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"Stephanie I can't hurt him," I plead with her in the office at wwe headquarters,

"Alexa this storyline is already booked, and its been on going already"

I sighed, I had been messing with Finn for a few weeks now and its been shit, for some reason I don't have the desire to hurt him.

"But if it makes you feel better I told Finn everything, about all the attacks and everything ahead just not who you are" she looks up at me.

I nodded, "But I wanna wrestle again, I don't want to just attack finn"

"Alexa you can't do this storyline and  wrestleing I'm sorry but you can start coming backstage now" she looks at me sadly.

"Fine, is this all?" I asked, she nods before I quickly exit irritated.

"Fucking bitch I wanna wrestle not do this stupid story-" I was cut off as I crashed into another human roughly causing me to fall onto my ass.

"Watch it!" I snap standing up.
"Alexa?" Finn responded, I quickly looked up and came face to face with the Irish man.

"H-Hey" I stumbled, "whatcha doin here?" He asked tilting his head.

"I, uh had a meeting with Stephanie, about me returning, not happening anytime soon" i sighed as he helped me up, I thanked him as I brushed myself off.

"I'm sorry that's sucks, But how have you been?" He smiles down at me and I instantly started to melt.

Wait? MELT!?

"I've been Fine, just bored and wanting to get back in that ring, You?" I smile back.

"Okay, Just this mysterious person has been really bugging me" he confesses.

I tensed, "o-oh yeah, I know it really sucks, I'm sorry"

Stupid Alexa! Why would you studder! Ugh.

"Yeah, well I have a meeting with Stephanie, Talk to you later?" He asks.

I nod, "Give me your phone" he obligeds and hands me it, I quickly add my number before handing it back.

"Text me later" I smile before waving bye and walking away.

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