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It's been a few months since the whole Brock incident, and it was now wrestlemania week.

Tonight we had The final Smackdown before Mania and I had a segment with Sasha banks to hype up our no disqualification match for the women's championship.

And Finn has a match at mania for the wwe championship against Roman  Reigns aswell.

I sat in the makeup chair as one of them was curling my hair while another finished up my makeup.

I had dark makeup tonight with abit of pink on the eyelids, and then they were just curling my hair tonight.

I also had on my blue and pink ring gear tonight, along with a cut up twisted bliss t-shirt.

A few minutes later everyone was finished with me, I thanked them before heading to catering to find Maryse and Carmella.

"Heyo" I smiled plopping down as Breezango vs The Usos match started in the ring.

I watched them for a minute before turning to Maryse and Carmellas conversation,

"Come on girl, you're an amazing wrestler, why won't you wrestle" Carmella says dragging out the ending of the wrestle.

"Maybe soon! Just not right now, I just wanna support mike" Maryse smiles as  the Usos hit  breezango with chairs causing the disqualification and end of the match.

That was my cue as me and Sasha were  next, "see you later ladies" I called before heading to the gorilla.

Once usos and Breezango were backstage we waited a few minutes before I made my entrance,

"Making her way to the ring, From Columbus, Ohio.... Alexa bliss!!"

I smirked before entering the ring and doing my hand gesture again before pulling my gloves off,

I gave them to a crewmember as Sashas entrance started,

She did her thing before finally entering the ring, I glared at her and right on cue she smirked and raised her title infront of me.

"You'll never have this!" She screamed, so some people and the camera could pick up on it.

I rolled my eyes before I quickly tackled her to the ground, She screamed as I threw repeated punches to her face.

Eventually I pushed her out of the ring, She tried getting back in the ring to grab her title but I chased her off before grabbing it and raising it above my head.

"Never!" She yelled holding her jaw backing up the ramp.

I smirked once again at her before she disappeared backstage, I dropped the title and exited the ring as a crewmember picked up the discarded title bringing it backstage.

Once backstage  I passed Aiden English as he prepared for his match,

I walked down the hallway fixing my gear when all of a sudden someone wrapped their arm around my shoulder, "Ready for Mania?" Finns familiar voice filled the empty hallway.

"Definitely, I'm ready to win that women's title, Are you ready tho?" I looked up at him as we turned the corner.

"I'm totally ready, Reigns is going down" He smirks gently.

Me and Finn talked for abit before he went off to prepare for his match.

I went into the women's lockeroom and changed into some sweats and a black t-shirt before grabbing my things and leaving the arena.

I had a interview tomorrow With Sportsnet then a photo shoot for Mania, and then Thursday I had my axxess signing and photos, and then Friday was just preparations for hall of fame, then the actual hall of fame  and then Saturday was nxt takeover,  and then wrestlemania Sunday.

So I had a pretty packed shedule for the next few days but it's nothing I couldn't handle.

I was finally back in my hotelroom where I took a quick shower before pulling out an outfit for tomorrow morning.

Finally I collapsed onto the bed before slowly drifting off to sleep.

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