shoot 24

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Kagami POV

"Is miss Kurosaki here?" The teacher asked as I looked back and see her desk empty. It's only day two and she hasn't shown up for class. It seems a bit weird to not see her around almost like time has stopped moving.

'Maybe this is the reason she didn't want to be involved with showbiz. It takes a lot of time away from the things she needs to do.' Class went by and I could barely focus knowing she wasn't there to annoy me and calling me Bakagami. True I hate being called that but when she says it I can't help but smile inside.

"Kagami-kun it's time for lunch." I see Kuroko there standing next to my desk with two boxes.

"Here she asked me to give you this and to make sure you eat every bite of it." He said as he places the two boxes on my desk. I open the round one and see all the food she placed inside.

"Wow, this looks amazing."

"She woke up extra early to do the food and after that, she went for her morning jog

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"She woke up extra early to do the food and after that, she went for her morning jog. She has been busy nonstop for the competition against the two agencies. She also told me that since the agency pulled her out of her club work they're giving the club members entrance and backstage passes for us." Kuroko said as I was surprised about the news.

"Has she been doing alright at home?" I asked a bit curious since she does the cooking for both of them I do get a bit worried if she's one of the great players in our team.

"I think she is by the time she gets home it's almost midnight. I wouldn't know if she has eaten dinner or not." I began to look at the food and then an idea came to me.

"Did she pack a lunch?"

"No, she leaves in a hurry since she only has four days to practice the song and dance."

"Then why do we meal prep for her and she can have food for lunch ready to go," I said as he nodded.

"Good idea we should ask the others to help us with what we can make for her." I nodded as I took a bite of the food and like always it was delicious.

Your POV

"My God Ranmaru you broke your sister into exhaustion," Reiji said as I try to catch my breath after trying to do the sing and dancing together

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"My God Ranmaru you broke your sister into exhaustion," Reiji said as I try to catch my breath after trying to do the sing and dancing together. Since time is against us I need to perfect everything. I remember the moves and the lyrics so mixing them is the hard part for me.

"Shut up your not the one who's short on time. Plus this is her first performance on stage." My brother said as I got back up and let out a sigh.

"We have no time to go easy for me to get used to performing. I need to make sure I'm used to getting through this whole performance without going blank in the last second." I went to grab my bottle and drank some water.

"It's still an unfair match it's three siblings who have more experience on stage than you two."

"It doesn't matter if it's fair or not don't underestimate us just because we have different hobbies. Just watch we'll beat them and win." I said now determined to prove him wrong.

"I'm sorry for being late the president want to talk to me."

"Haruka it's alright they're just taking a break from practice," Reiji said as I began to stretch my arms and legs.

"Um alright, I brought some snacks you as an apology." She showed us a bag and bowed.

"Thanks, Haruka." My phone received an email and I see it's from my ex.

No matter how much you reject everything I give you I will never stop loving you. You are the only one that I can see standing beside me.

- your red emperor

"Jackass is more like it." I closed the message and see Tetsu sent a message.

I know your busy but the team is coming over to our place right now. I just want you to know that and I hope you ate already I'll see you at home.

-Kuroko Tetsuya

'Well, at least he'll have some company with him.' I closed my phone and loosen up my muscles.

"Ran-chan let's go at it one more time," I said as I place my phone near my bottle.

"You sure you can handle it?" He asked unsure about my condition now.

"Like they say practice makes perfect and in dance, we practice until we got it." He smiled and fist bump my shoulder softly.

"Alright let's get to work."

Kagami POV

"Alright now that we have everything we need let's start making the food." Hyuga senpai said as we all placed the bags on the countertop.

"Thank goodness coach wasn't around when you asked us to help cook." Izuku senpai said as all the other senpais agreed with him.

"Huh, why is that a good thing?"

"One day you'll understand what we mean." Hyuga senpai said as we all began to take out the food from the bags. We began to wash them and chop the food.

"Tetsu I'm home with Ran-chan along with his girlfriend." We all looked and see that the two siblings were here along with some girl.

"You know my agency doesn't allow relationships so don't call her my girlfriend." He said as the girl blushed.

"Yeah yeah yeah whatever you say big bro." She began to walk towards her room and the other two stayed.

"So what's this about?" He asked as we all try to hide the food.

"They want to try meal prep for (F/n) to eat lunch. Since she is part of the team they want to make sure she eating well and keeps her strength up." Kuroko said as he seems a bit impressed.

"Awww that's so sweet of you guys to do that for your teammate." the girl said as she smiled.

"Well if you really want to meal prep for her then go ahead just don't burn the food." He said went to a room.

"If you like I can help in anyway I can."

"Thank you miss we really appreciate your help." Hyuga senpai said as we all bowed to her.

'I hope everything goes well for her.'


Author notes

First of all thank you for being patient with these slow updates and for reading the book so far. I've been trying to get back into writing again but it's been a bit difficult for me so I'm try to work on my schedule so I can post more chapters. Also all the books I have completed will be edited so if don't see it don't panic. Thanks for reading this chapter and I'll see you guys in the next chapter this is musicride singing off bye.

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