shoot 57

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Kuroko POV

I was packing for the summer training camps when I heard a knock on my door. I looked to find that (F/n) with a paper in hand.

"Tetsu I'm going to buy the ingredients today so I won't be around for a bit. Also, Ayame is coming over to drop off a package for me." I nodded as Nigō barked and wagged his tail.

"Yes, I'll make sure to buy something for you too Nigō." She smiled as Nigō barked and ran towards me.

"Make sure to pack his things too ok?" I nodded and she began to leave. When the front door closed I notice her door was cracked open. It was enough for Nigō to go into her room which isn't a problem but I don't want him to break something.

"Nigō come on you shouldn't be in here when she's not home," I said as he tries to open a drawer in her desk.

"Nigō do you smell something in here?" I open the drawer and just see some boxes and some albums.

'Huh, maybe she got Nigō a gift and hid it here." I grab the box and open it only to see another box. I open it and saw a gold rose and a letter. I read the letter and knew exactly who it was just by the choice of words.

'Why can't he just leave her alone? Hasn't he caused her enough pain?' I put everything back how it was and close the drawer.

"Come on Nigō," he followed behind me and I close the door properly for him to not go in.

'I think it's best to avoid talking about him until she's ready to open up.' I walked towards the kitchen and see she left a note.

In case you get hungry while I'm out I made some sandwiches they should be in the fridge. If some happens let me know.


I open the fridge and just like said there were the sandwiches she made.

I open the fridge and just like said there were the sandwiches she made

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"Well, she did say in case I got hungry so I can eat it now." I took my first bite and smiled.

'So good.'

Your POV

I got all the ingredients for our trip as well as some other personal things. The only thing is that it's a bit heavy to carry the bags. So in order not to hurt myself while carrying the bags I  had to take some breaks every few feet.

"Hey, kitten why are you just standing there?" I knew who it was by the nickname and didn't bother to look.

"Well, if you must know rooster I'm carrying some ingredients for our summer training camps we having for the next week," I said as someone offer me a drink.

"Here drink this you must be thirsty," Kenma said as he held out a water bottle for me.

"Thanks, Kenma you're so nice, unlike a certain someone we know," I said as kuroo just patted my head.

"So do you have any plans during summer break?" Kuroo asked as I nodded.

"We have a training camp and I'm picking up ingredients for our meals."

"That explains so many bags now," Kenma said as I nervously laugh.

"Yeah since our coach is banned from cooking I took the job to cook our meals. I rather be safe than sorry for our team." I said as Kuroo grab half of the bags.

"We can't have a girl carry these bags all alone." He said as Kenma grab a few.

"Thanks but aren't you going somewhere else?"

"Yeah but it's Bakuto he'll understand," Kuroo said as he started to walk in the direction I was going.

"Ok thanks."

Kuroko POV

I put away the clean dishes and wash the dirty dishes. Nigō was eating his food that (F/n) left for him. I was just finishing when someone knocked on the front door.

"Must be Ayame,' I thought as I went to open the door.

"Hey, Kuroko sorry for disturbing you but I'm here to drop off this for (F/n). I figured it be more useful for her than me while you guys are at your training camps." She said as I grab the box.

"Thanks but what is it?" I asked as she smiled.

"Oh, just some cooling towels and some other things to help you guys cook as well a few things to keep you guys cool." She said as I looked and see it was what she said.

"Thanks, Ayame for the help." She smiled and waved it off.

"It's no big deal I want to see you guys win at the winter cup so do your best." She said as I nodded.

"Tetsu I'm back and we have guests." (F/n) said as I see those guys from the other day.

"Yo sorry for bargaining but kitten here looked like she needed help with all these bags." The guy with the rooster hairstyle said. If I remember correctly I think it was Kuroo Tesuro and Kenma.

"Oh, Ayame your still here?"

"Yeah but I'm heading out now I promise my brothers to help them with dancing lessons with their partners and they look like they can use all the help they can get." She said as it confused us both.

"I thought they were good at dancing?"

"Oh, not them their partners need help since none have ever done ballroom dancing. So I have to help them out since they don't know if they're at the same rhythm." She said as seem to get what she meant now.

"Well, then good luck and say to them for us."

"Yeah, and you guys have fun at your training camps let me know if guys need anything and I'll be happy to help you guys out." We nodded as she left to go to help her brother.

"Kuroo you guys can leave them on the dining table I'll take care of it after that.

"Sure thing kitten," he said as he and Kenma place them on the table.

"We better get going too I'm sure Bakuto is wondering what taking so long." He said as he began to place his shoes on again as well as Kenma.

"Have fun at your training camp you guys and I hope to see you guys at the spring tournament." (F/n) said as they wave goodbye.

"You too and I hope to see you at the winter cup," Kenma said as he smiled and wave goodbye.

"So Tetsu let's do our best and make it to the top kay?" (F/n) said with determination in her eyes.

"Yeah let's make it to the top." We fist bump and smiled.


Hey everybody It's me, first off sorry for going M.I.A but it's been hard for me to focus on my writing lately. I hope everyone is doing well and taking precautions with COVID 19. I'll try to update soon so please be patient with me and I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Please stay safe out there and remember to wash your hands. I'll see you guys in the next chapter.

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