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After being gone for the week I was finally allowed to come back for the following Raw, and I had asked Triple h and Stephanie if I could interfere with Finns match later and they obliged considering the fans had loved our mini feud already, but they told me they weren't gonna tell Finn, to keep his reaction "authentic".

My partly red hair was curled into tight curls while I was wearing my red ring gear with a light smokey eye for make-up.

But currently I was sitting in catering with Nikki and Lana as they talked about Random stuff. I wasn't really paying attention as my eyes wandered around catering until I was met with familer blueish green ones.
Finn, he send me a sly look.

But he wasn't in his paint, he was wearing his familar black Jacket and black ring gear. I quickly tore my gaze away before turning back into Nicole and Lana's conversation.


Finns match was for the number one contendership, somehow last week Roman reigns wiggled his way into the title picture, so whoever won tonight moved on to face Kevin Owens.

Balor did his entrance first before Roman went out getting alot of boos like usual, Finn send Roman a glare before the bell rang indicating the match had begun.

A few minutes later Balor had Gotten the upper hand completely dominating Roman, I took this opportunity to walk onstage with a smug smirk on my face.

At first Nobody had really noticed I was there untill I got halfway down the ramp clapping slowly, Finn whipped around his eyes locking on mine for the second time that night.

His eyes got dark as he didn't once look away from me as I walked around the side of the Ring.

"Better pay attention to your Match balor" I call out smugly earning a few laughs from fans ringside. Finn quickly turned around only to be met with a bone crushing spear. I let out a laugh as Roman pinned him for the win.

Roman send a look my before exiting the ring leaving to backstage. I grabbed a mic from a ringside crewmember before sending another smirk to Finn who was seething by now.

"I geuss the fairy doesn't know what's good for her pretty little brain" I sent Finn a smug look before dropping my mic and exiting backstage.


"Pissing off Finn balor? I couldn't fucking do that, Girl you have some serious guts" Carmella stiffled a laugh as we walked towards the womens lockeroom. Me and Mella were the only women left as everyone else went home.

Me and Carmella Continued to talk as she finished packing and left, I bid my goodbye before Changing quickly into Black leggings and a Alexa t-shirt.
I left my hair down as I finshed packing my things until I heard the door open and close.

"Damn, what'd you forget this time?" I laughed turning around expecting Carmella but was met with a fuming Finn balor.

My smiled dropped. Oh shit

"Oh shit is right Princess" he glared at me. Fuck I said that out loud. He kept his eyes trained on me as he drew closer.

My eyes widened as I looked around looking for an escape route. "Oh I know what your thinking princess, and trust me there is no escaping this, You actually thought you could just interfere with my matches and not suffer consequences?" Venom dripping from his voice.

"Okay, Stop with the little pet names" I fumbled out looking up at him. He Smirked tilting his head "you scared Princess?" He Smirked knowing the pet name was clearly pissing me off.

"G-Get out" I studdered as my back hit the wall. He laughed trapping me between the wall and his body, "I'll leave when I feel like it Fairy, But from now on you are NOT to be interfering with my matches. You got it? Stay out of my business, because trust me you don't want me even more pissed off then I am right now" His breath hot against my neck as he lowered his head slightly. "Got it?" He snapped suddenly.

I nodded my head desperately wanting him to leave. His hand shot up slipping his fingers under my chin causing me to look into his. "Got it princess?" He grit his teeth, I nodded again " Y-Yes" I fumbled out before he backed away.

"Good, Goodbye princess" A hint of playfulness evident in his voice as he quickly exited leaving me alone.

What the fuck just happened.

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