shoot special: Akashi special

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Hello everyone I know I was supposed to post this a long time ago but I've been getting cake orders every weekend and since I'm currently in Mexico so I'll try to upload Midorima chapters as soon as I finish editing and have service. Hope you guys enjoy the chapter.

Your POV

"This is bad, this is bad," I said as I started to regret what I agreed to. If you're wondering I accidentally agreed to help the student council budget. I have no problem doing them the problem is that I didn't know who was going to help me.

"What's up with you?" Aomine asked as I glared at him. We had just got into the lunch break and since we were all in different classes I had gotten my food first. Everyone but a certain someone was here to see my sorry state.

"Nothing I just made a mistake with something," I mumbled as he and Tetsu looked at each other.

"Is it about what the student council asked you to do for them?" Aomine asked as I groan.

"Is something wrong with the work, I know you are smart and a hard worker, but I can't see you making a mistake," Midorima said making me lay my head on the table.

"What's going on here?" Akashi asked as he and the rest of the guys greeted him.

"Nothing is going on, why would you think that!" I said in a panic as he tilted his head. It's barely our first month since we started dating but I feel a bit nervous talking to him. Since we haven't told anyone about our relationship and seeing that he has a fan club that worships him it would be best to not announce it.

"Is (F/n)-chin not feeling well?" Mura-chan asked as snap out of my current thoughts.

"I'm fine really, just a bit jumpy today," I said as they all looked confused, and I just wanted to be left alone for a bit.

"Aomine here you can have my lunch today, I have to do something so I'll see you guys later," I said as I got up and left without hesitation.

Kuroko POV

'Something is going on with her, she's been acting weird since that party she went to with Akashi. Did something happen between them?' I looked at her tray and see she barely ate any of her food.

"Do you think it's her grades?" Aomine asked as he began to eat her food.

"I highly doubt it, but it must be something important to make her act this way," Midorima said as I began to wonder when this all started.

"Akashi did something happen when you asked her to accompany you to that party?" I asked as he thought about it.

"I don't think so, maybe I did something that may have offended her in some way." He said as he look to the side.

'No you definitely did something, and now that I think about if she's been different since that day that means it's something between the two of them,' I picked up my tray and excused myself.

Akashi POV

'Kuroko seems to think something happen and I guess he has every right to know but we did agree not to say anything to anyone,' I finished up my lunch before heading back to class.

"Is it just me or has Kurosaki-san and Akashi-sama been acting a bit differently these past few weeks," someone said as I stopped and listened.

"I hadn't noticed it."

"Yeah they have been closer than usual but I just assumed it was because they're in the same club activities and top of the whole class."

"Maybe he tutors her?"

"Yeah, but she does help out when someone needs help with something."

"I think we're thinking too much into this, they could just be friends and they're just hanging out like any normal people would do with their friends." They began to walk away, to what I assume was the bathroom, I knew some people would find out about us interacting more than we usually do.

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