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Wrestlemania Sunday
In less then 25 minutes Wrestlemania was set to kick off.

I looked in the mirror at My silver and blue ring gear for tonight, I also had a leather jacket with my logo on the back for my entrance.

I paced back and forth in the women's locker room as Sasha gets ready aswell as the other women who were in the tag team match later.

"Alexa stop pacing you're gonna do amazing later" Sasha says as she places a hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks, you'll do amazing aswell" I breathed out calming my nerves.

Sasha is supose to retain but regardless I was excited to perform on my very first mania.

I sighed and grabbed my phone before heading towards the back area to talk to my parents before they found their seats.

I eventually found them and they both gave me a tight hug. "You're gonna do amazing later sweetie, I can't wait for you to win the title"  my mom said happily.

I wasn't even allowed to tell my parents about me not winning later.

We talked abit before the show started and they went to find their seats.

I walked back to catering and found Carmella.

"I think I'm gonna puke" I muttered sitting beside her.

Carmella laughs and looks at Me, "Trust me girl, you're gonna do amazing, not to mention you have a certain Irish man cheering you on so that's abit of a motivater" Carmella smirks.

"Shush!" I exclaimed hitting her gently.

We talk for awhile longer until her tag team with Natayla Vs Tamina and Lana was due to start.

I scrolled through Twitter for abit before getting up to find Finn.

His match was the main event so he still had awhile until his match, while mine was in 2 matches.

I eventually found him sitting on a crate near the back of the arena in his ring gear except he had black basket ball shorts on and one of his shirts.

"I'm not the only one nervous right?"  I said sitting beside him.

"Nope" he said before wrapping his arm around my shoulder and pulling me into him "don't worry princess, you have nothing to worry about, you're gonna kick Sasha's ass and become women's champion.

Yeah right, no I'm not.

"And you'll kick Romans  and be wwe champion" I smiled before hugging him gently.
"I can't believe I'm at mania and I have a women's title match" I said happily, I could care less if Sasha was gonna win, I had a match at wrestlemania and that's all that matters.

We sat in comfortable silence for awhile with Finns arm still wrapped around my shoulders

"I still remember how much we used to hate eachother"  Finn broke the silence suddenly.

I smiled and giggled slightly "The good old days where we'd interfere in eachother matches, cost eachother championships"

"Who ever thought we'd be here now" Finn says quietly.

"I didn't" I responded.

"Me either" Finn said.

"But I'm glad we're like this now, because there's no one else I'd  rather be with" I got a sudden stroke of confidence as I looked up into Finns eyes.

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