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I mentally groaned as Triple H Informed me my match was cancelled once again tonight, and me and Eva were already dressed up in our ring gear.

"What the fuck" Eva growled as we took the walk of shame back to the womens lockeroom, and it's not even like we can leave, because nobody is allowed to leave untill atleast the main event.

Me and Eva entered the empty lockeroom before I changed into a black Nike shirt with Cropped black leggings.

I say Down and Scrolled through Twitter as we still had abit untill the show ended.

"I'm going to strangle that fucking dick soon" Eva grumbled as she pulled on a pink shirt. 

"Agreed" I replied before liking a tweet.

After the show

I dragged my suitcase behind me before throwing it into the trunk of my rented black SUV, I slammed the trunk closed before hopping into the driver seat sticking my keys in the inigitinon ready to leave.


Nothing happened when I turned the key, I tried a few more times  before hitting the steering wheel in fusteration. I quickly swung the door open and walked around to the hood before lifting it and looking in at the engine before laughing slightly and shaking my head. 

"Alexa you aren't some fucking mechanic" I snapped to myself before slamming the hood down.

I groaned before leaning against my car, by this time all of the superstars had left the arena and were probably halfway to the next city.

"Car troubles?"  A familar irish accent filled the silent air. My eyes shot up to be met with a smirking Finn balor.

"Balor I swear to fucking god if you did th-" 

"Woah Woah princess calm down" He raised his hands in surrender "I didn't do anything, I'm cruel but not that cruel"

I rolled my eyes "Yeah I beg to fucking differ" I snapped rudely before pushing myself off the car. 

I sighed before running my fingers through my hair pulling out my phone.

"Do you want a ride" Finn piped up suddenly.

My eyes flickered up to his gaze "are you serious?" I said abit to harsh.

"Would you like to walk?" He crossed his arms. By car the next city was atleast 5-6 hours away and walking it is out of the question.

I weighed my options before sighing and nodding "Fine balor, But we're stopping at the first Starbucks in sight"

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