shoot 58

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Your POV

"Oh wow, I can't believe we finally made it!" I said all excited about where we are.

"I know what you mean it's not every day we go to the beach." Kogenai senpai said all excited.

"Hey, we're not here to goof off." Hyuga senpai said as a car stop nearby. A middle-aged man rollers window.

"Listen up you punks I better not find out you boys touch my daughter and the manager. If I do I'll kill you all!" He said as all the guys seem to have a bit of fear.

"Yes sir!" And like that he drove off leaving us there at the beach.

"Your dad is such a nice guy coach," I said as she sighs.

"I guess but he sometimes too much for me to handle." She said as I couldn't help but smile seeing that she loves her dad even if he is protective of her.

"Um, so what are those?" Izuki senpai asked as I looked to see where he was pointing.

"My dad brought them here for me." Coach said as I couldn't believe it if I wasn't here to see it.

"So we're going to train here on the beach, correct?" I ask as she smiled and began to remove her shoes to walk on the sand.

"Imagine the team's power as an equation. If the individual numbers are low, we'll never make a big number. What Seirin needs now is to improve the skills of each individual player. But don't get the wrong idea. We're not creating a team of individual strengths, but increasing each of the powers we combine as a team. Seirin wins as a team... shooting, passing, dribbling... in order to improve all your actions we have to start with the foundation of your legs and hips." She said as I get what she meant.

"So that's why we're practicing on the beach. The sand will help us improve our footwork and will help us with our passing skills since the ball won't bounce on the sand." She nodded as everyone seem a bit worried.

"We'll start by doing three times the normal amount of practice." The coach said as she removed her school shirt only to have another shirt underneath.

"Let's get this training from hell started!" She said as she blew her whistle.

Ranmaru POV

"Kurosaki-san here's the new song you asked for," Haruka said as she gave me the song.

"Thanks," I was about to walk away but I notice she seem hesitant to ask something.

"Kurosaki-san may I ask you something? It's okay if you don't want to but I was wondering is (F/n)-chan doing well?" She asked as I began to worry about my kid sister.

"From what Tetsu said they'll be at a training camp for this week. Since their coach can't cook so she'll be cooking for everyone." She seems worried about something.

"Um if it's okay with the president I can go check on her." She offered but I shook it off.

"It's fine I told Tetsu to keep an eye on her so she should be fine as long as she doesn't push herself too much." She seems worried so I patted her head.

"Thank you for taking care of her when she was sick. I'm sure she wasn't easy to handle but I'm grateful that she got better." She smiled and nodded.

"You should get going I'm sure STARISH are waiting for you to practice that new song." She nodded and bowed to excuse herself. I looked outside.

'They should probably be at the beach by now, I wonder how the camp is going?'

Riko POV

As everyone tries to grab the ball I could tell some were having a hard time moving on the sand. That and Kuroko seems to forget his passing won't work on sand. The one who seems to know how to handle passing on the sand is (F/n)-chan I guess she did some volleyball when she wasn't playing basketball. Her passing is good receiving near the edge makes her think quickly on her feet. Sometimes I wonder if she's even human, then again the other miracles aren't normal either.

"Coach I need to get going soon to start lunch and make the preparation for dinner started." (F/n) said as she stopped in front of me.

"Right if you like I can help." She seems unsure but she agreed.

"If I see that powder or those pills near the food you'll be running 50 laps around town." She said as I nodded nervously seeing she is not joking.

'I guess she won't have any mistakes when it involves the kitchen.' I blow the whistle and the guys seem to stop.

"Everyone in 20 minutes we'll have lunch ready until then keep practicing okay?" She said as everyone thanked her for her hard work. I notice that Teppei was looking more tired. I asked if he was alright but he just smiled and said he was fine.

"Let's go coach we don't have much time." She said as we both made our way to where we were staying.

"So what are we making today?"

"Well since we've been in the sun during training I thought something light will be good for them and with this heat something refreshing to cool us down. So I thought of making different sandwiches for them to choose from, and knowing Bakagami with his big appetite, there be plenty for everyone. For the drinks, I figured something that will help them energy so maybe lemonade would do the trick." She said as I was amazed by her knowledge about food and her ideas.

"Riko-san once we get to the kitchen I need you to wash the fruit that I'll give you. It's a good thing it's a simple lunch but will still give them the nutrients that they'll need."

'How in the world does she know the amount of nutrients all the food she has planned.'

"(F/n)-chan are you sure we can finish all of the food in 20 minutes. It's going to take more than that to make the food." I stated but she just smiles like I said something funny.

"Trust me we can have everything ready by then." She said confidently.


Hello my lovely readers I apologize for not updating I just been down and I decided to take a break until I could find my inspiration. It took a while but I'm back and ready to write again. Also, I want to know if you guys have an idea for a spinoff chapter. If you guys want to share leave it in the comments for me to read them. I hope everyone is doing well during this time and are maintaining good distance from others. That's all for now so I'll see you guys in the next chapter.

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