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3 weeks later
I crossed my legs as I watched Finn cut a promo.

I was sitting in my pink and black ring gear, I finally have my first match tonight against the women's champion Nikki, but that was later right now Finn was talking about how he wants real competition, Last week he cut a promo about how I was pathetic and obessed with him, it honestly killed me inside and I was super upset.

Finn has been ignoring me and giving me cold glares whenever we see each other.

I sighed and stood up and made my way to the gorilla to prepare for my match.

I propped my leg up on the wall and stretched it out before doing the same with the other.

I started stretching my arms when Finn appeared finally finishing his promo.

I quickly lowered my gaze and turned before stretching out my arm.

I felt Finn brush against me as he walked past, I held my breath as I was told to start my entrance, I nodded as my music started to play.

I walked out with a smirk on my face, I did my signature hand move before making my way into the ring.


I watched Alexa lower her gaze as I made it backstage, She looked so gorgeous in her gear tonight with her hair curled and her makeup.

I brushed past her with a sigh as I made my way to catering, I was so upset at her for being the mysterious attacker after me, But I not as much as I want to be, it seems everytime I look at her the anger disappears.

I watched her make her entrance, she entered the ring with a confident smirk on her face as Nikki' s music plays, she sends a glare to Nikki before the camera panned to Nikki.

I smiled to myself as they showed Alexa again, Damn this girl really has a spell on me.

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