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Haruka POV

I finally got everything I need and the medicine as well. Who knew it would take this long for it to get ready? It was a good thing that the pharmacy was nearby the supermarket. I walked towards the door and see everyone was stopping Shinomiya from cooking.

"Um is everything alright?" I asked as they looked up happy.

"Ah, Nanami please stop him he's going to make her worse if he cooks," Syo-kun said as I laughed nervously.

"Well let's try to keep it down we don't want to wake her up," I said they seem confused.

"About that... well-" the bathroom door open and I see (F/n)-chan in her pajamas with a towel on her head and walked towards her room.

"Oh no she was supposed to be on bed rest Kurosaki-San is going to get mad at me," I said as began to worry about what he might say to me.

"Miss Haruka are you alright?" I looked up and see she was in front of me with confusion in her eyes. Of course, I got scared that she was standing there really close but I push it aside and try to grab her arms.

"Please you should be in bed and resting, what if you get worse!?" I said in panic but she didn't flinch and began to walk towards the kitchen.

"I'll go back to bed after I make some food for all of us." She said as I stopped her by grabbing her arm.

"No, go back to bed leave the cooking to us," I said as I try to pull her away from the kitchen.


"Please Kurosaki-chan let us take care of the cooking you're not fully recovered to be doing any work. What would happen if you got worse?" Ittoki-San said as everyone nodded. It seems like she felt guilty by the look of her expression.

"I won't be able to help my team in our next game and would cause worry for everyone." She said as I felt a bit sad for her and I guess I wasn't the only one.

"Little lamb please go back to bed you you want to play basketball with your team right? The only way you can do that is if you go and rest." Jinguji says as sweetly as possible.

"Okay, I'll go back to bed, if you guys are hungry there should be some ingredients to make hamburger steak and in the fridge, there's some homemade lemonade to drink." She said as she went back to her room and close the door.

"Well then let's make her some porridge that way she can take her medication," Ichinose-San said as we all nodded.

"Natsuki can keep her company while we make the food. She might get lonely if she all alone in her room." Syo said as Shinomiya-san happily agreed and went to her room.

"Everyone let's do our best and help Kurosaki-chan get better!" Ittoki-san said with his positive attitude.

'I'm glad that they're all here to help me.'

Ayame POV

I couldn't help but worry for Seirin now that Aomine is here. The second quarter is over and Seirin is 10 points behind. Masaomi hasn't come back yet so that also worries me.

'What if he got hurt while coming back?' I felt something cold touch my face which made me jump a bit.

"Stop that face it makes you look like you're having a mental breakdown." I looked up and see its Masaomi with his normal calm and collective look.

"Come on take the water," he said as I grab it and he took his seat.

"Thanks," I open the top and took a sip.

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