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Alexa Pov

" Are you sure you can drive Alexa? you look like death," Carmella put it oh so nicely. I forced a smile on my face and nodded. "Mel, I'm completely fine; it's only like a 3-hour drive," I assured her as we pulled our suitcases behind us.

She gave me a weary look but nodded, and we fell into a comfortable silence; I suppressed a yawn as we approached Carmella's car "please drive safe, Lexi, I don't need you dying on me," she said with slight humor unlocking her car,  "I will text you the second I arrive at my hotel" I promised her before biding her a goodbye.

My rental car was a couple of rows down, so I didn't walk far before pressing the unlock button on my key fob and putting my bags and suitcase in the trunk. I let out another yawn before heading towards the driver's side door but was instead met with a body blocking my way.

"you really think I'd let you drive?" Finn said, giving me a narrow look.

I rolled my eyes. "Finn, I'm fine, seriously" I still don't entirely trust him after seeing him and Sasha, my heart slightly twinged at the thought, but I quickly pushed it to the back of my mind as Finn grabbed my arm.

"Alexa, give me your car keys," he said in a harsh tone; I gave him a hard stare before reluctantly handing my keys over, I didn't have the energy to fight.

I pulled my arm out of his grip before walking around to the passenger side as Finn put his bags in the back.

I pulled the seatbelt on and sat back in silence, everything racing through my head; how was this drive gonna go? Would it be another sleepless night tonight? Was Finn telling the truth about Sasha kissing him?

"Stop thinking so hard," Finn said, pulling me from my thoughts; only then did I realize that we were already on the road.

"I wouldn't have to think so hard if you didn't do stupid stuff all the time," I snapped but quickly clamped my mouth shut; god, I sounded like a bitch.

Finn gave me a sideways glance before sighing and looking at the road. "I'm sorry Alexa; I've already told you, Sasha kissed me, I didn't want to kiss her, I lo-" he stopped himself mid sentenced,

"you what?" I asked, wanting him to continue,

"don't worry about it, try to sleep, you look exhausted," he said without looking from the road.

I just silently agreed and looked out the window as the buildings passed by, I saw a Starbucks in the distance and secretly wished I could get a coffee.

The next thing I knew, I was waking up, I yawned and took in my surroundings, it took me a couple of seconds to realize I was in the parking lot of a hotel, Jesus I slept the whole ride.

"good morning sleepyhead," Finn said with a smile in the passenger seat as he turned off the car "you slept the entire car ride," he added before opening the car door.

I stretched and also exited the car into the cool night, I walked around and met Finn at the back of the car,

I watched him unlock the trunk and open it, "Thank you for driving me," I said sincerely, I  haven't slept that good in a while, even if it was only for 3 hours.

"you're welcome, I know you don't think that I do anymore, but I do really care about you Alexa," he said, handing me my bags, I reached out and grabbed them,

I chewed on my lip as we stood in silence, I wanted to talk with Finn, but I still wasn't sure what to say.

"Well, uh, I guess we should be heading in" I cut the awkward silence 

"Yeah, I guess we should," Finn agreed,

I turned and headed towards the door, Finn took an extra second before following me.

We didn't say anything to each other as we checked in, nor did we say anything on the elevator.

The elevator dinged, indicating we were on the 5th floor, my floor, "Goodnight,"  I said before making my way off the elevator, but Finn stopped me. "My room is 234 on the 6th floor if you need me," he said softly, I just nodded before getting off letting the elevator doors close.

I sighed and walked a couple of doors down before inserting my keycard and entering my room for presumably another sleepless night.

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