shoot 62

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Your POV

"Starting today, instead of holding our schedule practice in the gym. We're going to be practicing with Shutoku high." The coach said as everyone seems taken back by the news but we still obeyed.

'If we're training with Shutoku they'll probably know all our skills by the time we go against each other in the winter cup. Meaning once we leave to our second location we'll need to come up with new skills against them.' I looked up and see Midorima with his grumpy face like he normally has but I felt like I can't talk to him like I used to.

"(F/n)-chan think you can give me some advice on how to make the shot every time." Kogenai senpai asked as I smiled and nodded.

"Sure thing," I notice that Kagami left and I guess he was sent out to get drinks. I guess the coach is giving him some special training.

"Ah (F/n)-chan if you need to go prepare the lunches let me know," Coach asked as I smiled.

"There's no need to worry coach I got up early to make everyone a box lunch for each member of the team so I won't need to leave to make lunch." She seems surprised by what I said.

"As expected by our team manager to be prepared for anything. We're counting on you with practice," the coach said as I nodded.

'If they need me I'll do what I can to help my team.'

Time skip after practice

Midorima POV

After a long day of training with Seirin, the day has come to an end. Yet I can't help but think about her and how much she's improved.

"Ahhhh I feel rejuvenated," Takao said while we both sat in the baths.

"I know you couldn't talk with her but how long are you going to keep sulk, anyway? It's starting to get annoying." He said as I enjoy my bath quietly.

"Kuroko normal plays are nothing special. He's got his unfair misdirection, though. He should use his misdirection when he breaks away. An invisible dribble would be unstoppable." Takao said while coming up with Kuroko new skill ideas.

"It's impossible, do you know why Kuroko only makes tap passes?" I asked as he seems to listen.

"It's because he cannot direct attention away from the ball. During a game, you must never take your eyes off the ball. In other words, it has more presence than anything else on the court. That is why Kuroko never holds the ball. He's unable to use his misdirection while holding the ball, it will not be long before someone steals it from him. However, conversely, if there were a way to overcome his weakness, he may show terrifying improvement." I said as I turn to face him.

"That's great, but  you've been talking to a lion

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"That's great, but  you've been talking to a lion." He said as I felt embarrassed that I was talking to a statute.

"Hey what about that girl do you still want to talk to her?" He asked as I felt a bit sad that we still haven't talked to her.

"How about this then I'll go talk to her that way I can let her know you want to apologize." He said as I ignore him.

"I'll take that as a yes then," he said as I looked away.

"Shut up Nanodayo!"

Riko POV

"Shutoku sure is a tough team to beat I never thought Takao-san Hawkeye would see through my misdirection too." (F/n)-chan said while we were relaxing in the baths after a hard day of training.

"Well, now we know that he can see your patterns we can focus on a strategy that will help you avoid his blocks." She sighs and by the looks of it, she was thinking about something.

"Is something wrong?"

"No, I was just wondering where Bakagami went. He's been gone all day and hasn't been back since you sent him to get drinks." She said as I just realized about Kagami-kun being gone.

"He'll probably show up soon after all he's one of our weapons," I said as she smiled and lean back to relax. I couldn't help but notice her chest was a bit bigger than mine.

"Stop staring coach," she said with her eyes closed which scared me a bit.

"I wasn't staring I was wondering how your chest seems bigger." She looked towards me and smile.

"It's cause I do some chest exercise." She said as I blush seeing that she was straightforward with her answer.


"Yep," she confirmed seeing that Ayame would do anything to make sure both her dancers look picture perfect.

'I wonder what kind of workout she put her in?'

Your POV

'I'm starting to worry if Bakagami got kidnapped or maybe he got arrested.' I notice one of the staff closing up the baths to clean.

"Excuse me sir can I ask a favor?" I asked as he seems surprised to see me.

"Sure what can I do for you miss?"

"One of our club members hasn't come back yet and I'm sure when he finally gets back he'll probably want to wash up and take a bath is it alright if you can wait just a bit longer?" I asked as he seems unsure if to accept my request.

"Well I guess I could start at the women's bath first but if he still doesn't make it I can't do anything about it." He said as I smiled.

"That's fine if he doesn't make it to the baths that's his punishment for taking too long." He smiled and went to start cleaning at the women's bath.

'Bakagami you better get here quick to take the bath.'

"Ah (F/n)-chan what are you doing here?" I noticed Takao-san coming towards me with a water bottle in his hand.

"Oh just doing some things for my team," I said honestly as he seems to be staring straight at me.

"Listen can we talk privately?" He asked as I was a bit confused.

"About what?"

"It's about Shin-chan he's been a bit down, ever since the restaurant he's been a bit down and distracted. Do you think you can talk to him he seems to express more when he's with you." He said as I seem unsure if I should talk to Midorima or not.

"I don't know but if it helps your team then I guess I can talk to him." He smiled and hugged me.

"Thank you (F/n)-chan," he said as I couldn't help but smile.

'I'm glad Takao-san is friends with Midorima.'

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