shoot 33

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Your POV

We had less than five minutes on the clock and by the look of things baldy seem more focused on me. I guess he remembers how my style is. What he doesn't know I didn't waste any time combined with what I learn in dance with basketball. Especially with the intense training, Ayame put us I was able to jump a bit higher and increased my speed. Not only that I'm more agile than last time we were against each other.

"I heard you quit last year is that true?" He asked with a grin on his face.

"You can say I need some time to blow off some steam," I said briefly as I notice the ball was with Izuki senpai. I notice he was distracted with the ball and took the chance using a natural spin turn to get around. Without much trouble, I was able to have an opening which Izuki senpai took the chance.

"Who let her pass?!" Someone yelled as I took the shot from my spot.

Kuroo POV

"She got three points from that spot!" Everyone seemed surprised that she made it in.

"She's using that Midorima shooting skills that she copied in the past," I said as I looked at her calm expression.

"Then are you saying she copied all the generation of miracles abilities as well?" Kenma asked as I nodded.

"Like I said before kitten is special in many ways. That's why she won't go to any girls club. She's way beyond their level to play fair in their eyes." I see her pass the ball in a way her friend does. So she's using a different miracle skill and she's able to lose her presence.

"For some reason, she looks familiar but I don't know where I've seen her," Yakkun said as I smiled.

"Is she that hard to remember her by her accomplishments Yakkun?" I said as he looked at me while kept watching the game.

"She sang with her brother against heavens and their sister a few weeks back. Plus she's done dancing competition for the past year now. Of course, her hair was longer back then but long hair or short she's still unforgettable. Especially when her fans are watching." I see the scoreboard and they finally manage to pass the other team by one point. With only twenty-five seconds left on the clock, all they have to do is keep them back. Still, the other team manage to score two more points.

"Well kitten what are you going to do?"

Your POV

I can't believe this guy still has the energy to jump that far. After passing the ball and using every trick I had copied from Tetsu he manage to put two more points. I noticed the Izuki senpai throw the ball at me to pass it.

'I just need to pass to Hyuga senpai for him to shoot at the three-point line.' She as I was about to pass the ball baldy got in the way.

"Kurosaki!" I missed and changed the pass course in time for Hyuga senpai to catch it. He took the shot and it felt like time went slow. As the ball went through the hoop the buzzer went off signaling that the game was over. With the score of 73-71, we manage to beat Seiho by two points. I looked at my team and smiled as I walked towards them. I feel someone pat my head and someplace their arm on my shoulder. All of my senpais were happy that we won against Seiho. As well Koganei senpai was up and running around happy.

'Well seems I have to cook everyone's favorite food for lunch on Monday.'

"Why?!" We looked and see it was baldy that yelled at us.

"Seirin just formed last year! We practice way more than them! They didn't stand a chance last year! No matter how you look at it, we're stronger!" He yelled as everyone seem unfazed by his tantrum.

"Enough Tsugawa." Their captain places a hand on his shoulder to calm him but he seems calm after they lost.


"The strong don't win... the winners are the strong ones. They were stronger that's all." He said as he removed his hand. I decided to head towards where Tetsu and Bakagami are only to be stopped.

"Tell me your name!" I turn around and see baldy behind me by a few feet.

"I know your nickname is the queen of the court but not your real name. Tell me your name!" I turn to face him.

"It's Kurosaki (F/n)." He seems more eager to beat me.

"Your name too." I knew he was talking about Tetsu so I didn't bother to turn around.

"Kuroko Tetsuya."

"I'll remember it, I definitely won't forget either of your names." He said as we looked at him.

"Thanks," we said at the same time as I went to line up. Kagami and Tetsu were at the benches as I stood and thanked them for the game. I grab my bottle and took a drink of cold water.

"Looks like they're finished, too," Kagami said as he focused on the game on the other side. I turn to look at the score and couldn't believe what I was seeing.

'113 to 38... but how they benched Midorima five minutes into the game. That means that they're stronger than what I originally thought.' I notice Midorima looking at us and for a split second see him smile.

"Everyone let head to the locker room for now." Coach said as everyone nodded and grab their stuff.

'I have a feeling Shintaro is not going to hold back. Especially after the little declaration that Kagami made towards him.' I grab my stuff and follow the guys to the locker room.

Ranmaru POV

Finally, after what seemed forever we reached the stadium where they were going to have their game. I looked at the time and see it was 2:07 PM.

"After being stuck in traffic for almost two hours we've finally reached the stadium only to see we miss the game." I fall to my knees and sigh in defeat.

"Her school name what was it again?" Reiji asked as I looked at him.

"Seirin... why?"

"Well, it looks like we'll get to see them play a second game today." He said as I looked at what he was looking at. I see the list of schools that showed which one was going against which school. I see Seirin advance and were going against Shutoku.

"Thank you, god, for giving me a second chance," I mumbled try to keep my composure in check. Can't have my image ruin just yet especially when Camus is around.

"Well then let's go find some seat and wait for the next game to start," Reiji said we headed inside and see a huge section where there had Seirin signs waving around.

"Looks like they have a cheering committee for their school let's go there and cheer along with them," Reiji said as I began to walk towards that area. Lucky we found a couple of seats near the top.

'Finally, I get to see them play in a basketball game after so long.'


Hello, guys hope you guys enjoy this chapter. I had so said yes to the Halloween chapter so I been writing it and since the only one said what type of costume to dress up I might go with that. Yeah, so thanks for support if guys, and I'll see you guys in the next chapter this is musicride singing off bye.

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