shoot 17

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Time skip

Ayame POV

We will have a short intermission for the second half. Please return in one hour.

I sigh in relief after seeing that they got full marks again. Yet I've never seen them dance like this not since when they first started competing together. I guess the game yesterday inspired them to win.

"Oh man, I could eat a full course meal," Masaomi said as they came walking but it seems that (F/n) changed shoes. Which is good since if she's on her heels all day she'll get more pain.

"You know you shouldn't eat a lot or you won't wake up for the next round," I said as they sigh.

"Well, shall we get something to eat I'm sure your both hungry." They nodded and began to walk towards everyone else.

"Tetsu you did bring the bento boxes I made right?" (F/n) asked Kuroko which he nodded and showed two huge stacks of bento boxes. We went to the lobby and find a space for everyone.

"Since I know Kagami was coming I sorta prepared this last night so I hope you guys like it." She said as she places them and spread the boxes out.

"Woah there's even lobster here what can't you do?" Koganei asked as she smiled

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"Woah there's even lobster here what can't you do?" Koganei asked as she smiled.

"Sadly even I don't know what I can't do." She said as she gave everyone grabbed a plate.

"Yes, I get to eat (F/n)cchi cooking again!" Kise said all happy that he gets to eat her food.

"Well everyone dig in."

Kagami POV

'Man her cooking is amazing. Even the bento box from last time tasted amazing.' As I took another bite but I looked at her and see her eat some rice balls.

"Hey, why are you just eating rice balls? "

"Oh, we can't have a full stomach." She said while she took another bite.

"Why is that?" Hyuga senpai asked.

"Well, it was a long time ago when me and Ayame use to dance. When we eat a lot our stomachs get a little bigger. And since the girls need the dress not to rip and for us guys, we can't pull any muscles. So to avoid that we eat half of our meals." Masaomi said as he ate a rice ball.

"Plus one time one of the dancers puked on the floor." (F/n) said she took another bite.

"Yeah that was disturbing but lucky for us we won that competition easily," Ayame said.

'Well, I guess this is just a normal meal for them.' I looked to see her look at her phone but she seemed sad about something.

"Is something wrong?" She seem to snap out and shook her head.

"No I'm fine really just a bit tired that's all." She said as she looked at her phone again.

'Is she waiting for someone?'

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