shoot 84

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Haruto POV

As we all made our way to the stadium where Seirin was going to play we had arrived in time before the game started.

"Hey, looks like we made it," Imayoshi-san said as everyone in our team, that came to watch, looked at the court.

"We would have made it earlier if didn't have to Aomine here by force," I said as Momo-chan went to untie the bag we had to drag all the way here.

"We're here," she said as Aomine rubbed his head.

"That was a dirty trick, even for you Haruto," he said as I smirk.

"You're just too stupid, Aomine," Imayoshi-san said as I couldn't believe that it work. As I thought back on how easily he fell for a magazine of some girl.

 As I thought back on how easily he fell for a magazine of some girl

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"It was easier than catching a sparrow," Momo-chan said as I sigh.

"Honestly if your mad you can keep the magazine it's your favorite girl right," I said as he got offended.

"This isn't Horikita Mai-chan! It's Horikita Mako-chan!" He complain as I didn't understand what the difference was

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"This isn't Horikita Mai-chan! It's Horikita Mako-chan!" He complain as I didn't understand what the difference was. Then again I just randomly pick one to avoid weird looks.

"So what? They're both cute, who cares?" Imayoshi-san said as he was offended by that.

"So what? They're both cute, who cares?" Imayoshi-san said as he was offended by that

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"I like big tits!" He yelled as I walked up close to him.

"Shut your mouth now or I'll burn every single magazine you have of that girl." He went to hide behind Momo-chan seeing that I meant it.

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