shoot special: a winter wonderland

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Your POV

I sigh seeing that another year is coming to an end again our 2nd year is almost over and next spring will be our last. Even while I'm window shopping I can't help but feel a bit down. Maybe it's cause I know my brother won't be able to come home until after the new year and mom's health is improving but can't spend much outside in the cold air. Meaning I won't be able to spend Christmas without my brother and my mom, but I'll be spending it with Tetsu and his family. Just this morning Tetsu told me that we'll be going skiing this year but the guys wanted to exchange Christmas presents before we go. Hence why I'm out shopping looking for gifts for each one.

"I got everyone except Akashi and Shin-chan, but what can I get them?" I said to myself as I looked at each window. Since Akashi is rich he might not want anything but that wouldn't feel right.

"Geez looking for gifts is so hard," I felt a lot of weight on my shoulders and the stress coming in.

"There's got to be something he would want," I passed a game shop and see some board games, I couldn't help but notice a shoji board on display.

'He probably owns one and it might be a better version.' I began to walk away and keep looking for a gift.

'I guess I can look for something he needs.'

Kuroko POV

As I finished wrapping the gifts I got for everyone and finished packing my bag for our skiing trip. I heard someone pass by my door and but the sound of their footsteps it was (F/n) passing by.

'She must be back from shopping and by the sound of her footsteps she's beginning to worry.' I place my gifts in a bag to carry them.

"Tetsuya! (F/n)! Can you give me a hand?!" My grandmother yelled from downstairs.

"Coming!" We both yelled at the same time.

'I wonder if everyone is done with their gifts.'

Akashi POV

I sigh seeing that I looked through each shop and found something for everyone in just one shop, all but (F/n) gift, which is the reason I'm stressing out a bit. I've had a crush on her since she accompanied me to that ball with my father and I got to know a bit about her and her family, which I've met in person.

"Young master I'm sure this young lady would be happy with anything you give her, why not get her something that could be useful for her." The driver, that was helping me out, said as we left another store.

"That may be true but she's not like other girls I've met, she's the type who's honest and would make sure everyone is happy before putting herself first. She, not the type to abandon someone who needs help or ignore someone crying," I began as I notice that he was smiling at me.

"It sounds to me that you're in love with her, aren't you young master?" He said as I blush and looked away.

"Well... I... so what if I am!"

"Well I'll give you an idea on the gift, find something that makes you think of her," he said making me think what reminds me of (F/n). I began to walk past a store and something caught my eye and I couldn't help but smile.

"That's it!"

Time skip Next day

Your POV

I decided to visit my mom and see how she's doing. Normally by now, I should be packing but I wanted to give my gift to my mom before anyone else gets theirs.

"Hi, mom!"

"Well if it isn't my shooting star! What brings you here today?" She asked as I walked in with her gift behind my back.

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