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Your POV

I felt so warm almost to the point that I could be melting and I felt my body was heavier than yesterday. I open my eyes and see that it was dark. I looked around to see that I was in my room but I don't remember going to my room last night. I try to get up but felt my whole body was too heavy and laid back down. I look at my clock and see it was almost 4 AM.

'Just how long have I been asleep? Either way, it looks I won't be much help so might as well go back asleep and catch a few more hours of sleep.' I closed my eyes and went back to sleep.

Ranmaru POV

I got up early and made some breakfast for Tetsu and me before I headed to do my work. Haruka will be here to watch over my sister and I would call the school to let them know about her situation. Tetsu told me that their coach had already pulled her out of today's game. I was grateful to know so now all I have to do is call in a doctor to come over and check on her condition. I can't be too careful in her state of health she's my little sister and I made a promise to our mom that I will make sure she would have a long healthy and happy life.

"Ranmaru your friend is here," Tetsu said as he had already let Haruka come in.

"I'm sorry for being a bit late Kurosaki-san." She said as I looked at the clock.

"It fine don't worry, Tetsu go eat breakfast you have a game today so get enough food in that stomach of yours. Haruka sorry for the last-minute call but I figured you could look after her while the doctor comes later today." I said to her while Tetsu went to eat breakfast.

"Just make sure she stays in bed and she eats something before taking her medicine. She's not a picky eater but she might not eat much at the moment. So just give her something simple that she can eat like porridge or some soup." She nodded as we went to check on her. I noticed the cloth that I placed on her forehead last night was on the floor. I got the cloth and changed it for a nice cool one to lower her temperature down just a bit.

"If she wakes up and decides to change clothes just give her these that's on her desk. I place them here just in case she woke up last night."

"Don't worry she's in good hands," she softly said as she smiled which I couldn't help but smile as well. I knelt down and patted my little sister hair, I couldn't help but lean down to her ear.

"Try to get better and I promise I'll be back home later," I whispered as I kissed my little sister's forehead. As we both got out I lightly closed the door and gave Haruka some money the key to the house and Tetsu's number in case she has any questions about anything here.

"Tetsu let's go I'll drop you off at school with Reiji since he's coming to pick me up."

"I'm ready to go whenever you are." He said as he waited by the door with his gym bag and school bag at hand.

"Okay let's go Haruka if you can't reach Tetsu call me or Reiji if something happens." She nodded and we thanked her again and left.

'I hope it's nothing too serious.'

Time skip

Haruka POV

"Well the good news is she doesn't need to be in a hospital but she should stay in bed for the next few days. I'm going to give you this prescription for her to take." The doctor said as I sigh out of relief.

"Here and if anything else happens please let me know right away." He said as I grab the prescription.

"Thank you for everything you have done for us, sir," I said with a smile.

"Well, I'll be off take care now." He said as we walked towards the door. I bowed to him and thanked him once again. When he left I lock the door and went to check on her. She only got up to do what the doctor asked her to do and went back to sleep.

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