shoot 29.5

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Hey, guys I know I haven't updated in a while but I wanted to make it to you guys so here's a special chapter it takes place a week before the Seiho match enjoy.


Your POV

I yawn seeing I had a lot of chores to do and were almost out of food so I need to go grocery shopping for me and Tetsu. Ranmaru left for another photoshoot and he had an interview later today. He's probably not coming home today so I might as well go home change and see what we need as well get some money to pay.

"Tetsu I'm going to the supermarket later do you want me to bring you anything?" I asked as I look to my left and see him thinking.

"Not really but I do want a vanilla shake." He said as I smile seeing that he loves that drink so much.

"I'll get the ingredients for the vanilla shake." He nodded as we reach home when we open the door we saw the same lonely space. Both Tetsu and me have gotten used to it but we do get lonely. I walked into my room and place my bag on the desk and started to change out from my school uniform to some blue skinny jeans and a black sweater. I felt like should add something else so I put on some black rose earrings and I approved my look.

 I felt like should add something else so I put on some black rose earrings and I approved my look

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I grab my bag and checked to have my wallet and the money. Tetsu came and gave me the list of what we're out of. Once I had everything checked I walked to the door and got my black converse on.

"I'll be back later Tetsu," I said as he nodded and I went out the door. As I walk I pulled out my phone and played my music. Some ballroom music started to play and I began to walk to the store while listening to my music. Even though I like all kinds of music I do like hearing classical music and -dare I say- Latin music.

I arrive at the store grabbing a cart and look at the shopping list. Starting with vegetables and then fruits making sure they didn't have any bruises on the produce. I was almost finished with half of the list and I still had to carry everything back home.

"I should have brought Tetsu but then again I would have been stuck carrying mostly everything." I sigh and grab some red meats.

"(F/n)?" I looked up and I see Kagami with a basket.

"Hey, Kagami doing some groceries I see."

"Yeah, my dad is coming home tomorrow so I thought I buy some fresh food today." He said as I smile that he's being responsible.

"I see well I'll leave you be I have to finish finding the rest of the list. I'll see you at school Kagami." I began to walk away and grab the last few items on the list.

Kagami POV

When she walked away I couldn't help but look at her walk away. I just couldn't help but be drawn towards her. Like something is pulling me to be by her side. I shook my head and finish the shopping.

'I wonder if kuroko is with her she looks like shell be carrying a lot of things.' Once I finish and paid I notice she had a lot to carry. I know she happens to have a hardcore workout from Ayame but I'm pretty sure not many people can carry that much on their own. After she finished she walked towards the exit and began to grab all the bags. Half on one arm and the other half in the other arm. I swear she superhuman or something. Like what kind of training did she go through to have been able to carry that much stuff. I was about to walk away but even I'm not that cruel to let someone walk alone with that much stuff. So I walk towards her and grab the bags on her right arm.

"Here let me help you." She looked surprised and smiled.

"Thanks for the help Kagami." We began to walk towards her place and it was peaceful. Normally we're either arguing and teasing each other but walking like this is different from what we normally do.

"Hey Kagami what's America like?" She asked as I looked into her eyes.

"Well, it not that different from here only the schools don't make us wear uniform unless if it's an academy, private, or mandatory. There's also a lot of different types of food and a lot of amazing places." She smiled and sigh.

"Sound like it was the best place for you. By any chance do you miss being there?" I sigh seeing that she curious about how I feel being leaving my once-called home.

"Sometimes but sometimes I don't."

"I see well then I guess we're not that much different."

"What do you mean?"

"The time when I left basketball after what happen to me I never wanted to play again. Yet there were times when I would miss the adrenaline of going up against a stronger team. There even times when I just wanted to go back but my pride wouldn't let me. I was mad at what my teammates had done to me just to win a stupid game." When she said that the only thought that came 'Did they rape her?!'

"No Bakagami it's nothing like that so quit making that face." She said calmly as we reached her home.

"I got hit in the head pretty badly and it caused me to not play for the rest of the game, but before I fell unconscious I saw some of my teammates' smile. When I woke up the teammate that cause my injury try to apologize. Saying I was small and couldn't see me there since he's tall and his body is twice as heavy as yours." Hearing her talk about her past even if it's just a bit makes it seem like we're a bit closer. Even if it about her last game with her teammates she used to play with. We finally reached her door and Kuroko open the door which surprised me but not her.

"I'm home and I bump into Kagami along the way." She said as she went in and slipped out of her shoes easily. I removed my shoes and carried the bags of food to the counter.

"Thanks for the help Kagami," she said as she smiled softly.

"It's no problem I can understand why you didn't have Kuroko with you." She smiled but she looked up at me which made my heartbeat go a bit faster.

"Hey, Kagami I was wondering if you want to stay for dinner tonight?"

"Sure I'd like that," she smiled and grab her apron to start making dinner. I grab the other apron and began to help her in any way I could. Kuroko began to put the groceries away while we cooked.

'Spending time with her and learning something new about her. It's almost like something is trying to pull us together.'

Kuroko POV

Watching them cook and laugh it's almost like they never fight at all. It sorta reminds me of when she was with 'him' during that time. Maybe Kagami is someone who can make her open up even if it's just a little bit. Plus they do make a nice couple when they're goofing off.


Hey, guys hope you guys like the chapter again sorry for not updating in such a long time. I had to help my sister for her trip and I got sick recently so I'm getting back on my feet again. I'll try to update as soon as possible and hopefully, we can get back on track. Thanks for your support and patience on this book.

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