shoot 44

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Time skip

Your POV

"Make sure you pay more attention to stretching than usual. We'll start with squats!" Coach said as I sat on the bench reading the notes kuroo gave us yesterday. It's funny how he just came by to give us these notes and we're taking this information seriously. For that reason, we're at the pool doing some training exercises here. Sadly Kagami and I are benched out from training, but we still watch them and figure out what we can do to support our team.

"Ok, take a one minute break." Coach said as seem to be a bit out of breath.

"Tetsu don't fall asleep! Don't just float there too!" I said as they notice Tetsu floating in the water.

"Alright let's do our next set!" Coach said as I felt bad for the guys going through coach brutal training. It was around their last squat that Nigō had come and sat down next to me which Kagami moved away quick trying to stay away from him.

"Really Bakagami he's just sitting down try not to make a big deal," I said as he glared at Nigō.

"Really Bakagami he's just sitting down try not to make a big deal," I said as he glared at Nigō

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"What a cute dog." I head some say and looked to where I heard it from only to see some very familiar

'Why is she here!?'

"Momoi-san?" Tetsu said as I felt a bit uncomfortable around her. I don't hate her or anything but compare her and me most guys like her because of her figure. Well, that's what most people in teiko said.

"You know her?" Kagami asked as I nodded.

"Um, who are you?" Coach asks as I know what momo-chan will use to make her mad.

"Um, how should I put this... I'm Tetsu-Kun's girlfriend. I couldn't wait for the championship league, so I came here." She said as everyone didn't know who that was and since I'm the only one who calls kuroko Tetsu they may have forgotten.


"Kuroko Tetsuya-kun," she said to clarify.

"What!?" They all screamed which seem a bit funny.

"You have a girlfriend?" Furihata asked as most guys seem surprised about the news.

"She's not his girlfriend, she was our manager in middle school," I said as he got out of the pool.

"Tetsu-kun... it's good to see you again! I missed you!" She said as I rolled my eyes.

 it's good to see you again! I missed you!" She said as I rolled my eyes

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