hand on my shoulder and passed me a clipboard. I read through it briefly and felt my blood boil. I pass the board to Mitobe senpai.

"Is this data for real? Every team that's played Kirisaki Dai Ichi has had injuries," Kogenai said as he read from Mitobe senpai side.

"Their aces and star players are always taken out," Tsuchida senpai said with shock in his voice.

"They were just another strong school until last year. Since Hanamiya-kun and the other second years became their leading force, there's been an obvious increase." The coach said as I grip my hands.

'So what they did to Kyoshi senpai last year, that Hanamiya Makoto couldn't be more disingenuous.' I turn to see that there was a rebound but as Kiyoshi senpai went to jump I saw that they were stepping on his foot not letting him jump. As number 7 jumps to grab it he tries to hit Hyuga senpai but lucky for him Kyoshi senpai blocked his hit with his forearm.

"We're on the court, beat us at basketball."

'They're trying to take everyone out one by one, if this keeps up Kyoshi senpai will end up hurting himself more than he can handle.'

Ranmaru POV

"Ran-chan! What are you watching?!" Reiji yelled as I watch the game from someone streaming it live. The comments everyone posted seem too annoyed that the referí hasn't noticed the way Seirin is being attacked.

"A game, why do you need something?" I said not looking away from the game.

"Nope, by the way, isn't that (F/n)-chan school?" He asked as he sat next to me.

"Yeah, I asked Haruka to go to live stream the game and I wanted to see how many people can notice what's going on during a game against Kirisaki Dai Ichi." He seem to know that I wanted to help my sister in some form or at least show what kind of school they should pay extra close attention to.

"By the looks of it, if they keep at it they'll be adding more fuel to the fire if they hurt her teammates. You know her she's not one to forgive those who hurt her friends," Reiji said as I remember her coming home after breaking some girl's arm. In truth, she had every right to do it but she could have waited after school that way she didn't get suspended.

"If things do get to that level I'm afraid that she'll end up hurting their whole team and their coach." He chuckled seeing that I'm not wrong.

"Are you going to take the day off for her? You know that day is coming up," he said as I sigh seeing he was right.

"I have a few more weeks to see if I can get that day off. Though I doubt I can get that day off with our schedule these next few months." He seem a bit disappointed but he wouldn't understand. Our lives changed when our mom died, (F/n) had a hard time accepting the truth of her death. It took her a long time for her to smile and started living. Tetsu and all her friends were able to help her get out of the darkness.

"Do they even know, about your mom?" Reiji asked as I closed my eyes.

"No," he sighs seeing that she hasn't fully trusted her team yet. My guess is she's afraid to get hurt by the people she has gotten close to. The few people that gain her trust she treasures them with all her heart, to the point of getting into fights for them.

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