shoot 5

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Your POV

As I came home from dance practice I looked to see Tetsu hasn't come home yet. So I began to cook dinner and make our lunches at the same time that way we can just grab it and go. As I was cooking I thought back to what happened on Monday. I kinda want to join the team now but if I do then I have to find a way to balance it with the competitions. Plus Ayame would probably find out with that fan page.

"Hey, I'm home," Tetsu said as I smile.

"Welcome back how was practice?"

"It was alright Kise came today after you guys left. How was your dance practice?" He asked.

"It was fine Masaomi and I still need to practice since we messed up in one step. So why did Kise come to the school? Didn't he go somewhere else for school?" My curious side seems to be up now since I would never ask the why questions.

"He wants me to join his team and he's also looking for you. He also told me that 'he' is looking for you." Tetsu said as I stop moving.

"Why does he have to bring 'him' up when it involves me." I began to sigh feeling a major headache coming.

"Well you were the most popular girl in our class, but after that game, you changed a lot. Even your fan club was devastated about you quitting basketball."  He said as I looked at him.

"How could I be normal after that day I lost my love for basketball and myself at the same time. Dance is the only thing I have to keep me from being an emotionless person. Without it, I think I would have given up a long time ago." I looked at him as he hugged me.

"You're nothing like that. You just need someone to help you back up. I think Seirin is the team that can help you." Tetsu said while smiling.

"Right just give me some time to think about it. It still too early for me to get back out there." I was a bit nervous to be on the court again after 1 year away from the game. Would I still be able to play like I use to?

Time skip

Kuroko POV

While we're practicing for our match against Kaijo. I would look over to see if (F/n) was either observing or not. And sure enough, she was observing us without even blinking one bit.

'I know it's a habit but she seriously needs to change it.' The ball was coming to me as I manage to direct it to Kagami-kun.

"Tetsu focus on the game." (F/n) said as she kept looking at the others.

"Hey, you feeling alright Kuroko?" Hyuga senpai asked as I nodded.

"I'm fine it's just I'm worried about her." He looked over and nodded.

"Yeah but give her time I'm sure she'll come through." We went back to practice. Even though I still think something bad is going to happen soon.

Kagami POV

"Here Bakagami." I looked up and see she's giving me a bento box.

"Why are you giving me this?"

"It's a thank you box. Since I don't know what you like other than basketball. I made you this and made sure it was plenty for you." She said as she open and place all three boxes beside each other.

" She said as she open and place all three boxes beside each other

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"You made all of this?"

"Yeah, why? Is there a problem?"

"Ah no, it's just you don't seem to be the kinda a person who is nice to people." She sighs and began to walk away.

"Wait I didn't mean to get you mad!"

"I have practice today and need to go tell Tetsu dinner should be done when he gets home. And it's inside the hot pot that's on the counter. Later Bakagami." She left as the guys came by.

"Woah this looks good." Hyuga senpai said as the other guys smell how delicious the food is.

"Well, then boys let's follow her and see the type of dancing she does. Let's go!!" The coach said as the others cheered as well.

"Kuroko knows where it is so he should lead." Everyone looked at kuroko and he disappeared.

"Where did he go?"

"I'm right here." He said as everyone got scared as he was standing in front of us.

'So I'm finally going to see what type of dance she does.'

Your POV

"Sorry, I'm late guys." I came into the dance studio and see Masaomi stretching and Ayame helping him.

"It's alright you have club activities," Ayame said as Masaomi was still quiet even though he looked tired.

"What's wrong did school stressed you out today?" I asked as he looked away.

"Nothing just tired. So did they follow you here?" He asked as I looked at him confused.

"What are you talking about?" I asked as Ayame went to the door and open as everyone fell on the door.

"Why are you guys doing here?!" They all got up as Tetsu was standing behind them.

"They wanted to see you dance," Tetsu said as I looked at Masaomi.

"Why not makes it feel like we're being judged." I sigh knowing I can't say anything he's the leader and I'm the follower. I left to get ready for practice but Ayame said something that I know I'm going to hate.

"Oh wear short one," Ayame said as I swear she seems a little too happy.

"I sometimes wonder if you are only like this with me."

Kagami POV

As (F/n) went to change I looked around to see a normal dance studio. I saw the guy stretching as much as possible. Soon I heard the sound of heels coming our way. When I looked I saw she was wearing a black short skirt with black leggings and a redshirt. She was tieing her hair up into a high ponytail and her heels were black strap-on with open toes.

'Woah I never knew she could look so amazing in a skirt.'

"Amazing her charts are off the roof." Coach said as I wonder what she meant.

"Alright, you two 1st heat is cha cha cha," Ayame said before she played the music she turns to us and smiled.

"Watch and you're going to see why she caught my attention." She got the remote and pressed play. What I saw made me think about what she really is.

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