shoot 54

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Your POV

I reached the studio but heard music playing but not the typical ballroom music. More like pop music the kind that Ayame brothers sing. I open the door only to find seven guys practicing their dance routines.

"Huh? What are you doing here?" One of the guys said rudely.

"I'm looking for Ayame... is she here?" I asked as one smiled kindly.

"Oh, your (F/n), the one that she coaches for the competitions right? If you're looking for Ayame I think she's in the upstairs room with Masaomi. They're studying for a test that they have for tomorrow."

"Oh okay, thanks Eiji-san." I began to head for the stairs but heard them complaining about him being nice and shook my head and kept walking. When I reached the upstairs studio I see that they're both working on the floor.

"Well if I had known you guys had a study date I would have come another time," I said as they both were surprised to see me here.

"(F/n) what brings you here?" Masaomi asked as I place my things on the floor and laid down to look up at the ceiling.

"I just wanted to get away from the guys," I said as I looked at the ceiling fan.

"Did something happen with the team?" Ayame asked as I sat up to talk to them.

"Kagami he said he liked me." I started as they seem surprised by the news.

"But isn't that a good thing?" Masaomi asked as I shook my head.

"There's more to it, isn't there?" Ayame asked as I closed my eyes.

"Yeah... he said that in order to focus on his goal, well he decided to keep his distance from me." For some reason, I felt like any minute I could break down from the pain in my heart.

Masaomi POV

"That idiot, he doesn't know how to treat a girl," I mumbled as Ayame scooted close to her and made her lean her head on her shoulder. I got my handkerchief and wipe her tears that were showing.

"Listen (F/n), it's Kagami lost. Guys that only focus on their career, or in his case basketball, aren't worth dating." I said as she seems unsure about my advice.

"I agree but don't let this affect the team either. I'm sure they feel a bit unease when you guys are near each other." Ayame said which made her even worse.

"First Shintaro and now Kagami... I have the worst taste in guy friends." She said as hugged her knees.

"I wouldn't say that more like they're really stupid to realize what they're saying," I said as she laughs lightly.

"Listen try to work things out with Kagami at least. I'm sure the club will also appreciate having their best duo not fighting." Ayame suggested but by the look of things, it may be difficult for her.

"If only it were that easy," she said as Ayame hugs her gently.

"Trust us it will get better."

Kuroko POV

I manage to get home and see that Ranmaru's shoes were here. It's kinda surprising he's been home more often than before.

"Oh welcome home Tetsu, is (F/n) with you?" He asked as he places dinner on the table.

"She had something to do at the dance studio." He seems a bit worried but the door open and surprise there she was.

"I'm home Tetsu... Ranmaru." She places her bag on the couch as we were surprised that her eyes look puffy and swollen.

"What wrong?"

"Oh it's nothing really," she said as I could see something is different about her.

"Well wash up so we can eat," Ranmaru said as we both went to the sink to wash our hands. When we finished we join the table and thanked for our meal to begin eating.

While I noticed (F/n) wasn't eating much of her food and just moved it around.

"Hey, Ranmaru you Camus fight a lot how do you guys make up?" (F/n) asked as Ranmaru groan.

"To be honest Reiji is the one who gets us to talk again." He said a bit embarrassed.

"But the one time when we all fought and avoided each other. We got over it and stayed together... did something happen for you to ask me this?" He asked as she pushed her plate away.

"Yeah but I'm going to fix it even if he doesn't want to fix it I won't be at fault for his stupid mistake." She said as I smiled seeing she started to make the first step.

"Just don't overwork yourself, the doctor may have cleared you but I haven't. That also goes the same to you Tetsu." Ranmaru warned her but we just smiled seeing he just looking out for us.

"I understand Ranmaru," he just smiled and kept eating until we were done.

Your POV

After thinking long and hard about how to apologize to Bakagami. I finally found out how I can apologize, by the one thing he loves the most.... basketball.

'If that doesn't work I don't know what will.' I couldn't help but open up the middle school yearbook before my life became the way it is now. I saw all our friends and our teammates smiling and goofing off. I could feel my heart racing a bit seeing Akashi smiling. The Akashi that I fell in love with will always be in my heart.

"Even now it's still hard for me to believe that you are gone Akashi," I mumbled as I close the book get ready for bed.

'If we run into each other in the winter cup, how will he react to me?'

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