shoot 73.5

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If you see bold letters that the inner Akashi and current Akashi are regular letters for now. When they switch I'll inform you guys. Also, this is what's happening when the preliminaries are starting while Akashi is at Rakuzan so you could say this chapter is an Akashi chapter. Hope you guys enjoy!


Akashi POV

"Hey, Akashi!" I turned to see Sora coming towards me with a stack of books in hand.

"Sora what are you doing? Shouldn't you be in practice?" I asked as he sigh.

"Yeah, but the teacher asked me to deliver this to the staff room. Honestly, I'd rather be in practice than doing stupid errands for them." He said as chuckled.

"Well try to make it to practice," I said as I began to walk to the gym, but he suddenly called me out again.

"Hey Akashi, what did Haruto give you?" He asked as I stopped and looked at him.

"Something that I send to a certain someone," I stated as I began to walk away. As I walked towards the locker room I couldn't help but think of her. Is she eating properly or has she been getting the proper sleep or getting the proper nutrients?

'Is she alright? Why did she leave my side?' I couldn't help but wonder as well.

'Is it because I didn't give her the proper attention she deserved? Or could it be that I wasn't absolute as I was supposed to for her?'

'You idiot she left me for that reason! I shouldn't have let you take control for a stupid game!' The voice yelled at me as I smile.

'If you hadn't we would have lost and father would have been disappointed in us.'

'I rather have lost that game than lose the girl that I love! She is the only person who uses her own strength to help others! The only person who would sacrifice her happiness for others! She is the only girl that had helped me out in my moment of weakness! It may look stupid for others but to me, she is my whole world!'

'How sad I thought she was my weakness but in truth, you are my weakness. You can't accept the fact that she left us because you weren't strong enough to win her heart. You lost your chance now watch how I'll win her back.'


"Reo, what do you want?"

"A guy at the front gate gave me this to give to you. He said he knows you," Reo said as I open the note.

We need to talk now.

"Well, what does it say?" He asked as I folded the note back up.

"Get to practice I'll be back," I began to head to the gate seeing that he would come all the way here to talk. As I came closer to the gate I saw that familiar silver hair and punk clothing guy standing there wearing sunglasses and a hat.

"Ranmaru it's odd to see you come here from Tokyo." He just remove sunglasses and glared at me.

"You need to stop sending my sister gifts and love letters Akashi." He said which I couldn't help but smirk.

"Why I'm not causing her any trouble am I?"

"She's finally able to move on with her life and you keep popping up every time." He said as I step closer to him.

"As her fiance, I just want to give her the best that money can buy. Unlike you who is often gone for most of the time." He glared and was ready to throw a punch.

"Money can't always bring happiness, and it won't be able to win her heart again. The Akashi she dated knows that she wouldn't date someone for money. So whoever you are your not the Akashi she once dated, your just an imposter." He place sunglasses on and began to walk from me. He grabs a box and threw it at me to catch.

"Take your gift back and never go near my sister again." He said and began to walk away.

'Kurosaki Ranmaru just cause your her older brother, you have no obligation to get in between us.'

Sora POV

"So Sora can I ask you something?" Mibuchi asked as I was curious what he wanted to know.

"You already did Mibuchi," I stated as he laughed and hit my back.

"You're funny, it's no wonder your single," he said as I felt like punching.

"No, I'm serious who's the guy in the front? He knows Sei-chan so is he a family member?" He asked as I didn't know what he meant.

"What guy?"

"You know silver hair wear clothes for a Rockstar." He described and the only person that popped up was 'her' brother.

"The only person who I think it could be is his ex-girlfriend's older brother. Though I highly doubt he would come here from Tokyo," I said as I close my locker.

"True maybe he's someone that likes him? Or what if he got dumped because his girlfriend likes Sei-chan?" He said as began my stretching so I wouldn't pull a muscle.

"Hey, guys get this Kurosaki Ranmaru is in town doing a photoshoot!" Hayama said as my suspension of the strange guy was confirmed.

"I can't believe he's here and we have to do basketball practice at the same time he's here. I wanted to have an autograph with him!" Hayama whined while we just watch.

"I guess he's a big fan of the guy, isn't he?" I stated as we started practice.

'Why would her brother coming here to see Akashi? Did he do something to get his attention that even her brother has to step in now?' We began to practice our drills to catch up with everyone else. By the time we finished Akashi came in in his workout clothes.

"Sei-chan did that guy leave already?" Mibuchi asked as Hayama was still mumbling about not being able to get an autograph.

"Sora you still have connections to Haruto from Touou," Akashi commanded as I nodded.

"Can you give his number to me, I need to send a message for someone who is ignoring my messages." I nodded but I notice something got his attention.

'Something is wrong, I don't know what it is but I'm guessing that it's related to all the members of the generation of miracles.'

Akashi POV

'Someone is trying to open the door, and I don't like it,' I began to feel that this new person will destroy everything I have worked on and my plans to get my Empress back.

"Akashi I sent you Haruto's number," Sora said as I looked at him.

"Thank you now let's get to work."

'Whoever this person is he better not get too comfortable

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'Whoever this person is he better not get too comfortable.'

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