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I had just finished up with the interview and I had  20 minutes to head to the photo shoot,

I quickly jumped in my car and headed back to the arena before rushing inside and getting in the makeup chair.

They did simple makeup before i changed into my pink ring gear with a wrestlemania shirt and Hat.

The photoshooot was nothing special, I also did a photo shoot for the up coming money in the bank which was a month away.

By this time it was getting near 3pm and I was tired and terribly hungry,

I pulled out my phone and sent a quick text to Finn asking if he'd join me for dinner.

I arrived back to my hotel just as  Finn replied saying he'd love to join me and to meet him in the lobby in 30 minutes.

I changed into some ripped skinny jeans and a Nike sweatshirt before fixing my makeup and hair, I slipped some vans on and grabbed my phone and wallet before heading down to meet Finn.

Once I got downstairs I found Finn sitting on a chair in the lobby on his phone, he was wearing black jeans with a Black  t-shirt with a light black jacket on top.

"Ready to go?" I said walking up behind him, he jumped and looked at me, "shit Lexi you scared me"

I giggled and shrugged gently "sorry" I smiled as he stood up looking at me.

"So, where do you wanna eat?" Finn asks as we made our way out to the parking lot.

"Hmm, There's a steakhouse nearby I wanna try" I shrugged.

"Oh Yeah, The Belvedeer right?" Finn asks as we approach his car.

"That's it" I smiled as he unlocked his car and we entered the Car, I put my seatbelt on as Finn started the car.

The ride to the restaurant was pretty decent, once we arrived we exited the car before heading inside.

"Table for two please" Finn smiled at the hostess. She smiled before grabbing two menus and leading the way towards the table.

She actually gave us a booth seat, I sat in first before Finn followed, She handed us the menu before telling us a waiter would be right by.

I flipped open the menu and  started looking through, 5 minutes later a waiter came by for drinks, I ordered an ice tea and Finn just got a Pepsi.

I Finally decided on just getting a steak and mashed potatoes, while Finn got steak and a baked potato.

"So you found a dress for Hall of fame?" Finn asks looking at me.

"Yep" I smiled as i thought of it,  I found it last week and I was totally in love,

"Can I get a sneak peek?" Finn smirks gently at me. "Nope" I smiled cheekily before taking a sip of my drink.

"Darn" he chuckled slightly before leaning back.

Me and Finn kept small talk untill the waiter dropped our food off.

"Thank god, I'm starving" I smiled picking up my utensils, I cut into the steak and stuck a piece in my mouth.

"Mhm, This is so good!" I say after swallowing the little piece of heaven.

Finn nods gently with a mouth full it steak, I giggled before continuing to eat my food.

We ate in a comfortable silence before finishing our food.

"Damn that was delicious" I sighed as sipped my drink.

"I'm so glad we decided to come here" Finn smiles at me before we fall into silence once again.

"So doing anything interesting tomorrow?" Finn asks

"I have an axxess signing from 4-6 and that's it" I shrugged, "you?"

"I have axxess from 3-5" Suddenly a devilish smirk appeared on his face, "Maybe I should crash your signing for the last hour"

"Jesus Finn" I shook my head "but the fans would probably Flip, in a good way tho"

"Then it's settled" he smiles as the waiter drops our check off, After much disagreement, Finn finally paid the check.

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