7/ Part 2

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I sipped my Frapè quietly as we rolled down the almost desserted highway, considering it was close to 12 everyone was either home or at their destination.

The radio wasn't even on so it was just us sitting quietly in the dark besides the lights from the dash or streetlamps.

"Can we break this awkward silence" I said quietly.

"What would we even talk about? Cats?" He remarked sarcasticly.

"Sure, ya know anything to break this awkward silence, what's your favorite breed?" I replied with a slight smirk.

"Honestly I fucking hate cats" he muttered before switching over to another lane.

"What!? How can you hate cats? They're so adorable and cute-"

"Untill they scratch your eyes out" he cuts me off rudely.

"Um, not all cats are like that, so stop hating on cats" I glared at him before looking out the window.

"You look cute when you're angry princess" I didn't even need to look at him to know he was smirking.

"I'm not angry, also stop calling me Princess!" I snapped sending him another glare.

"Sorry princess" he replied putting an emphasis on the word "Princess"

"Fuck you" I grumbled taking another sip of my drink. "Okay" he smirked

"In your fucking dreams" I snapped before looking up at the road ahead of us. He never said anything after my comment which I was thankfull for.

I crossed my legs and continued looking out at the dark highway as the occasional car whisked by ours.

"Do you like chicken wings?" Finns voice suddenly broke the silence.

A laugh worked it's way out of my mouth as I turned to him. "What?"

"I'm just trying to make conversation because we still have a 2 hour ride ahead of us and I don't want it to be in complete silence" he confesses shrugging his shoulders as he merged lanes.

"Um I geuss?" I answered his question before. "Same" he answers simply before tapping his fingers against the wheel.

I opened my mouth to say something but my phone ringing cut me off. I quickly checked the collar ID


I quickly answered.

"Hey" I smiled gently to no one.

"Hey, I noticed your car is still here as I was leaving the Arena, are you still here?" She asks as I hear a car door slam in the background.

"No actually I'm not, my car wouldn't start so I hitched a ride with someone" I answered simply.

"Ohh, with who?" She replied.

"Finn" I hesitated

"Finn? I thought you hated him?" She questions .

"Well yeah, I do just he offered" I replied hoping to end this conversation since I was less then 5 feet away from him.

"Oh seems lit. But I'm about to start driving, see you tomorrow!" She says happily.

"Bye" I smiled before hanging up and shoving my phone in my pocket.

I rested my chin on my arm as I leaned it against the car door.

"Why do you hate me so much anyway princess?" Finn piped up suddenly.

It caught me off guard as I wasn't really sure how to respond.
"Well it's not really that I hate you-"

"So then what is it? You interfered with my match for no apparent reason" he cuts me off.

"Its not that I targeted you-"

"Oh yeah real convincing" he snaps suddenly.

"Oh I'm terribley sorry I was tired of being stepped on! I'm sorry I was tired of being an after thought and on the verge of leaving my lifelong dream and passion, something you'd never understand because you have been the star ever since your perfect face debuted in wrestling!" I snapped back crossing my arms.

His face broke out into a smile. "You called my Face perfect"

"No I didn't" I quickly responded looking ahead.

"Yes you diiiddd" he teased as he turned off the highway onto a backroad.

"I don't recall" I replied once again trying to play dumb.

Thankfully he dropped it as we neared our hotel. I let out a quiet sigh of relief as we pulled into the dimly lit parking lot.

I quickly exited the vehicle grabbing my bags from out of the Trunk,

"Thank you" i said quietly to finn before making a sharp turn and started for the doors.

"You're welcome, Princess" he called after me smugly.

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