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Finn Pov  :)

I leaned against a crate, scrolling through Twitter before stumbling across a tweet lexi sent out the night prior following wrestlemania,

@ / Alexablisswwe
you're still a champion in my eyes

and included was the picture of us from my meet and greet,  I smiled at the picture quickly saving it to my phone, I made a mental note to try and find Lexi, I didn't mean to brush her off last night I was just really upset, I was hoping to win but they changed the outcome 30 minutes before the match,

I was pulled from my thoughts as Sasha waltz up to me, I gave her a confused look as Sasha barely talks to me, like ever, I gave her a small smile as she stopped infront of me.

"Hey Balor" she gives me a smirk, I did not like the feeling it gave me, "Hey Sasha" I responded immediately looking down at my phone hoping she would get the hint to go away, but instead she stepped right up to me,

"you and alexa been getting awfully close, shame if someone ruined that"  her voice dripping with hate, I didn't even have a chance to react because next thing I knew her lips were on mine, my hands immediately flew up to shove her off but a loud gasp caught my attention, I pushed Sasha away and turned to face the gasp and found Alexa standing there, Heartbreak all over her face,

"Ale-" she didn't let me finish as she turned on her heels and ran, "Are you fucking kidding me!?" I turned to Sasha, I was seething while she stood there trying to play innocent "why you mad? now you can have a real women" she said with a smirk leaning against the same crate I was against not even a minute prior.

"Shes more of a women then you'll ever be!, She's kind, caring and would never pull a stunt like this!" I paused for a moment before turning and  trying to find Lexi.


I jumped awake in my bed, my heartbeat was racing, I  was breathing heavily and clutching my sheets, with tears in my eyes I pushed myself off the bed and onto the floor.

It's been a week since I witnessed Sasha and Finn kiss, I still can't wrap my head around it, how could Finn kiss me, then immediately the next day kiss Sasha? did I really mean that little to him?

I checked the time and it was 4:36 Am, I had a 7:30am flight to Dallas for Raw so I just decided to pack my things and head to the airport,

I took my sweet time getting ready, even taking a nice shower before exiting  my room and checking out of my hotel.

Considering it was 5:30 in the morning the roads were dead, I made it to the airport in record time,  Stopping off to get some  Starbucks of course,

Over an hour and a half later I was finally checked through the long security line  and boarded my flight.

I thankfully got a window seat near the back of the plane, I plopped down in my seat and settled in before pulling my phone out.

I peered out the window when suddenly I heard someone sit down on the chair  near the row, leaving the middle seat open,

I kept my head out the window trying not to look at the person who was too close for my liking, My heart raced as I could practically feel  him burning a hole through me.

Finn Freakin Balor

I bit my lip as I fiddled with the rings on my fingers, it was only a couple of hours but its going to be tough,

unfortunately nobody took the seat between us, so it was a clear view of eachother, I sneaked a peek, and had his headphones in and was say back with eyes closed, he was wearing black sweats and a red T-shirt, with some sort of company or brand on it but I couldn't make it out,

I quickly adverted my gaze as the plane started to take off, I always hated this part, my fingers dug into the arm rest as I screwed my eyes shutit's okay Lexi, you're on a beach, you're watching the waves calmly lap up onto the beach as a group of kids play football, the distant sound of seagulls in the background and the sun beating down-

The plane started hitting some turbulence, I kept my eyes shut slowly chewing on my lip, I'm pretty sure I will break my fingers if I grip onto this armrest any harder, Suddenly, I felt a warm hand clamp over mine, slowly rubbing circles on the back of my hand, I slowly parted my eyes to see Finn reached over and grabbing onto my hand, as much as I hate him right now I  needed some comfort right now,

I intertwined my hand with his squeezing as the plane hits some more turbulence, Finn kept his hand intertwined with mine and kept squeezing mine gently, reassuring  me everything will be okay,

a couple minutes later the ride smoothed out, I realized our hands were still intertwined and I quickly pulled my hand away, and back into my lap, Finn stayed quiet as I spun my rings and changed the fingers they were on, it felt like an enternity but in reality  it was probably  less than 5 minutes before my voice broke the silence between us.

"Thank you" I said barely above a whisper, I prayed to God that he either wouldn't hear it or choose to keep quiet but alas he spoke

"I'm sorry" was all he said, I knew why he was apologizing, for tearing my heart to shreds, but an apology won't change anything, I wasn't even going to answer, I was just going to ignore him but my spiteful ass had to

"sorry won't fix everything" I said my voice slightly wavering, I didn't want to have this conversation, I want to be laid up in bed away from the world, "Alexa I never meant to hurt you, she kissed me,-"

"I can't do this right now" I cut him off, hurt filling my voice as I slipped on my earbuds and letting Panic! At The Disco fill my ears, I picked at my fingernails as I felt Finns gaze on me still, I held back tears before turning to look out the window, I thought about his words, did he really mean not to hurt me? did Sasha really kiss him? or is he just trying to hurt me, I thought we got over our hate for eachother,

Was Finn just playing with me?


well, it's been a minute .......(okay a year)
but I've finally updated, I've been reading through this story and I'm thinking about rewriting it, because honestly it's kinda bad and some of the stories don't make a whole lot of sense to me, but I am planning on finishing this story and then rewriting, so to everyone still reading, thank you and I hope you liked the chapter :)

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