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Kuroko POV

Something must have happened to Kagami and (F/n) during lunch. It's like a dark cloud is surrounded us, but it's been getting much worse for the past few days. That and Kagami hasn't shown up the whole week that she's been back. Even right now she's sitting on the stage and writing down in her notebook she seems a bit off.

"(F/n)-chan have you seen Kagami?" Koganei senpai asked as she sighs and looked up at him.

"I haven't sorry," she said and went back to what she was writing in her notebook.

"Did you guys fight or something?" Izuki senpai asked and I notice she tightened her grip on the pen.

"No why," she said without looking up.

"Hey get back to practice or we'll be in trouble with the coach." Hyuga senpai said as everyone walked away.

"(F/n) did something happen with Kagami and you?" I asked as she looked at me.

"No nothing happen between us." She said as I saw that her eyes were empty.

"I'm sorry (F/n), you don't have to say anything but I'll be there if you ever need someone to listen," I said as she smiled Nd nodded. Nigō barked and we both look down and see him wagging his tail.

"Nigō you want to help her too?" I asked as he barked to confirm. I grab him and placed him on the stage and he began to spin around making us smile.

 I grab him and placed him on the stage and he began to spin around making us smile

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"Oh, Nigō you sure know to make me smile." (F/n) said as she gave a genuine smile.

Riko POV

"So Hyuga-kun do you think (F/n)-chan and Kagami fought?" I asked as we walk out of the gym together. I've noticed that (F/n)-chan has been more focused on the team than before.

"Yeah, no doubt about Kagami said something to make her avoid talking to him. Plus it looks like she avoids talking about him or anything related to him." Hyuga said as I began to worry about the duo pair.

"Should we tell Ayame and Masaomi about the situation?" I mumble lowly.

"I don't think we should tell them about the problem we have with them. Let's just give them space so they can work it out on their own. Plus he's coming back, right? Maybe he can handle the problem if this keeps going." Hyuga said as I sigh seeing that would be better.

"Alright but if things are still the same then we have no choice but to intervene." He nodded since we need our best players to focus on the game and not their personal problems with each.

Your POV

I looked at my phone and sigh seeing that Bakagami didn't show up again. In a way, he does remind me of Aomine when we were in Teiko. Those were the good days but now it's like history is repeating itself with him being such a self-centered guy. Even watching the rerun of our game against Aomine team and what I saw confirmed what I thought.

"I should have noticed it before nothing good could ever come from guys like him." I lay back on the couch and closed my eyes. I don't know how long I've been watching the rerun of our last game but I heard the door open and close.

"Hey, sis don't tell me your sleeping on the couch again." I open my eyes and see Ranmaru looking down at me.

"No, I'm just thinking, how was work today?" I got up and he smiled.

"Same old idol life I honestly like to just spend my day here and sleep until the next day." He said as he walks to the kitchen.

"Tetsu and I went out to eat so you don't need to cook today," I said as he sighs and came back to flicked my forehead.

"You guys shouldn't rely on fast food restaurants all the time." He said as I lay back on the couch.

"Don't worry about us Ranmaru we got out of practice late and I didn't want to cook today so we just ate out with the other first years in the club."  He sighs looked at the TV seeing the game I missed.

"Is that the game that you guys lost?"

"Yeah, I'm taking notes to see what counter-attacks we can do to stop them. The problem is that Momo-chan is part of that team so of course they'll have data on each member of our team. The only thing we have that they can't collect data on is Tetsu and me." He sat down seeing that I was only in the third quarter.

"Why not do what your friends in volleyball do? Those combo counter-attacks they may help you guys out." He suggested which was a good idea.

"A combo attack may help us a lot but we need to have the right timing and a lot of trust in each other to pull it off. Plus we'll need at least another strong member who can cover the rebounds." He seemed to think of something.

"Why not ask Kagami to see if it works."

"I rather do another concert than work with him at the moment," I said as he seems to suspect that something happened between us.

"What happened?" He asked as I looked away.

"Nothing happen we just had an argument that's all." I turn the TV off and stretch my tired body.

"I'm going to bed good night Ranmaru," I said as I went to my room and close the door.

'Bakagami you are a heartless jerk.'

Ranmaru POV

Something happened with those two and it seems it's causing some problems with their team. I wish I could help them but I don't know much about basketball.

'I should ask Tetsu if things are alright with school.' I noticed that she left her playbook and I was curious about what plans she came up with. I was amazed by how many notes she had taken in the time she been back.

"Seems like the team has a lot of work before they can beat that team."

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