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My eyes flicked open as I saw the light shine into my hotelroom, I looked to my left and I was met with Finns sleeping face, His arm was draped across me, Holding me close to him.

He looked peacefull sleeping, I kept staring at him before his eyes suddenly snapped open,

"Like the view princess?" He smirks gently as I look away "I wasn't looking" I huffed gently, but a smile was evident on my lips.

"Mhm okay princess" He smirks before I shake my head smiling.

We fall into a comfortable silence before he reaches across and grabs his phone,

"Its 1:30, we should head to the arena for smackdown, That is if you're up for it, if you don't wanna go that's alright Princess"

"No it's okay I wanna go" I smile shakily before standing up.

I mean I don't wanna stay here alone and do nothing.

I started gathering my things before Finn gently grabbed my arm, "Alexa"
I turned to him, "are you sure? I mean the whole thing with Brock is still fresh" He says gently looking down at me.

I shrug and look away, "I mean yeah I'm affected but I don't wanna stay here, I'd rather go to work"

I suddenly felt Finns fingers slip under and chin and gently making me look him in the eyes, "Are you sure? Don't lie, if you wanna stay here i understand, I'll stay right with you" He says sincerely.

My eyes bore into his, "Yeah I'm sure, I'm fine" I smiled as our eyes never once broke contact, sounds cheesy but it seemed like time had slowed down,  I suddenly felt myself leaning in and I noticed him slowly leaning in aswell,

And just as our lips were gonna touch Finn suddenly pulled back,

"I, I should go get ready for smackdown, Do you want a ride?" he says gently before backing up, I nodded before grabbing my things and walking into the bathroom.

Once the door was closed I quickly let out a sigh I wasn't realizing I was holding back, Everything replayed in my mind, us almost kissing, I was slightly disappointed that we didn't kiss, But I mean it's Finn, of course he doesn't like me, he Probably likes someone like Nikki Bella or Carmella.

20 minutes later I exited the bathroom to find an empty room, I packed up my ring gear and other things before Receiving a text from Finn.

I shove my phone in my pocket before leaving my room and meeting Finn downstairs, I gave him and quick smile before we headed to the car, I threw My stuff in the backseat before sitting in the passenger seat, Finn soon joined in the driver seat before starting his car,

The drive was silent but it was nice, Soon we pulled up into tonight's arena, I exited the car and grabbed my stuff before we entered the arena.

I suddenly got really nervous, I was constantly on edge as I looked frantically around for any sign of Brock, I suddenly felt a pair of fingers lace with mine, I jump as I turn to see Finn, "Trust me Princess, Brock isn't here, and even if he was, I won't let him get anywhere near you," He reassures me before squeezing my hand,My stomach erupted with butterflies as his thumb rubbed the back of my head gently as we walk through the halls.

We earned a few stares as we made our way towards Stephanie office, she wanted to see me,

I chewed my lip slightly nervous as we entered her office.

"Hello Lexi, how are you?" She asks softly.

"I'm fine" I lied not wanting her to be concerned.

She asked me if I was comfortable with wrestleing tonight, Even tho I was scared of Brock coming out (Even tho he wasn't even in the same state).

We talked before she told me i'd be facing Emma tonight, I bid her a goodbye and me and Finn left.

"Are you sure you'll be Okay?" he asks
Again as we approach the women's lockeroom,

"Yes Finn I'll be fine, I promise, I'll talk to you later, and um thanks for being with me last night"

"Anytime princess" he winks at me before walking off.

I smiled before  entering the women's lockeroom, I changed into my Red and black ring gear before slipping on an Alexa bliss sweatshirt and leaving to carering, Maryse and Carmella were already deep in conversation as I plopped beside them.

Maryse noticed me first but then her eyes trailed to my gear, "you're wrestleing?" She tilts her head.

"Yeah, I don't want Brock to get to me, I want to keep wrestleing" I lied, and they believed It, didn't know I was such a good liar.

Sometime later I had my match, I won against Emma, nothing interesting happened in the match.

I had just gotten backstage and headed to catering, sitting next to Maryse, "nice match" she comments as they prepared for Finn vs Wyatt next.

I watched finns match and then the main event before I headed to the women's lockeroom, I changed into leggings and a Nike shirt before grabbing my things and heading out.

I was meeting Finn out at his car, as he was my ride here.

I leaned against the black car as I waited for him to turn up.

Soon Finn walked up on his phone before unlocking the car, we put our stuff in the car before I slid into the passenger seat

"Do you wanna ride with me to the next city?" Finn asks as we turn onto the road.

"Sure, When are you leaving?" I responded.

"I wanted to leave tonight if that's alright, I just gotta go to the hotel and grab my things"

"That's alright, I just gotta grab some things aswell" I looked out the window.

A few minutes later we pulled up to the hotel room, we got out and grabbed our things before checking out of our rooms and heading back into the car.

The next city we were in was 3 hours away, I put my seatbelt on as Finn started the car, I pulled out of phone and scrolled through Twitter, Videos and photos of mine and Brocks encounter popped up on my feed.

I had an urge to watch them but before I could even click on one my phone was snatched out of my hand and put in the center console.

"Don't watch those, trust me Alexa" Finn says gently as we merged onto the highway.

I nodded quietly knowing Finn was right.

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