shoot 21

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Your POV

After a month of intense training we had our first official game and to be honest, I am a bit nervous. It's been so long since I played and it's my first official game with Seirin. At least it's better than Kagami not sleeping before the game. I might need to keep an eye on him just in case he shuts down.

"They're here." Hyuga senpai said as I looked and see how tall he is. He's almost the same height as Mura-chan but he seems to lack something. He walked towards us where me and Tetsu were just standing in front of him. When he did notice us he grabs Tetsu like he some little kid.

"No no no little kids aren't supposed to be on the court." He said which just crossed the line.

"Funny that you say that aren't gorillas supposed to be at hiding. Oh, I'm sorry I meant bigfoot." I said as he put Tetsu down and grabbed me.

"Did the little girl not get her doll?"

"LITTLE GIRL NOTHING YOU'RE NOT AS SCARY AS MURA-CHAN! PUT ME DOWN SO I CAN DESTROY YOUR HOPES OF DEFEATING US MIRACLES!"  I yelled as he noticed my uniform and began to laugh which just made me more angry.

"The generation of miracles had a girl to play and this guy. They're just a bunch of kids." He began to walk away and laugh which now made me want to destroy him and his team. I heard the team try to hold their laughter as I let more energy change the mood.

"He going to die now, anyone who treats us like kids is going to pay with their own lives," I said as they could tell I was serious about it.

"I mad as well so I'll have to agree with you on that one," Tetsu said which scared everyone seeing that were both mad at dad. When the game started I focused on their moves and watch quietly seeing what their moves are. Not even the half mark and dad was having trouble with both our first years. I guess I won't be needed for this game.

'What drag and here I thought I would have some fun but if they're having trouble with Tetsu and Bakagami. Well, they'll be in a worse situation if I got in. Maybe it's best if I should stay out of the game at least for now.'

"If Kagami keeps this up they might win against this old man," I said as coach smiled.

"Don't forget we have to swap him out with you in order to reserve his strength."

"Right" I got up and stretched a bit to loosen the muscles. When the buzzer rang I switched in.

"Hello, dad hope you don't mind but don't underestimate me and my team," I said as I walk past him.

Time skip

In the end, five minutes before the game ended I switched with Tetsu, and with that our team won the game. I sigh seeing that we won without a real challenge for me. I look into the stands and see someone very familiar to me.

"Shin-chan?" I mumbled to myself quietly.

"Hmmm did you say something?" Hyuga senpai asked as I shook my head and grab my bag and head towards Tetsu. Dad came and talked to Kagami but looked at me and patted my head.

"Little girls shouldn't play sports they should just play with dolls." He said as I had enough of him calling me little.

"Tell that to another girl I'm sure they'll enjoy beating your sorry excuse of a man. Next time you say that I won't hesitate to show you what happens to those who call me little." I warned him and he stepped back and fell on the ground.

"Also next time you insult us miracles be careful which one your up against. Be glad it's not 'him' or the titan but you got stuck against the phantom and the queen. I guess your luck was bad as they come when your egos get in the way." I walked away from the idiot on the ground and left the gym.

'At least he knows not to mess with us again.'

Midorima POV

She still mercilessly in her warnings like she was back then. Honestly, that girl still hasn't changed after so long. I guess that's one of the reasons I acknowledge her.

"So you still check her out?" I turn to see her dancing friends, Ayame and Masaomi, behind me.

"Oh, it's just you two."

"I see you haven't changed since we last saw each other Midorima," Masaomi said when I noticed his leg has some support.

"Well if don't mind I have things to do."

"When are you going to admit that you're in love with her?" Ayame said as I froze from her comment.

"I have no idea what your talking about." I try avoiding the topic seeing she knows how I feel for her friend

"You can hide it all you want but in the end, her fate was sealed on the day of her birth. Just like everyone one of us, unless you decide to go against it." Ayame said as she and Masaomi began to leave.

'They never change after all this time either.' I looked at my phone and see the picture we last took before the last game we played together.

'Her fate is sealed with his from the moment they were born. I know that but that's the one thing I wish that fate wouldn't have control over.'

Ayame POV

"You sure like to tease people with their feelings a lot," Masaomi said as I smile and kept walking.

"Can you blame me he has a huge case of the Tsundere. Who can't even confess his feelings to a girl he's been in love with for 4 years now. I'm just giving him a little push for him to open up his feelings to her. They may be a chance that her fate is in her hands and not in that so-called destiny."

"Then why did you say all that about it being sealed on her birth?" He asked a bit confused.

"To prove that that fate is just something that doesn't exist. Hard work is more effective than fate." I explain hoping that he understands what meant.

"Honestly you're a cruel person sometimes." Masaomi jokes as I smiled at his comment.

"I know but it can't be helped."

Finally, I got to update sorry for the slow updates it's that time of year that we all get busy. So I hadn't been able to get the chance to write and edit lately. Thanks for your patience for me to update and hope you all enjoy this chapter and I'll see you guys in the next chapter this is musicride singing off bye.

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