shoot special: Midorima special

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Midorima POV

I have no idea what I was thinking when I agree to this, I was waiting at the entrance at the summer festival that was happening before school started. Takao suggested to go and with a kimono saying that it would be fun. I'm not wearing the kimono cause I wanted to, it just so happens that Oha Asa's lucky item was this. Even though it would have been fine to wear this here if had it been somewhere else I wouldn't be able to live with myself like this.

"Shin-chan what are you doing here all by yourself?" I looked over and see (F/n) wearing a white kimono. Her hair had grown a bit longer than last time but she was able to style it with a simple hair ornament. (I know many have different hair lengths so a simple hairstyle is easy for everyone.)

"Takao asked me to join him for the summer festival, he said something about it being a celebration about surviving the training camp," she said as I felt like I'm being tricked

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"Takao asked me to join him for the summer festival, he said something about it being a celebration about surviving the training camp," she said as I felt like I'm being tricked.

"He said the same thing to me only he forced me to come," I said as she smiled when we both received a text. Takao told us he had to do some but would catch up with us later.

'Takao you're going to die when I see you!'

"Since we're here already, want to go in together?" She asked as I sigh but deep down I was nervous.

'Is this a date? I mean it's just us and no one is around to interrupt, but what I'd she thinks it's a date?! Not only that what if Akashi finds out about this?! He practically keeps an eye on her from a distance!'

"Shin-chan come on we can consider this as a date," she said as she grabbed my hand and dragged me into the festival.


Takao POV

As they went inside the crowd the guys and I followed them around from a safe distance. I got to say this about Seirin, I'm sorta jealous they have such a pretty girl with them. That kimono on her looks amazing on her and I sorta wish I hadn't arranged this for Shin-chan.

"Midorima is a lucky guy to have a cute girl as a date," Miyaji senpai said as I secretly took a picture of them walking in together.

Your POV

As we walked around I couldn't help but see how much fun everyone was having. The food smells incredible and I couldn't help but head to the first stall which had takoyaki and another had ikayaki. Shin-chan seem annoyed by the amount of people surrounding us but just to make sure we didn't get separated I grabbed his hand and guide him to the takoyaki stall.

"What are you doing, nanodayo?" He said with a bright red face.

"It's so we don't get separated, now let's try every food stall!" I said as he followed my guide. We got in line to try the food and I couldn't help but notice a few families having fun.

"Is something wrong?" Shin-chan asked as I smiled.

"Nope everything is fine let's try karaage after this, okay?"

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