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Ayame POV

"The nerve he has pointing at her does he not know the consequences of messing with the queen?" I said as Masaomi laugh nervously.

"Probably not but this is the first time I've seen someone else try to irritate her. By the look of things she's almost there all she needs is a little push." He said as I began to take note of her physical state. Unlike dance where she's the partner and follows her leader. In basketball, she becomes the leader and makes everyone bow down to her.

'I hope she'll be alright.'

Your POV

Everyone seems surprised that Kagami found his weakness. Well, it's sorta true Kise has never beaten me once, and can't copy Tetsu's misdirection that well. At least when he's not opening the door.

"It's true Kurokocchi and (F/n)cchi are the only two styles I can't imitate. But what does that change?" Kise admitted as the announce the 1st quarter was over.

"It changes everything. Well, bring you to tears in the second quarter." Bakagami said while walking back to where we sat at.

'I am so angry at him now.'

"Are you alright? You seem a bit mad?" Tetsu said as I try to calm down.

"I'm fine I just think I should teach the redhead some manners that's all," I said as I look at the scoreboard to see an 8 point difference.

"What the Hell are you doing?! They're closing the gap!" I heard their coach yell as I clam down a bit more.

"Yes sir!" They yelled as their coach told them their fundamental suck and some other things.

"I see yeah that could work. Kagami it looks like you've finally cooled down." Coach said as I draw my attention back to our team.

"No I was always-" he was about to say he was cool but he was cut off by us.

"You were really pissed!" Hyuga, Izuki and I said at the same time.

"But Kuroko and Kagami your coordination will be key. Can you do it?" Coach asked

"Yeah... probably.." He said unsure about himself. I was about to punch him but somehow Kuroko beat me by jabbing his side hard. Which I know from experience are painful.

"You bastard where did that come from?" He asked as I sorta feel bad for him since Tetsu would do that to me whenever I'm unsure of things.

"You want to beat Kise don't you?" Kuroko asked as he looked down on him.

"Of course I do!" He said as he jabbed him back but unlike Tetsu's strength, his must have been stronger.

"Let the second quarter begin!" They announce but I need to watch the game more carefully. Now that I know almost all their basic moves I can give it back to them twice as strong. The question is can Kise keep up with my new style?

Masaomi POV

"It looks like things are finally getting interesting," Ayame said while we kept watching.

"It looks like Kuroko can coordinate with Kagami as he does with (F/n). But I think they still need work on it." I said when Kagami tries to pass the ball to Kuroko but ended up missing.

" I said when Kagami tries to pass the ball to Kuroko but ended up missing

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